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Gold hack: Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5

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no hablo ingles
  • 23
    • Seen Mar 15, 2020
    Pokemon Pilar/Xare
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5

    Base: Gold
    Author: javcdark

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5

    An ancient civilization that regarded the pokemon as gods one day decided to create a device capable of controlling the time, after several failed attempts they decided to abandon their ideals, until one day a young woman was found with a mysterious Pokemon that could control the time, villagers knew of this event and began searching for this young and pokemon but never found them ... run the current era and you're a boy who dreams of becoming an archaeologist because you live in Ciudad Itza, a place near a ancient ruins and that is how you start your adventure

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5

    • New region
    • Gender Selection
    • Fairy, Light and "Eterno" types
    • New Pokemons and Fakemons
    • New midis
    • and moore

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5

    • Soloo993
    • Chamber (a.k.a com3tiin)

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Pilar/Xare Beta 0.5

    Beta 0.5.1

    (The link is located in the lower right corner)

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    Dang nice CSS work... It looks really good and organized. Props to you for that!

    Your hack seems to be interesting. I like your story a lot and I'd definitely would play this if I got the chance. You should probably mention whether you will translate it or not in your OP since soooo many people will ask if you don't.
    I'll be honest here, I've never seen a Gold hack this good looking. My favorite part may be the HGSS-ish map design. Not only that, but you've given an awesome story!

    I don't know Spanish, but I just might try the beta out.
    Could you reveal other interesting features you programmed for the hack? Tm system? Move review? Physical/Special split? Etc
    DEMO available... yes, in spanish, but some text are in english :P

    Dang nice CSS work... It looks really good and organized. Props to you for that!

    Your hack seems to be interesting. I like your story a lot and I'd definitely would play this if I got the chance. You should probably mention whether you will translate it or not in your OP since soooo many people will ask if you don't.

    I'll be honest here, I've never seen a Gold hack this good looking. My favorite part may be the HGSS-ish map design. Not only that, but you've given an awesome story!

    I don't know Spanish, but I just might try the beta out.

    Damn.. Finish it! :D I want it!

    Could you reveal other interesting features you programmed for the hack? Tm system? Move review? Physical/Special split? Etc

    Your hack looks amazing. Mind telling me what tools you used for it?

    1.-2.- thanks, i´m working on the english translation but my englis is not good :(
    3.- the new spanish version (not available yet) is practically ended, but the english version is starting.
    4.- this hack contain whit the running shoes, minis ext, physical/special split, new moves... and don´t remember anything else :)
    5.- i use johtomap, tileseteditor, pksv, megamap, HxD, and some tools made by me among others
    good looking Gold hack i have ever seen,.good luck with the hacking
    Just a few suggestions to make your hack even more amazing than it already seems to be. You don't have to implement ANY of them, but if you do, it'll make your hack rock. And while I'm not the greatest hacker of all time, I'm certain that each and every one of these can be implemented in a Gen 2 hack, like what you're working on.

    1) Physical/Special split (this makes certain Pokemon like Gyarados a lot more usable)
    2) Actual Battle Backgrounds/Environments (similar to the kind PokeGlitch is using for Pokemon TRE2, and to those in 3rd gen and above games)
    3) Egg Shop (a place where you can buy eggs that hatch into Pokemon that you might not find elsewhere, but for certain prices)
    4) Reusable TMs, similar to post-gen games

    beta 0.5 is now available

    the download link is in the fist post
    Big problem :

    When we talk to the NPC who gives us our starter we disappear...and we can't move after he goes away...meaning we can't go further than receiving the Pokegear/Droid...
    Big problem :

    When we talk to the NPC who gives us our starter we disappear...and we can't move after he goes away...meaning we can't go further than receiving the Pokegear/Droid...
    the bug is fixed :3c

    can be download the beta again with the bug fixed

    if find any other bug please roport it and I will try to correct it as soon as possible
    Nice Work I love the older generations !:s
    Will the save states of the betas be compatible ? :)
    I wonder when the full version of this will be released? This game is actually enjoyable.
    i don't know why, never interested in a hack that had fakemons and fake types... sorry

    You definitely won't like this one. I managed to beat the original spanish version and boy this game is a mess. I had to use cheats to walk through walls in the last few places because this hacker decided not to finish this properly. The Tin Tower apparently has not been finished so technically you can't catch this game's legendary unless you cheat and get it. I had to also do this to get to the last two cities just to get the badges to learn Whirlpool & Waterfall which the latter makes no sense as the start of Mt. Mortar you have to use Waterfall! Also, the final gym you don't need to go to the Dragon's Den to obtain the final badge so that saves some time having to answer questions there. The level curve in this game is insane in that some of the later gyms have Pokemon way more stronger than they need to be. For example, Cianwood's leader has a Lv. 45 Aiolos Fakemon and most of my Pokemon were in the 30's at best. The E4 Pokemon are near 70-80. The new types are practically useless anyway so why include them? Fairy types really didn't help much in the long run as well as the so-called Eterno types. The only good thing about this game is the remixed songs from other games like Kid Icarus, Legend of Zelda, etc.

    Perhaps more work can be done to fix these problems but I doubt it given the hacker released it as is and called it a day.
    You definitely won't like this one. I managed to beat the original spanish version and boy this game is a mess. I had to use cheats to walk through walls in the last few places because this hacker decided not to finish this properly. The Tin Tower apparently has not been finished so technically you can't catch this game's legendary unless you cheat and get it. I had to also do this to get to the last two cities just to get the badges to learn Whirlpool & Waterfall which the latter makes no sense as the start of Mt. Mortar you have to use Waterfall! Also, the final gym you don't need to go to the Dragon's Den to obtain the final badge so that saves some time having to answer questions there. The level curve in this game is insane in that some of the later gyms have Pokemon way more stronger than they need to be. For example, Cianwood's leader has a Lv. 45 Aiolos Fakemon and most of my Pokemon were in the 30's at best. The E4 Pokemon are near 70-80. The new types are practically useless anyway so why include them? Fairy types really didn't help much in the long run as well as the so-called Eterno types. The only good thing about this game is the remixed songs from other games like Kid Icarus, Legend of Zelda, etc.

    Perhaps more work can be done to fix these problems but I doubt it given the hacker released it as is and called it a day.

    Damn.. that's unfortunate. Thanks for sharing.
    Wow... way to necro a thread that hasn't seen any activity in almost a year! Considering we haven't heard anything from the creator since July 2015, I think a mod should lock this for good... just so there's no more confusion and false hopes.

    You people need to pay more attention to the date of the last reply (or at least the creator's activity). x.x
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