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Pokemon P&P RPG


  • 2,276
    • Seen Jun 2, 2013
    Okay, so this may not be the ideal location for this thread but it seemed like a good start. I've had it stuck in my craw for a while to develop a Pokemon tabletop RPG (think something in the vein of Dungeons and Dragons). Others do exist, but they don't really appeal to me. This one I want to adapt to a semi-realistic, "T-rated" Pokemon setting. Is anybody interested in helping me develop this?

    Topics to be covered (list far from final):

    -Stats and Growth
    -Stats and Growth
    Character Creation
    -Suggested Method
    -Picking a Starter
    -Human Traits
    -Pokemon Traits
    -Armor and Weapons
    -really really long compilation of stat sheets and such
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    No takers, huh? Would this get more of a response in some section of game development, perhaps?

    Trainer Template:

    HP- Hit Points. You may expect your Pokemon to do a lot of the battling, but there's no guarantee that you'll be staying safe. Hit Points gauge how much of a beating you've taken.

    STR- Strength. Gauges how much you're able to carry, how hard you hit, and who's going to win in an arm wrestling match. Roughly analogous to Attack.

    CON- Constitution. Gauges endurance and resistance to environmental factors, roughly analogous to Defense.

    INT- Intelligence. Gauges... intelligence. Roughly analogous to Special Attack.

    WIS- Wisdom. Gauges sensitivity to your environment, common sense and intuition. Roughly analogous to Special Defense.

    AGI- Agility. Gauges control of your body, including things like reflexes, dexterity, and lightfootedness. Roughly analogous to Speed.

    Job: The Trainer's class.
    Gear: Equipment the Trainer has on them.
    Feats: Traits and talents the Trainer possesses.

    All Trainers have the same base movement in combat (tbd), although it may be altered through Feats or special conditions. Other stats are determined in the usual way (point-buy or rolling stats, exact scale needs deciding on).

    Job Stuff:
    1. Leadership- Trainers in this category raise Pokemon in patterns typical of professional trainers. They're devoted to battling and encouraging their teammates. When taken to the extreme, their synergy with their Pokemon borders on miraculous. Examples: Ace Trainer, Type Specialist, Tag Battler
    2. Support- Support Trainers may not always be given to battling, but they're formidable in their own right. They help to enhance allies' Pokemon outside of combat. Examples: Move Tutor, Medic, Breeder
    3. Combat- These Trainers can hold up in battle by themselves, giving them an edge in street battles and non-combat situations. Examples: Psychic, Aura User, Black Belt
    4. Researcher- These trainers use their Pokemon to further their careers, and specialize in the use and development of items to achieve greatness. Examples: Scientist, Engineer, Ruin Maniac
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    Unfortunately, PC doesn't have a lot of members interested in tabletop games. (We even had to get rid of the Tabletop Games section because no one was posting in it.) So it might be really difficult to get people interested in creating a whole new tabletop RPG.

    You could maybe try the RPG section itself, but I'd say double-check with with Skymin first before proceeding, just to make sure. I also don't think Game Development would help you out, since that seems to be more for video games than anything else.

    At any rate, good luck!
    Alright, thanks for the input. I think I'll just leave alone and continue dumping my brain in here. Of course if anybody does happen along I'd be happy about it! ;)
    very much incomplete...


    Ace Trainer: A Trainer with a particularly intense bond with one of his Pokemon.

    Upon becoming an Ace Trainer, the player is to pick a single Pokemon they already own. This is considered the player's partner Pokemon. This cannot be changed, even upon the Pokemon's death, except via in-game events.

    Type Specialist: A Trainer that has leanings towards a particular type.

    Upon becoming a Type Specialist, the player is to pick a single Pokemon type to specialize in. This is considered the player's specialized type. This cannot change, even if the player has no Pokemon of this type, except via in-game events.

    • Type Dominate - Increases the amount of damage taken by an enemy who is weak to your specialized type's attacks.
    • Type Brace - Decrease the amount of damage your Pokemon takes from attacks of a type your specialized type is weak to.
    • Elemental Attunement - All of your Pokemon of your specialized type have increased do more damage with moves of your specialized type
    • Elemental Burst - Release a burst of elemental energy that cures status effects of, slightly heals, and increases the stats of all Pokemon belonging to your specialized type.
    • Dual Typing - Select a second specialized type.

    Tag Battler: A Trainer who specializes in group combat. Makes a good leader for any group of adventurers.
    • Single Out - Select a target enemy to consider "singled out". As long as that enemy remains visible, all allies gain a bonus to Accuracy, Attack and Sp. Attack when attacking that enemy.
    • Executive Order - Take command of all allies' Pokemon for a single turn's duration.

    Move Tutor:



    Psychic: Somebody endowed with mental powers that can affect the world around them without the need for physical interaction. Psychics are a diverse group, with powers that range from indispensable utility to potent offense.
    • Telepathic Communication - Any chosen target you come in contact with can be spoken to via telepathy. The number of targets that can be sustained and the amount of time the link will last depends on the level of the Psychic. Communication requires conscious effort but need not be spoken.
    • Telekinesis - Lift and move an object via telekinesis. Mass of the object, duration of effect, and possible distance between the user and the object depends on the level of the Psychic.
    • Synergy Boost - Pokemon with psychic abilities can enhance the Psychic's powers and vice versa.
    • Moves: - Psychics are capable of learning the following attacks: Confusion, Psywave, Psybeam, Psychic, Mind Reader
    • Specialization: Mentalist - A Mentalist can learn the following moves:
      Amnesia, Calm Mind, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Miracle Eye, Taunt, Torment, Encore
    • Specialization: Shaper - A Shaper can learn the following moves:
      Barrier, Light Screen, Reflect, Magic Coat, Psyshock, Gravity, Magic Room, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Psycho Cut

    Black Belt:

    Aura User:



    Ruin Maniac:
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