Finally, an update, because it needed to be done. I will not have a set release date for this game, but, setbacks (losing staff, school, home, work, etc) should push the Demo release back to around June. (Yes, its a while, but, could be sooner, could be later) I want to get Everything Right before I release a Demo. I only have 3 more towns/cities to complete, and quite a few Routes/caves etc... I expect the entire Birchwood Region Maps to be done within the next couple of months, including Interiors. Any other questions, post here or at my forum. Trust me, the game is going well right now. (Heltes Town is so cool!) Also, on a final note, I'm fixing up the first town in the game (some may have seen the Original Screen). I just feel that it doesn't fit the overall "vibe" of POTW.