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Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

  • 25,838

    Pokemon Survival Challenge V2


    You, a skilled and talented trainer, have received a letter from an anonymous sender. What's in this letter? An invitation to a large-scale tournament, "The Ultimate Challenge", held on a remote, privately owned island. The invitation details where the ferry will dock in your region and promises not only a great challenge, but a huge reward. You pack your bags and head off to catch the ferry, eagerly awaiting the journey to come.

    All is not as it seems however; the anonymous benefactor of the tournament is truly a criminal with a terrible ulterior motive for hosting his tournament. He wants to wage a war against society, but for that he needs an army and despite his excessive wealth he has neither the manpower nor the recourses for a war. But he does have brains and in his devious mind he found the best way to create an army, was a draft. How would he draft people into an illegal army? The answer was simple, not people, but pokemon. His organisation doesn't have the means to train a full army though, so they developed a new type of pokeball, the Reverse Ball – The pokeball that will only catch a pokemon that has already been caught. With his devious invention ready to be deployed, he sent out invitations to as many powerful trainers as he could find, ones that wouldn't be noticed if they went missing.

    Upon arriving, you and the other trainers were gathered on the beach, awaiting the opening address from the tournaments organiser and once the boats were out of the way, the man stepped onto a podium, surrounded by armed guards. He wore a simple, elegant white suit, over his tanned skin and a black, grotesque mask over his face, identifying himself only as Concello he began to explain everything but his motives to the trainers. The rules of his tournament were simple

    "This tournament may be unorthodox, but the Ultimate Challenge is still a tournament and like all tournaments it has rules. If your pokemon faints in battle, any battle, then I will know and I will deploy what is known as a Reverse Ball. The Reverse Ball will capture your fainted pokemon, regardless of the fact that you already have, and you will never see it again. Returning it to your own pokeball will not prevent the capture, nothing will.

    Secondly, the only technology present on this island is within my own base, the location of which I will not share with a single one of you. If you want to survive you must do it with your own skills and knowledge. No help will be given to you, victory is determined by you, and you alone.

    I am a tough man, but I am also a fair man. As long as even a single pokemon, even one of the ones not originally on your team, remains on your person; you will be allowed to replenish your team from the islands own population of wild pokemon. If your team runs out however, I will deal with you accordingly. If your team runs out, so does your time. Do not run, do not hide, this will not save you it will only delay your fate and your suffering.

    Even now as I speak; I can see some of you looking to the sky and to the waters surrounding my island, but there is no escape. Even the most powerful pokemon on your team would most likely not make the long distance back to civilisation, assuming of course you lived long enough to evade me in the first place. I will mercilessly hunt down anyone who runs.

    I will give you some hope though, a reason to strive to win. If you win this tournament, I will allow you and any of your companions into my ranks. You may even see your lost pokemon again. So, with that I will take my leave. You have until tomorrow morning to prepare. Good luck to you all."

    The Island

    The island is roughly round in shape. The edges of the island are rocky bluffs and sandy beaches but further inland there are grassy plains that eventually develop into a deep forest. At the centre of this forest is a small mountain range, below which the underground base of Concello is found, not that you'll be aware of this.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)


    This is a free play RP in which minor plot events will be thrown in at random intervals to spice up the gameplay and prepare you for the eventual conclusion. In this RP, you never know what might happen next, but danger lurks around every corner.





    Appearance: Ethnicity, physical appearance and clothing. You may include an image but a written description is mandatory.

    Personality: Self explanatory, be detailed. Any particularly interests or unusual fears/quirks?

    Team on arrival: Must have six on arrival. Include Species, Nickname (if any), Ability, and moves (Four move maximum).

    History: Where are you from? What are some significant events in your life? Why would you be selected for the "tournament"?

    Brief summary of preparation day: How did your character spend their day of preparation?
    Other Info: Anything useful or important to your character that doesn't apply in the other categories.


    • All forum rules apply
    • You must start with a team of six
    • Don't godmod
    • Don't bunny without permission
    • You may create NPC's but they mustn't be central to the main story
    • If your character is disqualified (killed) then you may sign-up again with a new character.
    • You may request to play as an already existing character.
    • Reservations will last three days before being removed.
    • You may not discover Concello's base or interact with him at all until the plot movement is posted by a GM.
    • Levels do not exist
    • The opportunity to evolve or learn a new move is decided by a GM
    • You may catch a wild pokemon at your leisure and decide its starting moves but be fair and reasonable, not all pokemon will be strong at first or know uber moves.
    • Player v Player battles are to be negotiated between the two but a GM may step in.
    • It is preferable for drawn out battles to be double posts.
    • Pokemon can die, but this is obviously not the goal of the tournament
    • You are expected to lose team members at some point.

    List of Available Wild Pokemon






    Deep Forest Only



    Mountain Peak


    Current Plot Events

    Day 2 - Morning (aprox 7am-12pm)
    Currently only free play - Severe storm incoming

    Accepted Characters

    1. Gimmepie (GM) as Zaki Halithersis
    2. Strikit as Mara Henning
    3. Vexilum as Vex
    4. MancerNecro as Lena Zhang
    5. iLike2EatPiez as Caroline McKenna
    6. 14Henderson7 as (Sergeant Major) Lee Crowell
    7. Kanea as Allan Schneider
    8. EliteBeats as Kingsley Barajas
    9. Open
    10. Open
    11. Open
    12. Open

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    Aloha. I'll be in on this yet again. So then, reserve me up!
    @ Gus - you are resevred

    @ Everyone and anyone - I'll probably post my own character soon, might be longer than usual since I'm in so many RPs.

    Edit: My Character
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    Name: Janice Adams

    Nickname(s): Jenna or Fang

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Jenna is a 175 cm tall, seventeen-year old girl. She wears her long, light-brown hair in a ponytail (Usually with strands of hair sticking out because she fails to tie it all together) and the front of her hair hangs in front of her eyes, with two locks hanging down at the side. Her eyes are deep brown, and are always a little bit narrowed. Being with dragons in the wild almost all her life, she grew small but sharp fangs and she doesn't hesitate to bite if things get ugly for her. This is also the reason why she's nicknamed 'Fang'. She is very slim and agile. She wears simple jeans most of the time, with well-worn sneakers, as they are incredibly comfy and she can move around in them without any physical restrictions. She also wears a black t-shirt with a dark blue bodywarmer over it. On her left shoulder, there is a tattoo of a dragon's head, which she's very attached to.

    Personality: Jenna is considered quirky, odd, and extremely impulsive. She's incredibly cunning and agile, but also very distrustful of anything she doesn't know, and she tends to bite anyone who comes too close without her permission. Other than that, she also has some very childly quirks, especially when it concerns food. The only ones she actually trusts are her Pokémon, and she will never let them down. She's been with dragons her entire life, and thus has a great love for Dragon-Types. Despite being incredibly distrustful of other humans, she will never let another die without trying to save them first. However, if she'd be faced with a choice between a human and a Pokémon, she will always go for the Pokémon, unless the Pokémon's a spider or a snake: she's deathly afraid of those. Jenna's known to deal with anger management issues, and she becomes angry really quickly. The smallest bit of resistance against her might already throw her into a tantrum. As mentioned above, she's deathly scared of spiders and snakes, and refuses to deal with her fears.

    Team on arrival:
    Sapphire (Salamence), Intimidate, Fire Fang/Dragon Claw/Aerial Ace/Dragon Pulse.
    Ruby (Gabite), Rough Skin, Slash/Sandstorm/Dual Chop/Dragon Claw
    Topaz (Axew), Mold Breaker, Outrage/Dragon Claw/Iron Tail/Dragon Pulse
    Crystal (Dragonair), Marvel Scale, Hyper Beam/Outrage/Dragon Rush/Thunderbolt
    Quartz (Altaria), Natural Cure, Dragon Pulse/Wing Attack/Take Down/Aerial Ace
    Azurite (Zweilous), Hustle, Crunch/Dragon Pulse/Body Slam/Dark Pulse

    History: Jenna originates from Sinnoh, where she lived as part of an ancient culture called the Dragoniers. Together with the other members of the cult, Jenna lived in a gigantic cave inside Mt. Coronet. However, despite all this, Jenna didn't have a happy childhood. Her father left when she was a mere three years old, and her mother tumbled into depression as a result of that. She countered all her feelings to Jenna, who began to think she really was worthless and good for nothing. When her mother eventually died, Jenna didn't feel the slightest bit of sorrow. She was finally free to do whatever she longed for, without being told off or scolded. With incredible determination, she temporarily left the Dragoniers to go on journey and become stronger. Her team equipped with her best childhood friends, the dragons, she set out to pursue true power. Being very cunning and smart, she turned out to be quite the trainer. When she got the invitation for the 'Tournament', she was incredibly glad and went on her way right away. It was the only moment, ever, when she wasn't distrustful of something. She thought she had finally achieved something incredible.

    Brief summary of preparation day: Jenna actually spent the entire day thinking up escape plans and ways to flee the island, throwing tantrums whenever one of her plans prove itself reckless and dangerous. However, she soon realized it would be a very bad idea to escape. Her dragons managed to comfort her (despite having to endure quite some yelling from his owner). Jenna then went to find food and some shelter. She had no idea how she would ever manage to get off this place, but even if she would turn out to be the winner, she wouldn't escape Concello's clutches. Therefore, she decided to wait and see how she would manage, using her wits and agility to keep her alive for the time being.
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    @Gus - All good except I don't like the telekinesis and the sensing, makes it a bit unfair for a human to have abilities like that and it makes no sense for dragons. You're accepted assuming you change that.

    @Mancer - Reserved

    Name: Heather Keys

    Gender: Female


    Personality: Self explanatory, be detailed. Any particularly interests or unusual fears/quirks?

    Team on arrival: Must have six on arrival. Include Species, Nickname (if any), Ability, and moves (Four move maximum).

    History: Where are you from? What are some significant events in your life? Why would you be selected for the "tournament"?

    Brief summary of preparation day: How did your character spend their day of preparation?
    Other Info: Anything useful or important to your character that doesn't apply in the other categories.
    Ah, finally, an RP that doesn't use the same old grab-a-starter-and-go-on-a journey formula!

    Caroline McKenna



    Caroline is small yet sturdy, standing firm at 5'2" with a leanly muscled build. Years of rigorous training in all terrains have given her body plenty of raw endurance and stamina. Her skin is slightly tanned (though it's much darker during the bright summer months) and covered in scrapes, bruises, and bandages. It's not uncommon for Caroline to be bleeding from some wound or another; at this point she doesn't seem to notice. Her blonde hair is cut short to keep it from getting in the way while travelling. She trims it herself, and does a pretty sloppy job, but for what it's worth she makes sure to keep it clean and brushed. Caroline has a sharp nose protruding from an oval-shaped face. Her eyes are a dull grayish hazel, and she relies on a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, as she's nearsighted. As for clothing, she arrived in a black hooded shirt with elbow-length sleeves, a red vest marked with white accents and stripes, dark-colored shorts, gloves, and a pair of heavy duty hiking boots. She carries with her at all times a large backpack, containing all of the basic necessities she needs as a trainer. Food, extra clothes, Pokeballs, a first-aid kit, etc.​

    Years of hard training have made Caroline tough as nails. She's deliberate and tireless in her work ethic, willing to endure rough conditions for months if the occasion calls for it. As a child she was aggressive and hotheaded, but over time she's matured to become pretty stone cold. Very little seems to faze her; Caroline takes both joy and sorrow in even-keeled stride. Though, that's not to say she doesn't have a sense of humor. And despite her placid nature she has quite a capacity for companionship - when she deems someone worthy of it. She shares an iron bond with her Pokemon, but not in a mushy lovey-dovey way as most trainers do. She and her Pokemon view each other as equal partners in training. Caroline respects them, but holds the understanding that some Pokemon simply perform better than others. As such her team consists of (what she considers) the best of the best. She looks down upon weak pokemon, but will put all her faith in any pokemon if it shows the prospect of becoming strong. She feels the same way about trainers. Thus, she can be a bit of an arrogant snob. She doesn't work well with others because she rarely meets someone she deems worthy of her respect. All in all Caroline is very independent.

    She battles with merciless all-out force, though she isn't without a sense of strategy, and whether it comes down to offense or defense she tends to win simply by outworking her opponents. In unofficial matches, she will move alongside her Pokemon in the heat of battle, as she would in the rugged environments where she and her team train. Sometimes she even goes so far as to ride them - the ones large enough to ride, that is. This gives her a full sense of the situation, and allows her to make commands as a participant rather than a spectator.

    Her speech is gruff, casual, and indifferent. She has a hint of a southern accent, having come from Driftveil.​

    Team on Arrival:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Zebstrika ♂
    Ability: Lightningrod - Electricity is drawn to Zebstrika, and strengthens him on contact.
    Moves: Wild Charge, Volt Switch, Overheat, Return
    Background: Zebstrika was Caroline's first Pokemon. He is bold and focused, albeit a bit ill-mannered. Her parents gave him to her as a Blitzle when she was only three years old. The two of them bonded, and eventually Caroline was riding him in races. However, his lack of natural talent with these races was a major factor in Caroline's decision to become a trainer instead of a jockey. She trained particularly vigously with him to help him master his faults. Ultimately he gained exceptional coordination, eliminating his clumsiness, and the capacity for great speed - albeit in short bursts. He's even developed the physical endurance to withstand a few heavy Ground-Type attacks, though that's not to say it's an easy feat for him. But his physical power has always been by far his greatest attribute. Caroline makes sure to use that to their advantage.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Tyranitar ♀
    Ability: Sand Stream - Summons forth a sandstorm upon entering battle. On a side note, Caroline's spent a lot of time training the rest of her team to battle comfortably in sandstorm conditions, so as to make this ability more harmful to her opponent than herself.
    Moves: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Payback, Superpower

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Skarmory ♀
    Ability: Keen Eye - Skarmory's accuracy cannot be lowered.
    Moves: Stealth Rock, Steel Wing, Roost, Brave Bird

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Slowbro ♀
    Ability: Own Tempo - Slowbro cannot be inflicted with the Confused status.
    Moves: Surf, Psyshock, Thunder Wave, Fire Blast

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Venusaur ♂
    Ability: Chlorophyll - Doubles speed in Sunlight.
    Moves: Solarbeam, Sludge Bomb, Leech Seed, Sunny Day
    Background: Venasaur - then a Bulbasaur - was recieved as the prize of a small and rather shady tournament in Kanto.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Conkeldurr ♂
    Ability: Guts - Attack power raises when Conkeldurr is inflicted with a status condition.
    Moves: Drain Punch, Ice Punch, Smack Down, Bulk Up

    Caroline was born in Driftveil, the only child of a wealthy couple. Interestingly enough, she had aspirations of being a racing jockey long before she became a trainer. From a young age she rode with her Zebstrika in local Pokemon racing tournaments. It was her childhood passion. She wanted to be the best jockey in Unova. Her parents were very supportive, though in perhaps a harsh and excessive way. They were dead set on raising her to be a winner. First place was everything, and anything lower was failure. Caroline quickly conformed to this view, and aspired to live by it. Unfortunately, there was one problem - Caroline was never very good jockey. Some said she was too aggressive and hotheaded. She would ignore her own limits, prioritizing victory at all costs, causing her to slip up and make mistakes. Others argued that her Zebstrika, who was clumsy and seemed built more for power than speed, simply wasn't cut out for racing. But, despite repeated failures, Caroline was determined to succeed, and she would never dream of racing with a different Pokemon. Zebstrika had been her companion for as long as she could remember. Ditching him would be an insult to their friendship. As the losses added up, Caroline grew more frustrated, in turn causing her to place even lower in tournaments. Her parents were increasingly furious with every failure. She never once placed above fourth. "You need to try harder," her father would say. Her mother would frown and ask, "What's the point of paying for you to keep entering these races if you're not even winning them? That Zebstrika of yours isn't any good and you know it." Meanwhile the two of them were having their own relationship issues. They were already stressed by arguments with each other when they approached Caroline to discuss her lack of success. Eventually, they gave her an uncompromisable decision to make: she could either stop racing with Zebstrika and find a new Pokemon to ride, or she could drop out and never enter a racing tournament again. Caroline chose instead to leave home without a word. She was fourteen.

    Being perfectly honest with herself, she'd long since accepted that racing wasn't for her. She only kept at it so long in an effort to prove her worth to her parents - and more importantly herself. However, at this point, she realized that if her parents saw her as unworthy for being a lousy jockey, then maybe they weren't very good parents. They certainly weren't worth her concern. At any rate, the only person she had to prove anything to was herself, and she decided to find her own worth through Pokemon training. She and Zebstrika quickly found that they were both much better at this. Racing was about raw speed, while training was about refined power and skill. Caroline found that there was much more of a leaning curve for her with battling. Despite her poor experiences with her parents she firmly retained the winner's mentality they taught her. She would catch several Pokemon of the same species, rigorously train each individual, and eventually release all but the single most capable battler. In her team selection there was no bias favoring a Pokemon's physical appearance or personal bond with Caroline. Only the best of the best remained in the end. Zebstrika was the only exception. She could never replace him. But, in exchange, she trained twice as hard with Zebstrika so as to overcome the unique difficulties he faced. Zebstrika complied wholeheartedly; he was just as eager as Caroline to overcome past failures.

    Caroline travelled all across Unova, collecting Gym badges and participating in any minor tournament she stumbled upon. Her success in the battle stadium far surpassed her success on the racing track. Within her first year of training, she entered and won the annual Unova League championship tournament. Immediately afterwards she quietly departed for Sinnoh, where she planned to do the same.

    Sinnoh was a very different experience altogether. For the most part, the trainers were tougher - Gym Leaders in particular. And the terrain was much rougher. Unova was urbanized and densely populated, with a pre-made trail or path carving conveniently into even the most obscure corners of the region. Sinnoh, on the other hand, seemed splattered with uncharted frontier. It had its fair share of remote locations, most notably the unforgiving peaks of Mt. Coronet. Caroline deliberately spent about a third of her Sinnoh year traversing Mt. Coronet, inside and out, training herself and her Pokemon team. She destroyed competition at minor and local level tournaments. When it came time for the Sinnoh League chapionship she was certain she had victory in her grasp... and then she lost at the semifinals. The defeat was agonizing. All her effort was meaningless in the end! But, she wouldn't let it keep her down.

    She allowed herself two years of hiatus for training and recooperating. Caroline travelled quickly to Johto, spent about six months travelling, then moved onto Kanto. She avoided Pokemon Gyms but participated in as many smaller tournaments as she could. With roughly eight months left, she learned about Mt. Silver. She hurried there without hesitation. The remainder of her hiatus was spent there. She assembled from her best Pokemon a final team of six, and worked with each of them here to overcome their weaknesses and further emphasize their strengths. The dangerous terrain and powerful wild Pokemon kept them in a state of almost constant training for months on end.

    After all this, Caroline returned to Sinnoh just in time for the League championship. The trainer who'd beaten her in the semifinals faced her in one of the early matches - she was extremely satisfied to slaughter him this time around. She plowed through the competition, showing her opponents no mercy all the way to the finals, and while she can't say the last battle was easy it certainly wasn't her toughest. In the end victory was hers.

    With the sweet sense of having conquered her previous failure, she pushed through crowds of cameramen and interviewers with an air of confident superiority. Next stop was Hoenn. There was no time to waste! But, suddenly, a preposterously suspicious man in a trenchcoat approached Caroline. He didn't come at her from the side or tag along behind her, either; he walked straight into her path and stood there in front of her. She glanced up at him, not intimidated in the slightest. "Do y'need somethin'?" she asked in blank monotone. He handed her a letter and walked off. Curious but mostly unfazed, Caroline made her way out of the Sinnoh League HQ. She didn't open the letter until she was in Castelia waiting to board a ship to Hoenn. "The Ultimate Challenge." Sounded corny as hell, but admittedly the letter seemed legitimate, and the apparent benefactor behind it seemed very prestigious, whoever he was. Caroline tossed aside her ticket to Hoenn, and decided to give this tournament a go. After all, Hoenn wasn't going anywhere. This challenge was a one-time deal.

    Of course, she had no clue what ulterior motives were behind this tournament. Caroline was selected mostly because of her skill as a trainer. She has quite an impressive resume of tournament and battle experience. Her Pokemon are all very desirable, and her vigorous training will quickly convert any wild Pokemon she catches into stone cold powerhouses. On top of that, if she does end up joining Concello, she will be an invaluable asset to his army. And, if not - no one will miss her. Her disappearance will probably never be investigated. While she has recieved media coverage for winning a couple League tournaments, Caroline never stays in one place for long and doesn't stick around for interviews. She has no close friends or family, as she hasn't seen her parents since she left home. And, after all, trainers go missing all the time...​

    Preparation Day:
    Caroline's initial inclination was, of course, escape. However she realized quickly that this was out of the question. Her Pokemon were strong, sure, but they were trained for battling, not flying or swimming across oceans - and there's no doubt Concello would have guards ready to stop anyone who tried to get away. So, instead, she decided to prepare herself as best as possible. She surveyed the island, travelling as quickly as possible with the help of Zebstrika and Skarmory. She also made sure to give her Pokemon a stern (yet notably worried) pep talk.​
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    Name: SGM (Sergeant Major) Lee Crowell

    Gender: Male

    Age: 28

    Appearance: Lee is 6' 4" and a medium build. Medium dark skin tone due to being out in the field for so long. His hair is dark brown, with his eyes a medium Hazel tone. Skin short on the sides and fades up to longer on top and spiked up in the front. He wears a Ballistic-like vest instead of a shirt that has the looks of holding his Pokeballs and other various equipment. Black cargo pants with tan combat boots. You will rarely ever see him with facial hair, always being clean-cut. His dog tags hang from his neck since the day he was given them.

    Personality: He likes to take charge and can analyze every situation to the point. Lee lost most of his sense of humor which explains his more seriousness when he talks. Although when he talks about his Pokemon, or even to them, he has a more sincere sound in his voice. Always on high alert, which can result in being jumpy at times; one might suspect from being in combat as much as him. His compassion towards his Pokemon is high, though yours would be too if you lost a few. Lee rarely fails at what he is determined to do, but when he does he takes it to heart and shuts down.

    Team on arrival:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)
    Ability: Leaf Guard (Prevents Status conditions in sunlight)
    Moves: Aromatherapy, Solarbeam, Return, Earthquake.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Ability: Magic Guard (Prevents indirect damage)
    Moves: Barrier, Psychic, Recover, Shock Wave.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Ability: Adaptability (STAB increases damage to 2x)
    Moves: Crabhammer, Brick Break, Giga Impact, Night Slash

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Ability: Shadow Tag (Opponent can't switch)
    Moves: Mirror Coat, Counter, Safeguard, Encore

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Ability: Flame Body (Burns on contact)
    Moves: Protect, Lava Plume, Smog, Thunderbolt

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Survival Challenge v2 (M) (OOC)

    Ability: Reckless (Increases Recoil Moves)
    Moves: Brave Bird, Sky Attack, Double Team, Roost


    Brief summary of preparation day: Arriving to the island and hearing the announcement, he knew his retirement wasn't over. Officially it was, but deep down, everything he had learned, everything he had trained for was ultimately leading up to this. Retirement or not, he was facing this man.
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    @Henderson - Okay a few minor problems with your SU that need to be fixed before I can accept you. Both your character's Appearance and Personality are very short and not too detailed, so could you please expand on them?

    IMPORTANT: Please be aware that someone has accidentally brought the original version of this RP onto the first page. The original RP is long dead and so please post in here, which is honestly a far better version anyway, about anything relating to this RP. I have contacted Skymin about this problem and hopefully she will have gotten rid of the original soon so as to avoid any further confusion.
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