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[Released] Pokemon Rocket Invasion (WIP) Beta 0.3

Updated Game file to 0.22. Fixing graphical and pathing issues. As listed above. The ally bug above is working as intended. Not ALL allies will appear at your bases but they will contribute to the total Ally count which will be important for certain dialogue checks throughout the game.
This seems like a stupid question from me, but I don't quite understand. Is it that when you use the PC that you're getting an error or that you can't find a PC? If it's the first could you send a screenshot, if its the second then there is a PC in the Rocket Break Room and in every Pokemon Center
I'm always a sucker for a Team Rocket game...
Gives me something to try during this whole pandemic too.
You should put it on Github whenever, unlike most other people on here. It only makes sense.
What is the specific error you're getting? There is an error that is quite common when loading RPG maker games where if you just rename the file it will work.
How do you get into the forest. I have done everything else I believe and the leader says to go to the forest but can not get in there.
You can't yet that will be available in the next Beta. I had to release an update after I started the event
Looks like a great game you have there. I've been having quite a bit of fun playing it. I'll keep an eye out for any updates. 😃

Hey thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it so far. I'm currently working on the next update but it will probably be a while. I've barely finished the forest area as it's huge. I'm hoping to have 3 or so missions in the next update though
Any time frame when the next update will be out. I enjoy playing this game and can't wait for the next update.
I am currently working on the next update. I'm intending to deliver about 3 new missions with the update and I've completed and tested 1 more mission so far. The mission I have completed is huge and comparable to the size of about 2 of the previous missions. I've been working on a few quality of life updates as well which have taken a bit of time e.g. limited controller support, speed up button and have been trying my hand at some sprite art. I'll be honest I have slowed down a bit on the work.

TLDR:Not sure, but I'm about a third of the way through the next update.
Awesome! I've always liked the idea of playing a game through the perspective of the antagonists. Looks good! I'll be excited to give this a try :)
What's New:
2 new story Missions (approx 2 more hours) plus additional side quests.
Minor story/name changes
Quest UI: tracks missions and gives you hints as to how to proceed
Dark Pokemon: See main post and play through story to experience. 6 available in current Beta.
New playable character sprites and Rival Sprites
Friendship with Bella: More dialogue with Bella. Will unlock certain rewards and dialogue choices
Additional graphics: Minor updates to tilesets
Limited controller support: See main post
Speed Up button: See main post
Triple Triad Ranking. Wins and Losses are now recorded and viewable through PokeGear
New Discord Server:See Main Post.

As usual I'm sure there will be bugs. I have play tested but you guys always find things I don't so let me know here or in the new Discord Server.
There isn't as much content in this update, but I have been working on things like graphics and framework things such as the Quest UI which have taken a bit longer than I would have liked. This is in an attempt to make the game a bit better and more unique going forward.

I've attempted some sprite art as you'll be able to see in game. I'm proud of it as I'm still new to Sprite Art, but hopefully it will get even better in time.

IMPORTANT: I highly recommend if you have a save file from previous Betas to start a fresh new game as the game works quite differently now. As such you are likely to encounter many more bugs if you don't start a new save file. I'm hoping in future updates that this won't have to happen anymore, but because I have added a lot more core scripts, it is important to start with a fresh save file.
Hello. After I downloaded the latest update for the game, I keep getting an error message that says "Script 'Psystem_controls' line 41 RuntimeError occured. Loadlibrary: xinput1_3.dll." Is there any way I can fix that? I didn't have any problems with the previous two versions. Really enjoying the game so far!
Have you deleted your old save file? I'd recommend deleting your save, removing the previous version of the game from your computer and then download fresh. The error your getting is related to the controller support
So far, I've had fun playing...except with the double battles. I realize that Essentials is hard to code otherwise; I totally understand that. The particular fight for me is Officer Herman. For the absolute life of me, I cannot capture his Makuhita because it's on the left and Bella and her Pokemon seem to love targeting the poor thing. If you can't change the code for the double battle capture icon, is it possible to make the battle turn stop when you throw a pokeball (as in having Bella not attack when you throw a pokeball?)

Thank you in advance.
So far, I've had fun playing...except with the double battles. I realize that Essentials is hard to code otherwise; I totally understand that. The particular fight for me is Officer Herman. For the absolute life of me, I cannot capture his Makuhita because it's on the left and Bella and her Pokemon seem to love targeting the poor thing. If you can't change the code for the double battle capture icon, is it possible to make the battle turn stop when you throw a pokeball (as in having Bella not attack when you throw a pokeball?)

Thank you in advance.

With the Double Battles, I have programmed it to the best of my ability with what's available within Essentials. That can be done, but not when you have a follower. The problem is that the code for who gets to take a turn is hard-coded in quite a few places. I am looking into alternatives for this at the moment however I would not expect this in the near future. Sorry. Only thing I can suggest at the moment is to cheese it and kill Bella's Pokemon.