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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Guardians of Sin and Virtue


and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    OOC: Okay yes this post will be a little harsh, but I'm just in character lol. Joys of the nerd life and roleplaying........

    The pain Layne was feeling was starting to disappear. His foot, with a few twitches, and movements under the skin which felt weird, but not painful, returned as healthy as it once was. His torn fins began to recover faster than he would have thought possible. The small nerveless bones in the fins regenerated and the skin was like new. His multiple cuts healed, and his bruises disappeared. And his tail, with a few weird but painless snaps and twitches, became normal again. Layne also felt his strength return. As he was about to get up, a playful slap came across the back of his head, messing up his goggles, which had a few new scratches.

    A prinplup gave a small smile, and said, "I would require you to stop acting like a baby, and sit up. My partner has already healed your injuries, so there's no need to act as if in pain."
    Layne simply thought, Act? I'd like to see you conjure the strength after whatever the hell I was just through.
    Layne was still having some trouble remembering what happened. Perhaps he also bumped his head. But he didn't feel any major memory loss. And since the guy had just healed him.....the Natu.......perhaps they'd come shortly as well.
    The Prinplup continued, "As for your question, your foolish wit led you to staying in an eroding cave when the tide was coming in and therefore ending up crushed under a cliff of following boulders. Goodness knows how you would have managed to stay alive if we hadn't been heading this way."

    Layne looked back quickly. The tide had already submerged the cave. A strike of pain his his heart. The Prinplup didn't understand, and she probably never would. Layne could care less if the cave had been eroding for years. He knew about it. That didn't prevent him from going. A little reckless, yeah, but Layne didn't know if he cared or not. Layne looked at the cliff. It would probably be another hundred or so years before that cliff ever collapsed again. None the less, Layne sighed, closed his eyes, and released his fist which he had clenched unknowingly to himself.

    "For your information, I'm Koori. This is my partner, Tint. We're Team Titanium of the Helmtown Rescue Guild."

    Layne's eyes opened sharply. His heart turned tougher than the material his air sac was made of (It was still a wonder to him why it had kept shape after the accident). The voices of the past returned hauntingly.

    "There is nothing more we can do Layne.....we've called off the search...."
    "You can't do that! She is out there, and she needs your help!"
    "Layne...it's been a week. The chances of her survival are just too low. I'm sorry..."

    The fist had clenched again. Layne tried to control himself, but still couldn't help but feel very stern. "Rescue Team? I think you need to leave...now...."

    Layne tried forcing back tears that threatened to come up. "I can't pay you anyway...!"

    OOC: Probably one of my more weirder posts....I'm tired. Been working all day. Check this in the morning.
  • 85
    Tint had remained stoic, his expression unchanging, but he had silently wondered about his Wish ability, surprised it had done as much as it did. He was also relieved; it meant that between Teleport and Wish he could at least take care of his allies outside of combat. Allowing himself another iota of hope to build in his heart, he watched the recovery of the buizel, and his reactions to things, noticing the drastic change in stance when Koori had said that they were Team Titanium. A stiffening of the spine, a sharpening of the eyes, and a clenching of the fists. Hostility. Prepare for potential combat.

    Tint watched closer, trying to understand. The buizel's eyes floated to the top-right for a second; recalling past events, reliving a moment. Something to do with a previous rescue team. Something to do with a previous rescue team caused hostility. Tint briefly considered exploring the possibilities of why; the joking nature of some of the leaders could certainly get on others nerves and perhaps cause serious problems in a bad situation. His mind rifling through the known leaders and teams of helmtown, he didn't have much trouble imagining it. After seconds of that line of thought he abandoned it though; there were too many variables to reasonably understand, and so he returned his attention to the buizel, whom was claiming we needed to leave.

    Certainly true, and Tint expected Koori to say so without a doubt. They needed to get to the mountains to find Bulbasaur. He stayed silent on the matter, however. This was a matter for Koori to speak about, not him. But before she could, their hostile rescuee was speaking again.

    "I can't pay you anyway...!"

    At this Tint's expression changed, turning darker. The buizel had gone into a cave that was obviously dangerous, with little regard to his own safety. He had most likely gone to this cave repeatedly, to a dangerous spot for no apparent rational reason, and claimed to have nothing of value, the meaning of the fact that he couldn't pay them. Needlessly entering danger while having nothing... Was this a suicide they had prevented? Tint paused, wondering if he should speak up or not. He didn't know if Koori would reach the same conclusion and treat it with the same level of seriousness. Then again, it wasn't exactly a hard conclusion to come to. Maybe not 2 + 2, but at least 2 x 4. She would say something, if appropriate. Tint looked toward her, one eye closed and the other eye staring at her, trying to work out what she was thinking. He was still not very good at that. What would she say...?

    OOC: Yeah, I didn't *do* anything in this post... my bad.


    ~ take a drink from my hands
  • 63
    OOC: Sorry. I only just read your post. There are time differences... and I'm also trying to check PC once a day. But, this is long-ish, so hopefully it makes up for your waiting.

    Tria left the guild master's building, her head hung low. Her team leader was in the hospital, so she couldn't exactly go ahead and attempt one of the rescue missions posted on the bulletin. She decided to wait, and ate one of the oranges growing beneath her chin.

    She looked enviously towards Koori and Tint as they suddenly teleported out of thin air some way down the street. They always seemed to be making good use of themselves, and always seemed to be seriously dedicated on a mission. Perhaps one day, Tria would be as competent and respected as them.

    Tria looked down, surprised to see a Chansey staring back up at her. The Chansey was wearing a nurse's cap, and was panting.

    "Tria? I'm a nurse of the Helmtown infirmary. Litephion requests to see you immediately. He says he wants a favour." She paused to take a quick breather. "Well, got to go, there's a Pokemon I must sacrifice for the greater good. Have a nice day!" With that, the Chansey ran down the street, holding her cap in place.

    Tria didn't really take note of the Chansey's last few statements. She was too caught up with the fact that she would be doing her team leader a favour of some sort. She jiggled her fruit in excitement. Maybe this was her chance to prove herself. Before the Chansey disappeared out of sight, Tria galloped after her, making passersby spread out in all directions.

    Tria eventually arrived at the small infirmary. Everything was coloured in a placid white or grey. The silence was suffocating. She approached the Chansey at the front desk, asking for the location of Litephion's room.

    "Oh, he's in the room at the very end of the hallway, dear. However... I wouldn't go in there if I were you. I've received word that the Pokemon in there is cursed, and a fatal danger to everyone." The Chansey looked genuinely frightened.

    Tria was taken aback. "What?! Litephion, a fatal danger!?"

    "Oh, no need to worry. No one innocent will get hurt. I think he is being exterminated as soon as possible."

    At these words,Tria ran down the hallway towards Litephion's room, knocking over tables and all sorts of other apparatus.

    Before Tria could reach the end of the hallway, a blue flash lit up the room ahead, blinding her for a few seconds. There were screams, of both male and female voices, and then the same Chansey from earlier came bursting out of the room. She was bleeding heavily, was covered in brutal gashes, and was screaming nonsensically.

    "Oh, dear! Litephion!" Tria entered the room, and froze at the sight of the Ursarings, the blood splattered all over the floor, the wall and the bed. Several Chanseys were already running down the hallway towards the ruckus.

    Tria shifted her gaze to Litephion, feeling a moment of relief when she realised he seemed to be completely fine, despite the blood on his bed.

    "Wha... What just happened!? Are they dead?" she looked at the Ursarings again, but before Litephion could respond, the injured Chansey had started screaming at him.

    "Kill it! Kill it! It is cursed! A demon!"

    "Oh, dear. I don't know what's going on, and why the nurses are acting this way, but I think we should get out of here," Tria said, scooping up the tiny Pichu onto her head.

    OOC: I'll allow a little godmodding here, if you want to control where Tria goes next, or whatever.

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  • 1,142
    OOC: Since my partner isn't really doing anything, probably waiting for me, I'll post something.

    Aquart and Charly went to look for Mr Grumpig. They knocked on his door and after a short while, a Grumpig opened the door. They identified themselves as Team Aqua Punch, the team who read his job request. On hearing that they were a rescue team, Grumpig let them into his house and told them to have a seat. He explained that recently, in the night, Ghost pokemon would come and break into his house and steal his supplies and valuables. The situation got worse everyday until he couln't take it any longer. Aquart asked, "Where can we find them-the Ghost pokemon? And do you know how to stop them or anything that can help us?""Well, I know for one thing as a Psychic-type, that they're exceptionally weak to Dark and are immune to Normal and Fighting. Although their weak to Psychic type, I'm also weak to their Ghost type, which is why I requested for help. I believe that they come from a forest just right outside the east of Helmtown and I've heard stories that the forest is very eerie and there's little light in it. I advise you to be careful when going into the forest, for I cannot say for sure, what exactly will happen. But I definitely know that those Ghost pokemon live there." after getting the information they need, Team Aqua Punch bade farewell to Grumpig and left. They started in the direction that the Psychic pokemon had told them. ON the way out of Helmtown, they asked a passing Aipom whether they were headed in the direction to the forest, also known as Shadow Forest the Grumpig had told them, and the Aipom just shuddered and said, "You wouldn't wish to go there." And it hurried away to Helmtown. Is the Shadow Forest really that scary and why is everyone so afraid of it and the Ghost pokemon? I'd better get to the bottom of it quickly. The duo soon arrived at a gateway that read "Shadow Forest" and on it's left post, a sign was nailed to it, saying, "Those who enter should pray hard that they come out....alive.""What a real prank, whoever made this!" commented Aquart. Trying not to be nervous from all the stories he'd been hearing, he and Charly ventured into the dimly-lit forest. After walking for half an hour and not meeting any Pokemon or signs of life, the team decided to take a break. Aquart found a long and sat down, resting his tired legs. The Riolu did the same on another log. All of a sudden, they both heard a loud noise. "BOO!" Aquart looked around, noticing a strange fog slowly surrounding the both of them. Then he saw 3 shadows coming towards them in the fog. He saw their outlines and immediately recognized them as Ghastlys. When one of the Ghastlys came out of the fog in front of them , Aquart immediately lunged forward and bit the Ghastly as hard a she could. It was very weak to the attack and fainted on the spot. The other 2 Ghastlys then closed in on them. Aquart felt a battle coming up and geared himself for it.
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  • 376
    OOC: It's hard to do anything in the middle of a conversation.

    Koori was amused, watching the Pokemon in front of her intently. It didn't take a genius to figure out he didn't particularly like rescue teams. Also, she'd picked up on a few things the other Pokemon were chatting about when the Buizel was still unconscious. Her gaze turned to Tint out for of her eye, noticing little changes in the tiny bird's demeanour. She might not interact with others often, but she'd been around long enough to spot the small things that most often missed. Apparently though, Tint had a few ideas to what was going on this half insane Buizel.

    "I can't pay you anyway...!"

    She saw Tint's eyes darken, and returned her line of sight back onto the buizel. He was holding back tears, if she sensed correctly. She could detect water in larger amounts than the moisture in the air, and it wasn't likely to be the beach, as that was salt water. Koori considered his reaction to her mentioning of rescue teams. She had a few rough ideas of what may have happened to the Pokemon.

    1. He used to be in a rescue team, and had a falling out.
    2. Sometime in the distant past, he needed the assistance of a rescue team and was rejected.
    3. and she assumed this entirely from his last statement, he needed a rescue team, and they rejected him because his reward wasn't large enough.

    She ruled it out No. 1 immediately. The helmtown guild wasn't particularly big and she had never seen hide nor hair of a Buizel, not to mention their weren't any on the official team registration board. No.2 and 3 however, were distant possibilties, though she was leaning towards 3. A pokemon that disliked rescue teams wouldn't think of such a sentence unless monetary value was a high point of pain for them. In fact, she did know some rescue teams that usually only worked for big rewards. They were few and far in between though, as Jose hated anything unfair. She was sure there were reasons for his being in the cave. Most people did have preferences towards certain places. As it was, Koori decided the mission couldn't wait. It was time to leave.

    "We don't need any of your money, or anything else. I have enough useless material at home."

    She opened her treasure bag and pulled out a sitrus berry. She put it by the Buizel. Tint's wish may have worked wonders, but it was always better to be safe rather than sorry.

    "In case you don't know, that's a Sitrus berry. Anyway, we shall be taking our leave now. Good day to you."

    Koori turned round and started walking off towards the end of the beach. There was a map at the end of the route that was specifically used by Psychic pokemon to teleport up and down the mountain, as well as further away.
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  • 85
    Tint blinked, aware that is she had taken note of him, but unaware if she had followed his thought process. Unlikely, given the likelyhood of his idea, but it was the sort of thing that couldn't easily be let go, and for no reason. He turned to the Buizel again, realizing that every second he spent not walking with Koori increased the awkwardness, but having no valid idea on what to say. After thinking about the most polite way to say what he wanted to say, he looked the Buizel in the eye, or at least looked at his eyes, Tint's gaze having a piercing quality, as if staring could help him understand the rescued pokemon. His voice was quiet, holding a tone of carefully thought-out neutrality.

    "You have something of value; your life. Please increase your efforts to retain it."

    With that he spun around on the spot, hopping away furiously to catch up to Koori. His small leg size and inability to fly would make it a task, but he had already used teleport five times, he wanted to make sure that he had plently left for later, while they explored the mountain area. Besides, he was, for a Natu, quick on his feet and light, able to use his wings to increase the distance he went over time. He'd catch up in a second or two.


    and his son, Layne (Buizel).
  • 730
    OOC:That's what I love about roleplays. You post, spend the day wondering the possible outcomes of events, and they aren't what you expect! Which makes room for even better stuff than you could have ever thought!

    Also I hope I'm okay with what I did in the post when it came to time.


    Layne was on all fours. The rescue team had finally gone away. But the Natu...what he had said. Layne valued his life, but he also valued....hers.

    Why couldn't he let it go? Layne was forcing back tears as hard as he could, but found himself failing to do so. He knew so many pokémon telling him he had to let the past be ast. But to him, that was almost like asking him to rip out the heart that Autumn had touched, and leave it to rot in the sun. And he couldn't do that. And it wasn't just Autumn. Rescue Teams. Every time he saw a Rescue Team so much as walk by, why was it his heart turned hard as rock?

    That Rescue Team..... Titanium.......

    They had just saved his life, and he didn't even offer a thank you. In fact, all he did was basically, blow them off. 'Go on, get out of here.' Did Layne really want to die? He wanted more than anything to see Autumn again, but was he honest and truly ready to die? He had just looked Death in the face, and walked away. But he could only do so because Titanium helped him walk away. Layne stood up. His wounds would have prevented him, but Natu healed them.

    Layne found himself alone on the beach. He hadn't taken notice of the berry on the ground, it was the last thing on his mind. Titanium didn't want anything. They just walked away, perhaps to rescue another pokémon in need. Layne shook it all away. Was his view of Rescue Teams, really wrong? Or at least so strict?

    Layne shut his eyes and ran into the ocean. He snapped his goggles into place, and dove headfirst into the wave. His tail was propelling himself faster than he was thinking it really was. Layne didn't know just where he was going, but wherever he was going, it was necessary. This was Layne, letting it all out...

    Layne kept propelling himself though the water, occasionally coming up for air, and occasionally letting himself drift on the surface of the water. Land was rather far. He hadn't been this far out from land for a while. He just had a gut feeling that there was something this way.

    There were no clouds, and there was no storm. There was just Layne, and the sea. Layne had tired himself out fast, and now, he was drifting again on the surface of the water. He was not sure why he came out here, but he was certain he'd find out soon.

    'Layne...keep swimming.' Autumn's voice told him.

    Layne frowned. Autumn had been dead three years, and he was hearing her voice? Must be a dream. Yes, it felt like a dream. Layne was wondering why the ocean didn't feel as it usually did. He exhaled slowly, and let his airless body sink slowly to the bottom of the ocean. He didn't know why he did this in his dreams, but he still breathed. He propelled himself through the water, though he knew not where he was going.

    'I almost died today, Autumn.'
    'I know. That rescue team saved you didn't they?'
    'Yeah. Them. I was a real jerk to them.'
    'Layne, I remember once telling you, not every team is as you think they are.'
    'Yet the ones who went for you...they all seemed that way.'
    'Perhaps they were, but other teams who helped, weren't as such.'
    'I still wish I could say I knew why they stopped looking for you...'
    'Layne...I'm fine, you should know that.'

    Layne stood up. He and Autumn were sitting on the beach. Layne was rubbing his goggles, trying to make the scratches not so bad, and Autumn was just sitting next to him. 'I'm sure you are fine, Autumn. And perhaps, my spirit is happy you are too.'
    'Now what will you do?'
    Layne stood up. The beach he was on was unfamiliar. He had never been here before. He turned and looked, at two huge rock formations that made up a good amount of the island they were on. He had never been here before, but he had visited this place more than once in his dreams. He still had no idea why it came up though...
    'I don't know what I'm going to do.'
    'Perhaps you should thank the rescue team.'
    'I don't know if I have the heart to even do that anymore after how I treated them.'
    'Layne. I'm sure you'll be fine.....'

    Layne woke up. Strange. He didn't remember falling asleep in his cave. But that happened sometimes. Something would happen, he'd let it all out by swimming, then just sleep in his cave.

    Layne sighed. He wished the Rescue Team hadn't just walked off. He wanted to thank them. And he wanted to apologize. He got out of his cave, and went up to sit on top of the short cliff his cave rested at. Across the way, he still saw the cliff that had collapsed earlier that day. He and Autumn's cave was gone, which pained his heart some, but perhaps it was a sign that he did have to move on.

    The sun touched the ocean, and it gave off the usual view Layne loved so much. Layne finally offered a smile. The day had been crazy, but perhaps it wasn't over quite yet. And he still had to thank the rescue team..........


  • 383
    OOC: Kecelon is the store clerk along with his younger brother.
    OOC: Just a note, The store clerk is actually grumpig, not kecleon. (MichaelDj said so himself) Also, is it ok if I take on slowpoke's mission if not I'll choose another. On a final note, where's my team-mate gone?

    "There's a strange disturbance going on around the village, Pokemon aren't sleeping well and some are just disappearing. Find out whose doing this, please.
    Reward: 300 poke.
    Signed: Slowbro." Rank: D
    The Komatana took interest in this mission.
    He smirked at the reward.
    'Well,' He started sarcastically, loud enough for those still round the board to hear him, 'I did need a blast seed, but...'
    He changed his attitude.
    'This sounds serious. It seems like it may take a while, maybe even a dungeon, if so, I wonder if It'll be a roomed or layered dungeon...' He trailed off.

    In this part of the Dungeon Island (OOC: Didn't know what to call it XD) Archipeligo, dungeons were often roomed instead of layered, and it was rumored there were even other types of dungeon, large 'fields' and the like.
    Layered dungeons were often mountains, caves or buildings.
    However, missions sometimes didn't even include dungeons at all, they ranged from small, unranked jobs like harvesting someone's berries for them, to larger, sometimes longer missions, sometimes not rescue or exploration, but other things, like treasure hunting for a town in need.

    Kenta took the top paper off, leaving a second piece, with the same mission, just MISSION TAKEN stamped on it.
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  • 1,142
    OOC: My partner isn't active! I've to do everything all by myself! >.<

    Aquart released a strong jet of water at the Ghastly and it hit it right in the face. The Ghastly made a nail appear out of nowhere and pierced it in it's head. It's life was halved but something eerie drifted out of it's mouth, it looked like a spooky orb or an alive shadow, but whatever it was, it moved towards him and engulfed him in a dark aura of a few seconds before disappearing. But even when it was gone, Aquart felt himself weaken with each move he made. His HP was slowly whittling away. He then realized why he was feeling this way, the Ghastly had laid a curse on him. The only way to break it was to defeat the one who laid it. Aquart ran towards the Ghastly, with his jaws wide open and jumped up and bite the Ghost pokemon hard. The attack dealt lots of damage and the Ghastly flinched, left with only a few HP. Aquart then KO'ed it with a Water Gun. He gradually felt the curse removing itself from him and disappearing into space. He ate an Oran berry to recover the lost HP. He wondered how Charly was faring in her battle. Her Fighting type moves would be ineffective against those Ghost type Pokemon.

    OOC: This seems to be a one-sided story. I've no idea what my partner is doing!
  • 682
    Sorry for lateness!
    Charly gave the Gastly a big Thunder. It hit, and they were hurt. A lot. They defended themselves with a lick, and that really hurt!
  • 252
    • Seen Feb 24, 2012
    Kenshin looked over the rescue missions that were left. His eyes scanned over one and plucked it off, something about a Jumpluff that needed escorting through the woods. He knew Jumpluff, she was the "Adoptive mother" of the group, or caretaker, either way she had a LOT of kids under her care. He walked back over to his Team mate and held it up foir her to read.

    "We're going to go help Jumpluff," he said to her as he allowed her to read. "Let's get going then."
  • 376
    OOC: I gave the mountain a name, because it needed one. Although I'm not very original. >.<

    Koori stopped at the end of the road, in front of a large sign. It showed a map, fraying at the edges, of the explored areas of the archipelago. A giant red arrow was pointing near Helmtown and words alongside it read: YOU ARE HERE. Koori scoffed. 'As if it wasn't obvious enough.' Just like on the map, in the distance, she could see Mt Helm looming over the fields. The map located three stages of the mountain. The summit, The midway point and the Base. Each point had a small glowing, purple gem, which apparently helped psychic types teleport places. Not that Koori would know how it worked. She didn't know how to teleport, after all.

    She turned round to look for Tint, who was hopping towards her, little wings flapping slightly. She pointed at the map with a flipper.

    "We're going to be heading here to start our search. We'll start at the base of the mountain and head downwards. However, since searching all of it will be a waste of time, we'll just look on the side of the mountain closest to Helmtown. If we cannot find her, then we will continue round the other side."

    Koori explained to Tint, tapping the map and showing the areas they were going to search. It wasn't as detailed as her wonder map, but this map showed specifically areas that certain Pokemon had a territory over, and she was going to avoid stepping into those. Tyranitar had a large patch of the mountainside and she didn't want to go too far, lest they bump into him or any of the other pokemon living in there. If she was alone, it would've been okay, but she wasn't sure Tint could handle a raging group of strong, as well as territorial pokemon.

    "Any questions?"
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  • 1,142
    After Charly finished off the last of the Ghastlys, they decided to go where the Ghastlys came as there would be more of the other Ghost pokemon. Maybe where they live, was where they kept the stolen goods belonging to Grumpig. The fog gradually cleared as they walked out of it. They soon stopped at an opening of a gloomy-looking cave. It had an ominous bearing around it and the very air seemed to shudder at it's presence. "This must be the place, we'll find them here." Aquart suggested to Charly. The Riolu nodded and led the way into the murky cave, slowly and with extra caution, stepped nimbly into it.

    OOC: Well, not much to write about. Maybe mzmingle continue better from here. :/
  • 682
    When they were in there, there was a hole with stolen goods in it. When she was picking them up, she felt a tap on her shoulder.
    "Aquart, what do you waaa!" said Charly, there was nothing there, but then, right infront of her, a Gengar appeared.
    "You gonna help, Aquart?" said Charly, firing Thunder at the Gengar, pushing it back. Then, Gengar used Hypnosis and made Charly fall asleep. They did have a Chesto berry, but she could'nt get it. She was asleep, she needed Aquart to give it to her...

    (Over to you, Diamond1304)
  • 85
    Tint shook his head, signaling that he had understood everything. After a few seconds of concentration, he found the signal the real-life purple gems were emitting, their psychic resonance providing the equivalent of having been there, even though he had no real idea what the terrain would be like. He tapped Koori's leg, and suddenly they were there; his teleport instantaneously taking them to their location; the mountain.

    Tint looked around; he had never been on the mountain before, but the rocky terrain was, in all honesty, not that interesting. It was just rocks. The sheer size of the mountain left Tint baffled. Somewhere on this mountain was a Bulbasaur. It must be terrified... but how could they find it?

    "Do we split up or stick together?"
  • 1,142
    OOC: Yay, I've a half school day today, which means more RP-ing! :D

    Aquart was suddenly whisked away into darkness by a ghostly figure. He was flung to the wall of the cave and saw what seemed like a Gengar hypnotizing Charly to fall asleep. The Gengar then turned around to check on him, probably. Once the Gengar turned it's body around, Aquart was already getting ready for a Bite attack and Gengar was dealt with severely but it didn't go down as it's health was incredible. Fortunately for Aquart, the Gengar flinched. Taking the chance, he rushed over to Charly and took out a Chesto berry and placed it in the mouth of the sleeping Riolu. Wake up, Charly. Wake up please!Aquart frantically pleaded in his head. The Riolu tasted the dry berry and moved a little bit, she took a while to swallow and her eyes opened.

    OOC: Awakened now! Time to fight the thieving Gengar, mzmingle! :)
  • 682
    "Thanks!" said Charly, aiming another thunder at the Gengar. The Gengar was strong, but it took its health down by three quarters. Charly then started running, because the gengar was (somehow) using extremespeed.
    "Aquart, come on!" she said, while the Gengar was right behind her.
    (OTY Diamond!)
  • 1,142
    Aquart and Charly raced out of the cave, the Gengar almost caught up with them using an Extremespeed. Aquart was puzzled as to how it could do that but he focused on running quickly back to Helmtown. After a long while of running, Aquart and Charly turned behind and saw that the Gengar was no longer in sight. "Well, we've lost him. Time to get those supplies back to Grumpig." Aquart said.

    OOC: Mission completed!! :D


    I am not male
  • 594
    Atauga followed Flair out of the guild. She followed Flair, walking into town, and went over to the shop. The blue tailed Charmander asked the store clerk, Grumpig whether they stocked the mushroom that they needed. Unfortunately, he didn't have any in stock.
    "Sorry, Atauga. Seems this mission might take a bit longer than I thought. Alright then, let's not waste any time and head out into the woods, unless of course there is something you need from the store." Flair said.
    "Well, an Oran Berry might help," the shadow Shikijika replied, smiling. She was keeping up the guise good, Flair had never suspected a thing.

    I can just imagine Flair playing a prank on Atauga.
    Flair: Ha ha! I pulled a prank on you!
    Atauga: Grr... *attacks Flair* I am a serious Shikijika, and I can't stand pranks!

    Also, I wonder what Atauga will do when this RP progesses. Maybe she'll double-cross Flair? Or she might learn to trust Flair, and make him one of her only friends?