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Pokemon: The Walking Dead [M] (OOC/SU)

Sorry I haven't posted yet :) I'm really busy on Mondays, but I'll post now :)
Is it too late to try to jump in on this? I know I'm new but I have lots of downtime at work and decided to join in.
It's definitely not too late to get in. Just write up an SU whenever and either RPG or I, will look into it :)
Name: Jay.

Age: 23

Gender: M




Pokémon: Houndour (nicknamed: Blazer)

Pokémon: Gengar (nicknamed: Noxis)

Opening Post:
Ezekiu, I have several issues with your SU.

First of all, your personality section is more like an extended history section and doesn't say much about what your character's personality is actually like. Also, I'm guessing that "Misfits" is a band, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned it, and since the pokemon world is an entirely separate world from our world, "Misfits" wouldn't exist.

The last issue I have is with your opening post. I don't think you realized that this is the post that starts off your part in the roleplay, and we're currently set a couple of weeks or so after the infection had hit, so the panic would have pretty much died down. At this point, you wouldn't see masses fleeing the cities.

(I'm INCREDIBLY tired right now, so if this doesn't make sense, I'll rephrase it after school tomorrow)
Just a heads up, I'm out of town for the next three days. I may be unreachable, so I just wanted to give everyone an update on my status and know that I haven't died. Unless of course I do in the next three days...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. :P
Name: Syther
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance(Picture can be provided in its place): About 5'10, slim, short brown hair. A tanish skin color. Where's a white shirt with a blue jacket usually and jeans. Just your average kid in the Poke world.
Personality: Syther was always quiet. He didn't have many friends and would do majority of things alone. His only real friends where his Pokemon. The people who knew him would describe him as calm, cool and collective. He would always think about situations before acting. He would never do anything dangerous out of anger. He loved his Pokemon, though. He would never risk leaving them alone, even in the care of his mother.

History(How did you avoid the infection, what was life like leading up to it? 6 lines minimum): Syther left home to journey around the Pokemon world when he was 15. He had gone with his noble Squirtle to accompany him. His Father was a lab assistant for Professor Oak, and his Mom was a stay at home parent. His dad was one of the researchers who had dedicated there life to studying Pokerus. As he explored around Kanto he became very interested in Pokemon medicine. His goal was to become a professional Pokemon doctor and save the lives of Pokemon around the world. He would travel around the land and help wild Pokemon he would find. He would work at many different Pokemon centers and help out the Joy's. During this time they found an abandoned Pidgey who was severely injured. It was young and hungry when he found it in the grass just outside of Saffron City. He adopted it as his own. He one day received a leter telling him that he was asked to go to Sinnoh and help out Pokemon Centers there. He was excited to visit a new region. His form of transportation was the S.S. Anne. He never made it to Sinnoh. When the virus broke out he was on the boat. Many where boarding in order to escape this land and make it to Sinnoh. But the infection had already carried on to the boat. There was a huge rush, people hoping over board as Pokemon where transforming in front of there very eyes. Syther acted quickly, he took his Blastoise and surfed as far away as possible.

Pokemon(2 maximum, types immune to the disease include rock-types and ghost-types. You are not required to have one of these two types, but keep the infection in mind if you don't.):


Moves(6 Max): Surf, Hydro Pump, Skull Bash, Rapid Spin, Mega Punch, Bite


Moves: Fly, Steel Wing, Tailwind, Gust

Opening Post(8-10 lines minimum):
He landed on the shore, somewhere. After bailing from the ship he had just surfed in any direction. He knew he would have needed to get a s far away as possible from that boat. He reached for his bag and... it wasn't there. His bag, with all of his medicine and everything was gone. He checked in his Pocket, all he had on him was a potion and three Pokeballs. He hated himself for this. How could he have left it. It was on the table he was eating at when the first screams here heard, how long would have taken to grab it before running. But he figured he would have to deal with it. He explored the area, and made sure there where no infected Pokemon around him. He released his Pidgeotto from it's ball to see if it was ok. Both his Pokemon had no visual signs of any injury or infection. He looked up and saw a town in the distance. He had no idea which one, but he knew that probably meant there where more survivors there. That also might mean more supply's. He put Blastoise into it's ball and Hopped on Pidgeyotto's back. The few to the city that he would quickly realize was Fuchsia City. It looked peacefull until... he felt something hit him from behind. He was knocked off his Pidgeyotto, and took a hard fall to the ground below him. When he recovered he saw his Pidgeyotto fighting a huge swarm of Beedril. But these weren't normal Beedril, they where infected. He knew he had to act quick. He sent out Blastoise, and used Hydro Pump on the swarm. It had held them off, until a new swarm came at them from behind. Blastoise hopped into the Swarm and went for a Rapid Spin decapitating the Beedril. He though he was safe so he and his Pokemon dashed toward the gym where he figured there would be more survivors. But it was empty. He looked at both his Pokemon, his Blastoise was ok. He then turned to Pidgeyotto, and his heart sank. Pidgeyotto had a visible bite wound. And then he began to change. He turned more green. Syther freaked out. Pidgeyotto began to approach him and he knew he would be the one to kill his own beloved Pokemon. He ordered Blastoise to use Skull Bash and direct it at Pidgeyotto's head. It was a killing blow, he cringed as he saw his Pokemons decapitated head drop to the floor. He returned Blastoise, and took a rest in the safety of the gym's locked doors. So much had happened today, he was exhausted, he knew he should make a plan on what he would do to escape this city, but he decided to rest for now.

Nice SU, but there -are- a couple of pointers. The point where our characters start off in the RP, is about two weeks or so into the infection, so the SS Anne thing would have happened approximately two weeks ago, more or less, and they would have found a way to get rid of the infected on the ship, since it's now a 'haven' if you can call it that, for non-infected. No problems here, just keep in mind when in the story this is.

Secondly, in your opening post, I'd really like you to put some line breaks here and there. You know, after a period, just push enter twice and work on a new line. As it is now, it's a little hard to read, but not impossible. Just a couple pointers.

If you keep this in mind and go and do the line breaks in the opening post, then consider yourself accepted!
Sorry all, but I'll have to get out of this one. Since Nyx hasn't interacted with anyone yet it will be easy to write her out, but I just have a lack of muse for this rp ever since it started. Even my first was rather hard to type out and felt rather forced. Anyway, I hope you all have fun with this.

Nice SU, but there -are- a couple of pointers. The point where our characters start off in the RP, is about two weeks or so into the infection, so the SS Anne thing would have happened approximately two weeks ago, more or less, and they would have found a way to get rid of the infected on the ship, since it's now a 'haven' if you can call it that, for non-infected. No problems here, just keep in mind when in the story this is.

Secondly, in your opening post, I'd really like you to put some line breaks here and there. You know, after a period, just push enter twice and work on a new line. As it is now, it's a little hard to read, but not impossible. Just a couple pointers.

If you keep this in mind and go and do the line breaks in the opening post, then consider yourself accepted!
I'll keep that in mind but thanks for the accept. Also a question, should I repost my First post in the main thread or continue my next post there and leave this one
You've done it right by posting it in the main thread. A good idea would be to try and get to somewhere other people are, or even talk to them OOC'ly about whether or not they wanna meet up at some point.
Name: Jun Xiao (June zh-ow)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is of Chinese ethnicity, and stands at about 5'5. Her black hair reaches her shoulders, and is rather greasy and untamed. She is a very slender woman as well, so the lack of food made her look gaunt. Her outfit consists of a tattered white button-up shirt with a red skirt, that is tattered as well. The pantyhose she was wearing is riddled with tears, but she keeps it on to help shield herself from scratches. She carries a backpack filled with all of the medical supplies she could salvage. She wears a surgical mask around her neck in case she encounters a bloody battle. Jun is equipped with a scalpel and a bone saw.

Quiet | Traumatic | Intelligent | Deadly
Jun witnessed the disease happen first-hand, as a pokemon center nurse. After seeing so many people and pokemon alike die and become infected, she began to lose a grip of her old personality as a bubbly and fun woman. She is now very quiet, and does not hesitate to kill to save her own life. The only one she would risk her life for is Sun, her Clefairy who saved her life.

History: Jun worked as a pokemon center nurse for her entire career. The Pokemon center she worked at wasn't visited often since it was around the outskirts of the city, so it was rather small. She had never had a different job, so nursing was all that she had known. Most would say she was great at her job and was a great person to be around. She was single because she felt like dating would get in the way of her career, so once the outbreak happened, she realized how alone she really was. All in her life was fine until pokemon that were sick were being brought to the pokemon center, and it was like nothing she had seen before. They were mindless and ravenous. At first the bites didn't infect humans, but eventually the disease mutated and began to infect humans, which caused a major outbreak especially in the crowded city she lived in (Saffron). She had to brutally slaughter some of the pokemon center staff(which wasn't too hard physically with the medical equipment like scalpels, but more mentally), who had all become infected, and all of the pokemon. She was almost killed while fighting her way out of the city, but Sun saved her with her Protect attack. After two weeks of travelling and beating down walkers, Jun has yet to think about the horrible deeds she had committed to escape the city.

Pokemon: A Clefairy she had found in the center while fighting her way through walkers. The poor thing was immune to the disease with its magic guard ability, but was unable to fight off the walker-pokemon that were gnawing at her. She is riddled with injuries, so she is wrapped in bandages around her body and arms. Jun keeps the Clefairy as a companion and named her Sun.

Moves: Protect, Pound, Gravity, Moonlight

Opening Post:
"Sun." A soft yet raspy voice spoke, breaking through the silence that had lasted hours, "We've made it." The woman didn't sound very happy, but she didn't sound unhappy either. She was a dry, emotionless thing. Behind her lay a large collection of buildings and houses that used to be called Saffron City. The disease had broken out and spread very quickly in the city, making Jun's job as a nurse near-impossible. After the disease got out of control, the Pokemon Center turned into a boarded up safe house where they managed to live undetected for a week or so. Soon, the place was broken into and overran with walkers, so the small framed woman did something that nobody expected her to be capable of: She fought her way out of the Pokemon Center and into the infected city.

When she had gotten into the streets, things were no better than inside the center, if not worse. Jun was so covered in blood that she fit in to the gruesome scene. The walkers that lined the streets didn't seem to recognize her as uninfected, so they seemed to let her pass by. She continued to walk for a few hours until she reached a safe spot between Saffron and Cerulean. She had decided to wash off her camouflage in a small pond, although it saved her she didn't want it to get into any open wounds. The route seemed to be empty of walkers, except in the distance a few dotted the horizon, but they wouldn't see her.

The woman opened up the backpack she had thrown together before escaping. Inside were a few potions, some cans of food, bags of bandages and other medicines, and finally a bone saw. Jun managed to fight her way out using a large-ish scalpel, and didn't need the terrifying saw. Although she had no idea what to do with the saw, as no walker would stand still and let her saw its head off, but it might come in handy later. She looked back to the Scalpel and realized it had dulled and bent a rather large amount, making it utterly useless.

Jun didn't know much about fighting, and wasn't very physically strong, so she was not able to overpower most walkers, which made her scalpel the most important tool she has. Without it, she has almost no chance of survival unless she can find another weapon. She hoped to find a car so she wouldn't need a weapon, as she could solve most of her problems by fleeing, but cars were rare to find, and the ones you did find had no gas, no tires, or missing parts.

The one thing Jun feared as much as the walkers were bandits. Ruthless people whose minds have been twisted by this horrible event, giving them no remorse for others. Jun couldn't blame them though, as she would do the same if given the opportunity. She didn't have much to take, but if others were to see that her Clefairy- Sun, had the move protect and was immune, that might become a target.

Sun had saved the nurse's life while she was trying to escape. The injured pokemon managed to generate enough power to use protect and shield her as they ran out of the crowded front room of the Pokemon Center. The attack wore off shortly after, but the fact that it was used is also the only other reason why Jun is still alive. She believes Sun was given to her by fate, and she was meant to survive. She was meant to do something important in this new world. At least that's what she liked to believe.

Finally, the Clefairy who had been travelling with her stood up. The injuries she had received were pretty bad and she was unable to walk, and needed to be carried. Sun soon felt the tremendous pain from the bite wounds on her mid-section and legs, causing her to topple over. "Clefff!" She cried out, but was muffled by Jun. She sprayed a potion onto the pokemon's wounds and picked her back up, to continue along the road. "If we can find a pokeball, your injuries will heal much faster..." She thought aloud, as if the Clefairy knew where to find one. She didn't.
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Seems good so far, Clef. Yes, you can edit it...And as soon as that opening post gets in, I'll accept or deny you.
I edited my form with the roleplay post.
To be honest not all of my posts will be that long, but I will try to make them as long as possible.
Hey everyone, I'm back. :D

Sorry if my post isn't the longest. I hate when I make brief posts. >_>
So since people are heading into Cerulean which side are they coming from? Mt. Moon or from Saffron? I want Jun to meet up with someone.