The game is buggy.
just one example :
I flee in a battle with nidoranF and ekans,, and later when I battle a single pigey, I get killed by a nidoranF (while there was no nidoranF in that battle)
I suggest you fix real BIG bugs like this before releaseing the game. These mess the gameplay up completly
I know mirage source,, so I think this bug lies around the escapeing.
Youre not clearing the 2nd NPC properly (most likely cuz the next battle only changes the 1st opponent to a new NPC, leaveing the 2nd opponent intacts, without drawing it)
maybe something like this would work : (though it seems you got alot changed alrdy.. but at least ya know were it lies somewhere..)
For x = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
Call ClearMapNpc(x, GetPlayerMap(index))
Next x
Anyway, good luck with it further.. but dont release the game too soon...