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Pokemon Manga into an Anime?

Hmmm, I'm torn. I'd love to see it animated, I'd like it in colour and I'm one of those people who find it hard to imagine voices when I'm reading. But if it was, then they'd all be turned into complete gimps, with bad voices, who say stuff like "gosh darn it" -__-;;;
At first I thought that it would be impossible for the pokemon adventures manga to be turned into an anime but now I was thinking and I think it would still be possible after all. I mean the timespan from the mangas first release is not a problem.

You see I know two mangas turned anime (Detective Conan and Naruto) and I think I have a general idea of how they translate. For a 16 page manga per chapter it usually takes them 1 and a half chapter to make 1 episode (based on my observation). so if there are 10 chapters per volume that would make at least 26 episodes for every 3 volumes (including the other chapters that have 22 pages) and japanese episodes usually broadcasts 42 episodes per year, so in my count it should be able to reach the emerald chapter after 5 years or so. After all if they do make filler episodes it would be after every saga in order to avoid ruining the plot. But the first thing that should happen is the first anime has to go.
At first I thought that it would be impossible for the pokemon adventures manga to be turned into an anime but now I was thinking and I think it would still be possible after all. I mean the timespan from the mangas first release is not a problem.

You see I know two mangas turned anime (Detective Conan and Naruto) and I think I have a general idea of how they translate. For a 16 page manga per chapter it usually takes them 1 and a half chapter to make 1 episode (based on my observation). so if there are 10 chapters per volume that would make at least 26 episodes for every 3 volumes (including the other chapters that have 22 pages) and japanese episodes usually broadcasts 42 episodes per year, so in my count it should be able to reach the emerald chapter after 5 years or so. After all if they do make filler episodes it would be after every saga in order to avoid ruining the plot. But the first thing that should happen is the first anime has to go.

heck yea!
you're totally right!
but we're also talking about voices... and i think they're right when they say that the voices COULD make the whole thing bad...
I would like to see the manga made into an anime, but, like everyone else said, 4Kids would totally screw it up by removing the actual PLOT and parts considered "inappropriate" (like that part where Gold pats Blue on the butt) because as we all know, the current anime is watched mainly by four and five-year-olds. Censorship? Wow.

And yes, there are immature third-graders who read Special (information gained from spying on little children on the school bus.)

And they would make Yellow sound like Ash's voice with a Texan accent while she was a "boy" and then put in the Dawn voice with a Texan accent. Oh my gosh I can actually see those coming out of Yellow's mouth...
I would love to see that!What volume a chapter does that happen at?Cause we all know Goldy likes the oldies!Please someone PM me a picture of that.Yeah, Silver will get an emo voice, and I think Yellow should be voice by Tara Strong, cause she likes playing 10 year old boys.
heck yea!
you're totally right!
but we're also talking about voices... and i think they're right when they say that the voices COULD make the whole thing bad...

The voices are not a problem either. I am sure many will agree with me that the only problems with voices are the english dub right? Then why don't we use the japanese translation instead? I am sure fansub groups all over the world would roll at the chance to sub pokemon adventures if it does turn anime (this forum for instance) and if any of you watch detective conan, compared to its english version I am sure you would also agree with me that japanese versions are better.

Just like naruto they could make filer arcs in pokemon adventures, exclusively on the anime but I doubt that since after all they can't capture any pokemon on the filers and the heroes change every chapter.
Me? Though I'd hate to see it butchered by a bad dubbing team, I'd love to see a Special anime. I like dubs cause subtitles distract my attention >.> Just keep poking 4Kids with a Japan stick and they'll keep away from this.

Yellow should be voice by Tara Strong, cause she likes playing 10 year old boys.
What about 11-year-old crossdressers? :P Bah, you took the words right out of my mouth... She can do both male and female voices quite well.

I could totally see Emerald being voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz (Guy who did Zim from Invader Zim, Daggett from Angry Beavers, and Billy and his dad from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy). If done slightly more seriously, I reckon his voice would be perfect.
I would love to see that!What volume a chapter does that happen at?Cause we all know Goldy likes the oldies!Please someone PM me a picture of that.Yeah, Silver will get an emo voice, and I think Yellow should be voice by Tara Strong, cause she likes playing 10 year old boys.

Silver would get an emo voice. <3

And I gasped and spazzed and hyperventilated at your theme. <333

Me? Though I'd hate to see it butchered by a bad dubbing team, I'd love to see a Special anime. I like dubs cause subtitles distract my attention >.> Just keep poking 4Kids with a Japan stick and they'll keep away from this.

Ah, now if that were the scenario, then it'd be great! ^-^
Silver would get an emo voice. <3

And I gasped and spazzed and hyperventilated at your theme. <333

Ah, now if that were the scenario, then it'd be great! ^-^
You can use my theme if you like, I have other themes to try.Let's just hope he doesn't get a Sasuke or Paul voice, he could get Zuko's VA, but a bit lower toned, or David Kaufman, just more deppresive.BTW, people get me the Gold pats Blue on the butt pic.
You can use my theme if you like, I have other themes to try.Let's just hope he doesn't get a Sasuke or Paul voice, he could get Zuko's VA, but a bit lower toned, or David Kaufman, just more deppresive.BTW, people get me the Gold pats Blue on the butt pic.

Ah. I love Zuko. :3 That would be a nice voice, just a tad lower, of course.

About Gold and Blue, you could probably find it in the manga scans...I'm probably gonna search that out, too. If I happen to find it...I'll send it to you. ^^
now that i think about it, Tara Strong wouldn't be a bad voice actor for yellow at all...
Now I wish I knew who Tara Strong was. X.x

And I want Taco Bell...but, that's nothing new. -grabs a Venonat- :3 Fuzzy.
Tara Strong is the voice actor for Rikku in Final Fantasy X and Ben Tennison on Ben10
It's been cool reading all the reply's, especially the ones about possible voice-actors. It seems that most people are for the manga being turned into an anime series as long as 4kids don't get their dirty, anime-killing hands on it. So another question, which company would you like to have making it into an anime?

Personally for me it would have to be a company like Bones or Toei. I absolutely love the Fullmetal Alchemist anime made by Bones and I thought it was done really well, even though they did change half the story from the manga... As for Toei, well I'm also a huge Dragonball fan and although some of the filler does get annoying, it also allowed for new stories e.g. The Garlic Jr and Otherworld Tournament Saga's and the 13 DBZ Movies.
As for English dubbing, I'd go FUNimation, who actually did the dubbing for the above 2 series' and, as a guy who's also read the manga's of those series', I think they got it pretty right.

Anywayz,that's my 2 cents. What's your opinion?
It's been cool reading all the reply's, especially the ones about possible voice-actors. It seems that most people are for the manga being turned into an anime series as long as 4kids don't get their dirty, anime-killing hands on it. So another question, which company would you like to have making it into an anime?

Personally for me it would have to be a company like Bones or Toei. I absolutely love the Fullmetal Alchemist anime made by Bones and I thought it was done really well, even though they did change half the story from the manga... As for Toei, well I'm also a huge Dragonball fan and although some of the filler does get annoying, it also allowed for new stories e.g. The Garlic Jr and Otherworld Tournament Saga's and the 13 DBZ Movies.
As for English dubbing, I'd go FUNimation, who actually did the dubbing for the above 2 series' and, as a guy who's also read the manga's of those series', I think they got it pretty right.

Anywayz,that's my 2 cents. What's your opinion?

Bones is also the creator of wolf's rain correct? However I've also watched full metal alchemist and although it had a good but unexpected storyline it didn't concentrate much on intense battles don't they? For example in fullmetal alchemist, Dante, Glutony, Wrath, and Envy were never really defeated in battle weren't they? And they sort of rushed the ending. Both wolf's rain and fullmetal alchemist are sort of morbid and I don't think it would fit pokemon adventures too much. Don't get me wrong the pokemon anime is to damm cheerful but I don't want a pokemon anime that is too morbid either.
I got a studio in mind, Studio Pierrot, the guys and girls who are responsible for the Naruto and Bleach animes. I know both can get a little stale with fillers at some points and there is a bit of milkage, but you can't deny that overall the studio does a superb job. I think we can all agree that they stay true to the original art concept, they've know how to portray epic battles (one of my favorite moments in anime is the battle between Naruto and Sasuke at the end of the original series), and they are really are good at capturing the feel of the series. What do you think? Oh, and here's another thought: If we do decide on a studio we all like, could we petition them to do the series?
yeah, we can't just talk about without doing anything. even if it's decided that there won't be an Anime, at least we know that we tried.

Sorry I haven't responded for ages, I've had exams so I haven't been on.
But anyways, I think that making a petition is a fantastic idea guys! I found a site that lets you make them for free, here at a place called petitiononline (google it :P).

So let's get some studio ideas!

Omni89: I think StudioPierrot would probably do a really good job on this, and Bleach and Naruto are fantastic examples. I think they are definately a candidate.
I totally support people in asking for a Special Anime. It'd rock, I love the manga.

But I also love the current anime. I wish people would stop bashing it. And I agree with what another member said: while the battles in Pokemon Special are pretty cool (and usually more violent than the anime) it's nothing so HORRIBLE that they'd have to censor it. At it's core, Pokemon Special is about Friendship and bonding with Pokemon, just like the current anime :/ [gets off his soapbox]

It'd be a looong series too. I wonder if anyone would be able to pull it off.
*skims topic* ...Why does this not include Japanese voice actors at all?


Silver would have to be Paku Romi (Hitsugaya, Ichijouji Ken, Ed Elric), that's just perfect typecasting. At first, I thought maybe Matsumoto Rika (Satoshi in Pokemon) would be OK for Red, but Red kind of has this wisdom that Sato lacks (shame, because I love Matsumoto-san's voice!). Gold should be Takeuchi Junko (Uzumaki Naruto, Kanbara Takuya) because Takuya from Digimon Frontier is the spitting image of Gold, I swear. Blue is MOST DEFINITELY Hirano Aya (Suzumiya Haruhi, Izumi Konata) because Blue is the EXACT SAME THING as Haruhi-- crazy, mischievous, and totally awesome.

It's never going to happen though. Online petitions NEVER work, especially from fans OUTSIDE OF JAPAN. That, and considering that Red/Green/Blue is pretty old, the Pokemon Company would probably never even consider it. The only way that American prodding could get this to work is if some very rich or influential insider who is already a fan of Special paid big bucks and didn't care about commercial failure.
I really love to see that coming true but it's difficult to see that coming true. Because, and it was already said, the guys for 4kids wouldn't allow that. Certainly here in Portugal the only place I could see that would be by cable TV.