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Crystal hack: Pokemon Lunatic Crystal v1.6

The game has been updated to version 1.6!

All the features are listed in the description and all the information is available in the new and updated documents, which include moveset changes, stat and type changes, move changes, mart changes, encounter tables and all the important trainers and rematches.

The most important things for this update are the Repel, the PC Pocket, 30 post game level 100 rematches, new Team Rocket executives, Hidden Power changes, some new type changes, and a complete overhaul of pretty much every boss fight. I also added extra events and post game fights, as well making the progression of the game more linear and slightly different.

I hope you enjoy this new update!
Do we need to start a new file on the new update? After updating the game, when i open key items or balls pocket, the game crashes. I first applied the update to a fresh rom and imported the save, then just patched the 1.5 rom directly and same result. Would hate to lose my progress if i didnt have to.

Great difficulty hack with amazing choices. Looking forward to playing it more, hopefully without starting over.
Do we need to start a new file on the new update? After updating the game, when i open key items or balls pocket, the game crashes. I first applied the update to a fresh rom and imported the save, then just patched the 1.5 rom directly and same result. Would hate to lose my progress if i didnt have to.

Great difficulty hack with amazing choices. Looking forward to playing it more, hopefully without starting over.
Sadly you have to start over. The file technically works as long as you don't use the bag, you can still fight updated teams that you haven't fought but yeah, starting over is the best course of action.

I think even if you were to import and play you could still run into some issues, I changed events between the versions and as a result some of them shifted, so in my test runs some events that I had already completed were not recognized properly by the game.

Due to how the game is programmed to to accept inputs, the shifts in the data that I had to make to expand the bag make the game refuse inputs, so that's why there are these issues with the bag. I tried to play around it but to no avail, sorry about that, hope it doesn't take away from your enjoyment. Glad to hear that you're enjoying the hack (y)
Sadly you have to start over. The file technically works as long as you don't use the bag, you can still fight updated teams that you haven't fought but yeah, starting over is the best course of action.

I think even if you were to import and play you could still run into some issues, I changed events between the versions and as a result some of them shifted, so in my test runs some events that I had already completed were not recognized properly by the game.

Due to how the game is programmed to to accept inputs, the shifts in the data that I had to make to expand the bag make the game refuse inputs, so that's why there are these issues with the bag. I tried to play around it but to no avail, sorry about that, hope it doesn't take away from your enjoyment. Glad to hear that you're enjoying the hack (y)
Thanks for explaining. This hack seriously is amazing. I love it. Keep up the amazing work!
It was my preference, but I was open to suggestions, two users here suggested the idea and generally the dissaembly discord agreed that it was the better choice and I still playtested it before releasing it and thought it was fine.

The obedience caps are still there, albeit not so much as a anti-overleveling feature but more of a anti cheating measure, it's still in the source code, though I will need to update it on GitHub.

But it's a simple enough edit so if there is interest I'm open to releasing two versions once I feel like the hack is truly complete, it's mostly one version for now because RomHacking allows for one file to be uploaded (where the hack is crossposted). There's also a plan for a 0DV and a Max DV Rom later down the line if there is interest, I've had this suggested to me on Reddit.

The leader levels are changed, there is a link to the documents in the description, they come in a ZIP file and there's a document called "Lunatic Crystal Trainers" that lists the levels of all major battles, the level caps are the Leader's highest level.

But to save time here are the level caps:
Falkner - 15
Bugsy - 24
Whitney - 29
Morty - 36
Chuck - 41
Jasmine - 44
Pryce - 53
Clair - 65
Elite 4 and Lance - 75

There are no level caps in Kanto, since beating Lance for the first time sets the cap to 100.
I would absolutely love a Max DV Rom version. Would make it even more challenging. Fantastic Rom. I love it.
Where can I find Fly? Just got to the elite 4. Thanks in advance!!
i'm playing on that great version, however i have a question: are the EVs points modified ? Because in the instruction lists by the author are not mentioned and i have a pokemon at level 75 that are statics calculate with 0 EVs points.
Is the another difficult aspect during the game ?
Thanks for the answers.
i'm playing on that great version, however i have a question: are the EVs points modified ? Because in the instruction lists by the author are not mentioned and i have a pokemon at level 75 that are statics calculate with 0 EVs points.
Is the another difficult aspect during the game ?
Thanks for the answers.
Gen 1 and 2 use a system called Stat Experience, but in this version Pokemon do not gain it so they will be left with the base 0 points, the only thing that determines stats in Lunatic Crystal are the individual DVs of each Pokemon.

Badge boosts have been removed as well, so the player will always be on par with the AI.
Great rom hack. Really have enjoyed a much more challenging playthrough of generation 2. The game feels so much more balanced and some Pokémon are far more useable with updated stats, typings and move pools. Really nice work.

Does the Mystery Gift function still work? I haven't been able to get it to work using the girl on the fifth floor of Goldenrod Coty store. Just wondering how to obtain some of the rarer items, particularly the Scope Lens as I see some boss Pokémon have it. Is this in the Kanto Celadon Department Store or has it been removed from the game?
Great rom hack. Really have enjoyed a much more challenging playthrough of generation 2. The game feels so much more balanced and some Pokémon are far more useable with updated stats, typings and move pools. Really nice work.

Does the Mystery Gift function still work? I haven't been able to get it to work using the girl on the fifth floor of Goldenrod Coty store. Just wondering how to obtain some of the rarer items, particularly the Scope Lens as I see some boss Pokémon have it. Is this in the Kanto Celadon Department Store or has it been removed from the game?
Scope Lens is still in the game, you can get it as one of the prizes from Buena's Password, other items there include the Berserk Gene, Focus Band or Lucky Egg.

The Mystery Gift function doesn't work now due to a lot of the game's data having shifted, for instance Lunatic Crystal isn't compatible with normal trading or with using cheat codes that would work in the original game, the Mystery Gift is sort of a leftover from the original ROM, I will look to remove it in a future update and change the girl to have a different function.

All the new items that can be purchased have been listed in the Mart file, Focus Band for example is now the number 1 prize in the Bug Catching Contest, Leftovers can be obtained after speaking to the NPC that checks your badges in Vermilion and of course all the items can be obtained with the use of Thief on enemy Pokemon.

Thanks for giving the hack try and glad to hear that you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the info!

Just a heads up, I've noticed an error on the Wild Encounters document for Route 46. I've seen level 5 Pichu's on Route 46. The document lists level 5 Jigglypuffs at all times of day, but I haven't seen this at all. There are level 7 Igglybuff's that appear though.

My thought is that level 5 Pichu has a 5% encounter rate on route 46. Don't believe there are any Jigglypuff that appear here (as listed in the document) and level 7 Igglybuff do show.

Does this seem accurate? Is there a level 5 baby Pokémon that has a 5% encounter rate at night? Trying a new playthrough and would like to give Jynx, Electabuzz, and Magmar a go and wanted to check their earliest availability. Thank you!
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Thanks for the info!

Just a heads up, I've noticed an error on the Wild Encounters document for Route 46. I've seen level 5 Pichu's on Route 46. The document lists level 5 Jigglypuffs at all times of day, but I haven't seen this at all. There are level 7 Igglybuff's that appear though.

My thought is that level 5 Pichu has a 5% encounter rate on route 46. Don't believe there are any Jigglypuff that appear here (as listed in the document) and level 7 Igglybuff do show.

Does this seem accurate? Is there a level 5 baby Pokémon that has a 5% encounter rate at night? Trying a new playthrough and would like to give Jynx, Electabuzz, and Magmar a go and wanted to check their earliest availability. Thank you!
Yeah, the documents that were listed in one of the replies here aren't up to date, when releasing this new update I forgot to update the encounter document at first, I did slightly adjust them so that the player can catch more Baby Pokemon in the wild.

The mediafire link with the documents has all of the updated documents, including the encounters one so that one is accurate. Pichu has a 5% encounter rate, yes.

Jynx is unchanged, it's in the Ice Path still, Elekid is on Route 38 and 39, Magby is in the Burned Tower alongside Magmar. You can get both Electabuzz and Magmar after Falkner, but you have to wait until after Pryce to get Jynx so your best bet is to reset until Smoochum is the Odd Egg Pokemon.
Yeah, the documents that were listed in one of the replies here aren't up to date, when releasing this new update I forgot to update the encounter document at first, I did slightly adjust them so that the player can catch more Baby Pokemon in the wild.

The mediafire link with the documents has all of the updated documents, including the encounters one so that one is accurate. Pichu has a 5% encounter rate, yes.

Jynx is unchanged, it's in the Ice Path still, Elekid is on Route 38 and 39, Magby is in the Burned Tower alongside Magmar. You can get both Electabuzz and Magmar after Falkner, but you have to wait until after Pryce to get Jynx so your best bet is to reset until Smoochum is the Odd Egg Pokemon.
You are correct, looks like I had the older files downloaded. Went ahead and downloaded the updated files for use.

Regarding the odd egg, do all odd eggs produce a Pokémon with perfect DVs? I noticed the Igglybuff that hatched on my last play through had perfect DVs in every stat. Wasn't sure if this was by luck or design since that is extremely rare for wild encountered Pokémon. Thanks!
You are correct, looks like I had the older files downloaded. Went ahead and downloaded the updated files for use.

Regarding the odd egg, do all odd eggs produce a Pokémon with perfect DVs? I noticed the Igglybuff that hatched on my last play through had perfect DVs in every stat. Wasn't sure if this was by luck or design since that is extremely rare for wild encountered Pokémon. Thanks!
That is intentional, all non-shiny Odd Egg Pokemon have perfect DVs with the exception of Tyrogue who either has 14/15/15/15 or 15/14/15/15 to allow for it to evolve to either Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee.

It's very rare to get perfect DVs and it is a one time event so I think it's a fair trade-off since you do miss out on one of the best ways to get a shiny.
Hi! That was an awesome job, i finished all the game except for the pokedex. I cannot find the fossils, i only need the 4 fossils to complete Pokédex... Where can i find them?
Hi! That was an awesome job, i finished all the game except for the pokedex. I cannot find the fossils, i only need the 4 fossils to complete Pokédex... Where can i find them?
You can get the fossils by smashing rocks and you can revive them in Mahogany. Thanks for giving the hack a go and I'm glad you enjoyed it