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Pokemon Starlite League

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since you took anna's place your with i-fox and ali.

OK...innocent_fox, ali and Anna are my partner?
no no no.
anna's gone, you took her place.
got it?
Oh...I am Anna?!? I got that...I have my name...Austin...I have to tell all of my partner...
no, anna got her computer privelages provoked from her mom, and she was in this rp, sturm got to come because anna was on "probation".
so sturm is getting anna's rival and traveling bud.

any more questions?
Is Anna is both my rival and traveling buddy?
anna left, you took her place, you get her traveling bud and rival.
anna is no longer here!!!!
Keleri said:

Okay everyone, I'm sorry if I sound unreasonable, but...


I know it's been just minor things up to this point, but for all of them, none of you guys have gotten the measure of my character. At all. I had hoped I made her come across as being kind of quiet and shy, but people have been playing her as being rather loud and boisterious. And similarly with Malaclypse; he's not going to go play with the other pok?mon! I'm sure I've posted several times with him making mean remarks, and showing that he's quite surly.

So my point is, don't play my character! Autoing is widely frowned upon in most RPing circles. Got it? Good. No one needs to change their posts, but I'd appreciate if we could continue on normally. Thanks, all.

And Lance? This new guy, Sturm, he can take Dizzy's place. =]

--End Note--

I agree with you. *nods nods* Even though you guys are playing my character surprisling well, but I still frown upon it. =( I mean, it takes all the fun out of RP-ing! I could not check this RP for one-week and my character would still be there! x_x; I was surprised when I saw someone else playing Miyu. I actully PM-ed the GM to make sure...
((I'll post later when I PM my traveling buddy. n_n))
I have no trav.buds so no trouble buds!

Tony and his Pokemon reach Odale Town. "Nothing to do here..." he said. "I'm off to Petalburg to battle Norman."
Tony heads off towards Petalburg, making a good route for him- he'll go to Rustoboro for 1st gym badge, then go to Mauville through a cave, go to Dewford from Slateport docks, fly back to Mau, and head to Lavaridge. "I'll think about the rest later." He thought...
"Sure," said Rose to Lily. "Charmander, return!" In a flash from the pokeball, Charmander returned to his ball.
"So where would you like to go first? I haven't been around here long, I'm sure you know the area better then I do."
"Oh, um..." Lily thought for a moment. "How about Rustboro? I think the easiest gym is there. Sound like a plan?"
G-LANCE said:
anna left, you took her place, you get her traveling bud and rival.
anna is no longer here!!!!
So...who is Anna's rival and traveling bud?
umm...what was it again...???Ah...!!!So my travelling bud was Ali, I-Fox,am I right...??? And my rival is Miyu-chan...???
*confusion overload*
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I dunno...

Kite was still trailing behind doing tricks on his bike, soon the duo were right next to the gym door
On Petalburg wood.
Bagon use Ember!
Wurmple KO'ed
Austin: huh...this is really boring battle...
On route 104 he smimming at swamp...he found a wild Mudkip...
Ah...!!! That is a Mudkip!!! isn't it?!?
Treeko: Treek!!
Bagon: Baaagggoon!!!
Go Treeko!
the battle of swamp Treeko Vs. Mudkip
Treeko use Mega Drain!
Mudkip heavy damaged...
Mudkip use Water Gun!
Mudkip is in pinch more damage added.20x2x2/2
Treeko minus 67% of hp...
Originally Posted by Sturm
Originally Posted by G-LANCE
anna left, you took her place, you get her traveling bud and rival.
anna is no longer here!!!!

So...who is Anna's rival and traveling bud?
umm...what was it again...???Ah...!!!So my travelling bud was Ali, I-Fox,am I right...??? And my rival is Miyu-chan...???
*confusion overload*

i'll continue.

"What a pity." Kite said."Gym's closed until tommorow for maintenance."
"Well that's just great!" I said sarcastically.
"Let's just stay at the Pokemon Center, I heard they have comfy pillows." Kite said with a smile.
"Yeah, whatever." I replied.

Later at the Pokemon Center:
"Yo, check it out." said a punky teenager."I just got a new Seviper."
"Whoa that's hard to find!" said another teenager.
Everyone crowded around the punky trainer.
"What an idiot." I said."I could beat that wimpy Seviper in 10 seconds flat."
"Is that a challenge?" asked the teenager.
"What do you think, smart guy." I replied, coldly.
"That's it! We battle right now." he said angrilly.
"Not in the Pokemon Center you aren't." said Nurse Joy.
"Fine, let's take this outside." I said.

Kite was refereeing the battle.
"Okay, one-on-one match. No time limit. Ready, GO!" he yelled.
"YAH, Go, Skarr." I screamed.
"Go, Seviper!" bellowed the punky trainer (known as Parker).
"Seviper,Poison Tail, NOW!" Parker yelled.
"Typical ameteur." I grunted."Oh well. Skarr, Quick Attack."
Skarr easily evaded the poison tail and retaliated.
"Seviper, Haze." commanded Parker.
"I don't think so, Skarr, Swords Dance!" I yelled.
The spinning dance blew away the haze and ran straight into Seviper!
"Seviper is unable to battle." Kite said."Skarr is the winner!"
"You know I was wrong." I told Parker.
"Oh yeah, How?" he asked.
"That took 9 seconds." I smirked.
Kite and I made our way back to the Pokemon Center.
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Tony's first GYM BATTLE!!!

Tony reached Petalburg City. After healing his Pokemon at the Center, he raced his Raichu to the Gym. Raichu won easy with its AGILITY. Inside, Tony asked guy with the Alakazam (or was it Kadabra) who was nearby, "hey, where's Norman dude. I wanna battle that guy.
"He's out back. You'll have to make it through a few rooms to get to him." was the answer. "Dude..." Tony began.
But Norman had just come into the room through a door. "Silver, he's not going to come through doors. I've been itching to battle him since I last saw him." he said.
"Hmmm... Norman dude, lets get this rolling then. A three on three battle then."
"Right. Then, lets go!!!"
"Feraligator go!!!"
"Vigoroth go!"
"Water Gun!!!" "Vigoroth, fury swipes!"
Feraligator opened its mouth and sprayed Vigoroth as quickly as it could. Vigoroth tried hard to get near Fera. but it kept getting washed away. "Aah... good strategie. Vigoroth, return!" Norman called Vigoroth back.
"One down, two to go! Good job Feraligator. return!" Tony called back his Pokemon. "Go for it Wingull!"
"Wha... you'll battle me with that?" Norman laughed and let out his Slakoth.
"Bad choice Norm. Slacks history! Water Gun and Wing Attack!"
Wingull sprayed the little sleepy lazy Pokemon and then hit it with its wings.
"Heh... I guess I should have used my other Slakoth. Anyways, go Slaking!!!" Norman calls back his Pokemon and lets out another.
"Uh oh, Wingull..." Tony started. But Slaking was not as weak and lazy as the other two. It had got up and it went over to Wingull and used Fury Swipes.
"mwahahahaha!" Norman laughed. "You are history!"
"Gack! Wingull, FLY!!!" Wingull flew high up and touched the low ceiling. Slaking was waiting right below it. Suddenly, Tony's Pokedex opened up. "In a battle, if Slaking decides to wait for its opponent to come closer, it may grow impatient and go to sleep or REST."
"Hey, I didn't know that! Wingull! Don't come down!" Tony ordered.
"Noooo..." said Norman.
After a few minutes of waiting, Slaking went to sleep just like Tony's Pokedex had said. "hehehehe! Lets go Wingull! Now, finish your Fly attack!" Tony shouts.
Wingull attacks and uses Water Gun on its own. Slaking was pushed to the other side of the room and it hit the wall with its asleep eyes like this- @_@
"Noh, this is the 29th time I have been defeated for a badge..." Norman said.
But then Wingull had turned white. It changed shape and said- "Pellll..."
"What the, it evolved!" Tony said. "Wingull found wild in the sea evolve faster." Pokedex said. "Jos!" said Tony.
Sometime later, Tony received his first Hoenn badge and moved on towards Rustoboro, with a newly evolved Pelipper.
Lily and Rose had immediately assembled their gear and set out from Littleroot Town. They took what they hoped would be a short cut, walking directly from Littleroot to Petalburg. They were lucky--the day was warm and sunny, and there were many pok?mon abroad along the forest trail. The two girls took turns battling wild pok?mon, but it wasn't until they were just outside of Petalburg that she saw one she felt like trying to capture...
They had been walking in a comfortable silence when there was a rustling in the bushes, and something white burst out onto the path. Malaclypse snarled and tackled it to the ground, where it squeaked in dismay.
"Ooh, mine!" said Lily as she pulled out her pok?dex. "Bite it, Mal!"
The houndour snarled and bit the pok?mon, which responded by growling eerily and flailing with its arms. The new, black pok?dex beeped and displayed a battle screen--it approximated Malaclypse's level at ten, and the other pok?mon's level was about five. The device also indicated that the wild pok?mon was a ralts, and female. Her HP was almost gone.
Lily took an empty pok?ball off her belt and tossed it at the struggling pok?mon. Malaclypse leaped back as the white pok?mon was converted to energy and sucked inside. The ball wiggled on the path a few times before laying still.
Lily smiled quietly to herself as she retrieved the ball.
"Alright...let's keep going!"

Let's see...Dragon Girl, if you want to talk about any pok?mon you've captured, you'll have to do that yourself of course, haha. ^_^;;;
--End Note--
<note>now this is what im talkin about, let's give keleri a hand!
note to sturm: i said in the begining...NO GOD MODE!
so don't catch a pokemon every single time! please try not to use script style.
(I'm going to try to reply to this thread, since I told Uncle Lance I would. X_X Sorry if it doesn't make sense, lol. My avatar picture is what my character looks like okay?)

Kayleigh slowly walked down the route with her Pichu, occasionally letting out a sigh.
"I'm so bored... When are are gonna get to the next town?" she muttered.
Her little Pichu shrugged and continued following its Trainer.
Suddenly it turned its head at the sound of a noise coming from the east direction.
"Pipi," it said as it tugged one of Kayleigh's socks.
"What is it?" she asked, noticing that one of its ears were perked up.
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