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Pokemon Manga into an Anime?

*skims topic* ...Why does this not include Japanese voice actors at all?


Silver would have to be Paku Romi (Hitsugaya, Ichijouji Ken, Ed Elric), that's just perfect typecasting. At first, I thought maybe Matsumoto Rika (Satoshi in Pokemon) would be OK for Red, but Red kind of has this wisdom that Sato lacks (shame, because I love Matsumoto-san's voice!). Gold should be Takeuchi Junko (Uzumaki Naruto, Kanbara Takuya) because Takuya from Digimon Frontier is the spitting image of Gold, I swear. Blue is MOST DEFINITELY Hirano Aya (Suzumiya Haruhi, Izumi Konata) because Blue is the EXACT SAME THING as Haruhi-- crazy, mischievous, and totally awesome.

It's never going to happen though. Online petitions NEVER work, especially from fans OUTSIDE OF JAPAN. That, and considering that Red/Green/Blue is pretty old, the Pokemon Company would probably never even consider it. The only way that American prodding could get this to work is if some very rich or influential insider who is already a fan of Special paid big bucks and didn't care about commercial failure.

OMG. I think Blue as Aya Hirano as well! I thought i was the only one XD I made a video with Blue with the song God knows... on youtube about it and said that i wanted her to be the voice actor XD
Chances are that, should a miracle happen and Pokemon Special DOES get an anime adaptation, well... I really doubt the owners of the current anime would really let that go to other companies and whatnot. Therefore the idea of it going to 4kids almost seems set in stone, as much as I hate the idea.

Of course, who knows? One Piece managed to escape 4kids after all, and that just might have been the beginning.
One Piece was a ratings turkey for 4Kids. Pokemon, on the other hand, is guaranteed to bring in the cash because it has a well-establish toy and merchandise line. 4Kids would never give that up.
*real russian accent*
I see Diamond as a young russian, because Sinnoh is a part of Holonia, Earth's 2nd country with the name Holon in it. (sues Pokemon) Maybe he might be played by a russian who can speak well, or some other guy from USSR.
*weaker accent, more canadian-type*
This is a waste of time. I'm going to report post #41.
It's never going to happen though. Online petitions NEVER work, especially from fans OUTSIDE OF JAPAN. That, and considering that Red/Green/Blue is pretty old, the Pokemon Company would probably never even consider it. The only way that American prodding could get this to work is if some very rich or influential insider who is already a fan of Special paid big bucks and didn't care about commercial failure.[/quote]

That is correct I have never seen any online petitions that do work. In instances where fans request to make another season of a show or save it from transfering ownership to another company petitions are useless.

By the way what did you mean by Red/Green/Blue being pretty old? If you mean that they are 16 years old what is wrong with that? If there is an anime adaptation many fans would find it as a sign of maturity and I believe that it would mean a new image for pokemon having the potential for seriousness.

In the manga they use pokemon in ways I never thought would be possible. It would be better than the CURRENT ANIME, Ash just DOES NOT AGE. No matter how they change his voice cast and no matter how many seasons past he doesn't age or gets taller. He should be 17 or even 20 now. Also its so repetitive, Jessie, James, and Meowth is in every episode without even doing something useful, they are just there just to butt in and after 2 seconds they are gone.

Sorry about ranting guys thats just how I feel. I have been used to watching anime and television so long the fact that I believe that the manga has the potential for television thats being wasted on a more inferior, poor excuse for a compromise drives me crazy. (No offense to anyone ok?)
Well, ok, it may not work. But who cares? Atleast we will have tried rather than just doing nothing! I actually think we may have a chance because of Satoshi Tajiri(creator of Pokemon). He likes the manga and at one stage stated that "This is the comic that most resembles the world I was trying to convey". So, ya never know :)

Going back to Red/Blue/Green really could actually be a very good thing as it could get newer fans interested in the older games and pokemon as well as bring older Pokemon fans in. And as Video Fan says, it could create a new image for Pokemon, quite possibly making it appeal to an older audience as well.
Afterall, their only 13 yrs old this year.

Some people have stated that 4kids probably wouldn't want to pass this up, and I agree. BUT it's the Pokemon Company's choice who gets the rights and I'm sure that if we can get them to even consider making this, we can get them to choose a better company.

So come on! Let's get some more company ideas out and give this thing a go! If we can get a couple more, I'll make a poll.
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Well, ok, it may not work. But who cares? Atleast we will have tried rather than just doing nothing! I actually think we may have a chance because of Satoshi Tajiri(creator of Pokemon). He likes the manga and at one stage stated that "This is the comic that most resembles the world I was trying to convey". So, ya never know :)

Going back to Red/Blue/Green really could actually be a very good thing as it could get newer fans interested in the older games and pokemon as well as bring older Pokemon fans in. And as Video Fan says, it could create a new image for Pokemon, quite possibly making it appeal to an older audience as well.
Afterall, their only 13 yrs old this year.

Some people have stated that 4kids probably wouldn't want to pass this up, and I agree. BUT it's the Pokemon Company's choice who gets the rights and I'm sure that if we can get them to even consider making this, we can get them to choose a better company.

So come on! Let's get some more company ideas out and give this thing a go! If we can get a couple more, I'll make a poll.

You do have a point about Satoshi Tajiri liking the manga and I also saw him aknowledging it as the world he liked to convey which in truth kinda annoys me. If he really likes it then why did he not make it an anime to begin with? Did he have a hand in creating the manga or the creators of the manga was just inspired by him? I mean did satoshi tajiri gave his ideas or contribute to the manga or did the authors just use the idea of pokemon and made it a story? I would accept if it really is hopeless to have an anime of it but I deserve as much as to have an answer to this question.
Well, I think it's because both the manga and anime series started in 1997, the anime on April 1st. By the time the manga popped its head out the door the first series of the anime was already in production and being shown. Why they haven't made the manga into an anime in more recent times I don't really know. Perhaps the demand just hasn't been enough (in which case we can show them just how many fans want this), I really dunno.

But no, Satoshi had no hand in the manga's production, or atleast, nothing majorly influential. So moreso the manga creators than Satoshi. My point was simply that he is a fan of it, therefore we may have a bit more of a chance.
By the way what did you mean by Red/Green/Blue being pretty old? If you mean that they are 16 years old what is wrong with that? If there is an anime adaptation many fans would find it as a sign of maturity and I believe that it would mean a new image for pokemon having the potential for seriousness.

...I meant that the games are old.

Which would be fine, but the problem is that few people are playing them anymore, and as great as they are, they aren't QUITE legendary status. You would have to have some kind of impetus for it. Starting a Pokemon Special anime actually could have been possible when Fire Red and Leaf Green came out, but now it's quite late.

As for the petition, seriously, if you 1) know how to contact Satoshi Tajiri, 2) can speak Japanese, 3) can obtain numbers of signatures in the multiple-tens-of-thousands, and 4) have other corporate connections and enough money to invest in a project, I say go for it. Unfortunately, without these, it's not going to happen; it's like those 12-year-old kids who write to Viz pitching an idea for a new anime story about warring ninjas and samurai who fight with fire and water powers, asking if they can get Kishimoto Masashi to direct it. It just doesn't work that way; if you think that Tajiri (who doesn't even make major decisions with Pokemon) will suddenly decide to invest millions on an old manga because a couple hundred Western fans want it, you've got another thing coming. When I say it's a waste of time, I don't mean that I don't want it to happen, I mean that there is literally no way that it could ever work. I'm not being pessimistic; I am being realistic. (Also, I'm a business major. But aside from that, you'll learn that naturally when you see more of how companies work =/)

There is one primary way for fans to influence an industry, and that is through cold hard cash. If a property starts to rake in more dough, companies take notice. Fan chatter-- especially from OUTSIDE OF JAPAN-- is definitely not enough. Without connections, you would be better off mobilizing fans to buy tens of thousands of copies of the manga. =/
even though i truly wish i could see an anime version of the manga... it won't happen. which is a shame because it's so much better than the anime.
...I meant that the games are old.

Which would be fine, but the problem is that few people are playing them anymore, and as great as they are, they aren't QUITE legendary status. You would have to have some kind of impetus for it. Starting a Pokemon Special anime actually could have been possible when Fire Red and Leaf Green came out, but now it's quite late.

As for the petition, seriously, if you 1) know how to contact Satoshi Tajiri, 2) can speak Japanese, 3) can obtain numbers of signatures in the multiple-tens-of-thousands, and 4) have other corporate connections and enough money to invest in a project, I say go for it. Unfortunately, without these, it's not going to happen; it's like those 12-year-old kids who write to Viz pitching an idea for a new anime story about warring ninjas and samurai who fight with fire and water powers, asking if they can get Kishimoto Masashi to direct it. It just doesn't work that way; if you think that Tajiri (who doesn't even make major decisions with Pokemon) will suddenly decide to invest millions on an old manga because a couple hundred Western fans want it, you've got another thing coming. When I say it's a waste of time, I don't mean that I don't want it to happen, I mean that there is literally no way that it could ever work. I'm not being pessimistic; I am being realistic. (Also, I'm a business major. But aside from that, you'll learn that naturally when you see more of how companies work =/)

There is one primary way for fans to influence an industry, and that is through cold hard cash. If a property starts to rake in more dough, companies take notice. Fan chatter-- especially from OUTSIDE OF JAPAN-- is definitely not enough. Without connections, you would be better off mobilizing fans to buy tens of thousands of copies of the manga. =/

Sad to say although many fans want it everything you say is true. But seriously if the manga reached the fans 2 years earlier than the anime then we would definitely have a naruto/detective conan style of manga to anime transfer and the current anime would not have come to existance. Its really a pity and not to mention a sad twist of fate. (In my opinion anyway)
Think of it this way guys: Even if the companies ACTUALLY considered it and decided to give it a shot, 4kids would TOTALLY butcher the original content with lame jokes, annoying voices, and stereotypical American phrases.
We should turn this topic into a how-4Kids-would-butcher-a-Pokemon-Special-anime.

Instead of traumatically trapping Red into a block of ice for months such that he eventually suffers serious, possibly permanent, physical complication, he gets plagued with a really bad cold for a week, and Yellow has to find the dastardly villains that turned Red into a poor sicky baby.

We should turn this topic into a how-4Kids-would-butcher-a-Pokemon-Special-anime.

Instead of traumatically trapping Red into a block of ice for months such that he eventually suffers serious, possibly permanent, physical complication, he gets plagued with a really bad cold for a week, and Yellow has to find the dastardly villains that turned Red into a poor sicky baby.


God, I LOVE bashing 4kids!!

Also, there would be about 39 friendship speeches per episode!
Well, actually contacting Satoshi isn't that hard. He's got a myspace account which he goes on regularly (search Satoshi Tajiri in google and its like the third one). As for the language problem, well I'm sure someone on here speaks Japanese but if not, there's always Babelfish :P
Signatures, well, if we go around to all of the forums, I'm sure we can get a good ammount, even if it's not multiple-tens-of-thousands. Sadly though, I do not have any connections or money. Still, 3 of 4 problems solved :P

And can we please not turn this into a "how-4Kids-would-butcher-a-Pokemon-Special-anime" as minakichan put it :)

At the very least we can try. If it doesn't work, then well, we've wasted a few minutes typing in a name to an online petiton and writing a message, so horrible.

If there are no more studio suggestions I'll put the couple already put forward (by me and videofan :P) onto a poll.
............It's fake.

A lot of people think it's really funny to pretend to be celebrities and make MySpace accounts, and a lot of unfortunate kids fall for them. It's VERY obvious though...

You won't lose anything by trying; I'm just saying don't get your hopes up and don't spend too much time on it. It's clearly not going to work.
Well, actually contacting Satoshi isn't that hard. He's got a myspace account which he goes on regularly (search Satoshi Tajiri in google and its like the third one). As for the language problem, well I'm sure someone on here speaks Japanese but if not, there's always Babelfish :P
Signatures, well, if we go around to all of the forums, I'm sure we can get a good ammount, even if it's not multiple-tens-of-thousands. Sadly though, I do not have any connections or money. Still, 3 of 4 problems solved :P

And can we please not turn this into a "how-4Kids-would-butcher-a-Pokemon-Special-anime" as minakichan put it :)

At the very least we can try. If it doesn't work, then well, we've wasted a few minutes typing in a name to an online petiton and writing a message, so horrible.

If there are no more studio suggestions I'll put the couple already put forward (by me and videofan :P) onto a poll.

I agree that there is no harm in trying. After all if by the very very very unlikely chance that that myspace account DOES belong to non other than Satoshi Tajiri himself then we've struck gold. But I wouldn't put too much faith on it. But in any case why don't we like test the myspace if he is by the unlikely chance legit?

Also by the couple you would put up onto a poll. You mean all our ideas?
............It's fake.

A lot of people think it's really funny to pretend to be celebrities and make MySpace accounts, and a lot of unfortunate kids fall for them. It's VERY obvious though...

Those accounts are SO annoying. I mean would a celebrity really be giving out their personal phone number and eMail address to a bunch of different fan sites?

Also, I doubt that there are 360 Miley Cyruses. Seriously, just go on to any fan site and you'll see at least 13 people claiming to be her.
Knowing 4Kids they'd probably make the girls the centre of attention, and never say that Yellow was a boy. But that would lead to no awesome shocked Red face... And they'd cut out Gold's "Dirty hands" and rather have him simply hit on Blue.

...But just remember, everyone, it's worth a try. And if our wishes come true, it'll stop the young PokéFans debating on how Ash's Pikachu is awesome... And talk about Pika instead >:3