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Pokemon Shining Pearl Playthrough Part 5

Elite Overlord LeSabre™

On that 'Non stop road'
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 10,165
    So, as soon as I leave Byron's gym, Brent is waiting. At least he isn't looking to throw down and get embarrassed again. Instead, he drags me to the library where Rowan and Lucas are waiting. Mid-conversation, there's an earthquake. Rowan suspects it may be connected to the three odd lakes in the region, so he sends each of us to investigate. I get assigned to Lake Valor, and after a brief detour to Iron Island and a meeting with the mysterious Riley, I get ready to head over there.

    Well, this is odd... the lake is drained and a bunch of fish are flopping about... Also there's a cavern in the middle, so I head in there and encounter Mr. Blue Hair here:


    Vs. Saturn
    Kadabra, Lv 35
    Bronzor, Lv 35
    Toxicroak, Lv 37

    Lisa's Team:
    Kanon (Empoleon) Lv 55
    Century (Luxray) Lv 55
    Chisato (Roselia) Lv 55
    Olds Cutlass (Graveler) Lv 55
    Riko (Misdreavus) Lv 55
    Maki (Purugly) Lv 50

    Yeah... everything gets knocked out in one hit.

    Anyway, my next destination is Lake Verity since I'm concerned that Lucas isn't holding up his end of the deal... and I'm right. But come on Mars, give me a little bit of credit, my memory ain't THAT bad...


    Vs. Mars
    Golbat, Lv 37
    Bronzor, Lv 37
    Purugly, Lv 39

    Lisa's Team:
    Kanon (Empoleon) Lv 55
    Century (Luxray) Lv 55
    Chisato (Roselia) Lv 55
    Olds Cutlass (Graveler) Lv 55
    Riko (Misdreavus) Lv 55
    Maki (Purugly) Lv 51

    It's Purugly vs. Purugly, though it only takes two hits for Maki to prevail. I like Mars, but business is business. She pulls her grunts out of the area.

    Rowan now tells me to head to Lake Acuity because Brent *may* be in over his head (haha), so I go through Mt. Coronet and up the northern routes of 216 and 217 (which barely edge out 212 as the most annoying routes in the game because of the constant Hail. But wait, there are Galactic grunts guarding the lake entrance and they aren't budging (or battling, which may be smart on their part.) Oh well, there's a city nearby, so might as well see if there's a Gym to beat.

    And lo and behold, there is!


    Vs. Candice
    Snover, Lv 38
    Sneasel, Lv 38
    Medicham, Lv 40
    Abomasnow, Lv 42

    Lisa's Team:
    Kanon (Empoleon) Lv 57
    Century (Luxray) Lv 57
    Chisato (Roselia) Lv 57
    Olds Cutlass (Graveler) Lv 57
    Riko (Misdreavus) Lv 57
    Maki (Purugly) Lv 57

    Candice may be my favorite Gym leader in this region, but that doesn't stop me from going all out and securing victory.

    Okay, NOW the path to the lake is clear, and, once again, my hunch is correct, as Brent just got bodied by Jupiter. She tells me an interesting tidbit, that I need to head to the group's base in Veilstone, post-haste. So let's not waste any time, shall we?

    The Warehouse and HQ are interconnected underground by a dizzying array of hallways, locked doors, and warp panels. But slowly and surely I make my way to the head office, where an old acquaintance is waiting.


    Vs. Cyrus
    Murkrow, Lv 40
    Golbat, Lv 40
    Sneasel, Lv 43

    Lisa's Team:
    Kanon (Empoleon) Lv 57
    Century (Luxray) Lv 57
    Chisato (Roselia) Lv 57
    Olds Cutlass (Graveler) Lv 57
    Riko (Misdreavus) Lv 57
    Maki (Purugly) Lv 57

    Hey Cyrus, I have some froggy chairs and ironwood tables I need customized... oh wait, wrong game.

    Not gonna lie, I was expecting more from the boss of this esteemed organization.

    Anyway, after the fight, he forks over a Master Ball of all things, and tells me to proceed into the back room.

    Okay, this back room is eerie, like mad science eerie. In the very back, the three legendary lake Pokemon are waiting, but so is an agitated Saturn. And you know what that means!


    Vs. Saturn
    Kadabra, Lv 38
    Bronzor, Lv 38
    Toxicroak, Lv 40

    Lisa's Team:
    Kanon (Empoleon) Lv 57
    Century (Luxray) Lv 57
    Chisato (Roselia) Lv 57
    Olds Cutlass (Graveler) Lv 57
    Riko (Misdreavus) Lv 57
    Maki (Purugly) Lv 57

    Unfortunately for Saturn, being angry doesn't mean he fares any better in battle. Saturn steps aside, allows me to free the lake Pokemon, and informs me that Cyrus and the rest of the Galactic crew have headed to Harv's Island to set up shop Mt. Coronet to shackle... something. Suppose I should venture there and find out what that something is... next time!