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Pokemon: Tournament of Life [T] (IC)

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(OOC: Sorry about the long delay, but the holidays came)

Chapter 1-4: Route 202, commence!

Raiso saw the girl walk away... had she noticed his question? He shrugged happily, a smile still on his face as he scooped the Larvitar up and walked off. He wasn't going to follow the girl for now, since they would probably meet up at Jubilife, anyway, to do whatever he needed to do there. He stretched.

"Hey Rocky. I say it's about time we take a nap."
'Larva! Larva larva larvitar?" The green Pokemon pointed at Fait, who was walking away to the route.
"Let's leave her alone for now. I'm sure you'll meet your new friend later on, anyway. Now, for the map." Raiso pulled it out of his bookbag and inspected it carefully. "Jubilife is that way, Route 202!"
"Right, whatever. Did you want to go to the beach?"
"Larva... Larva larva." Rocky shook his head.
"If you say so. You are a rock type, though, so it's understandable." He yawned. "Seriously, though, I'm bummed out. I'm going to go to that route, and hope the grass is pretty darn soft."
"I appreciate your enthusiasm!" Raiso smiled as he walked into the route. He found a soft patch of grass, pulled out a fleece blanket, and laid on it. Rocky followed the example, and got into a corner.

<An hour later>

"Nyeh... nyaa..." Raiso opened an eye... "ROCKY! Let go of my hand, please!" Rocky, noticing he was awake, stopped biting his trainer.
"Larva, larva, larva." It pointed towards a patch of tall grass. It seemed to be... growling?
"Alright. I think that's a-" Raiso's sentence was cut off by a tackle from the newly emerged Pokemon- a Shinx.
"Hey!" The Shinx also took Raiso's apple from his pocket- a pickpocket, it was- and began to much."
"Shinx shinx shinnnnnx...." It savored the fruit, eating the entire thing.
"Thief!" Raiso yelled, but then calmed down quickly. "You can have it."
The Shinx looked at him with a glare, but it's gaze softened quickly. Nevertheless, it used a electric attack using friction on it's ur on the unsuspecting Trainer.
"Hey! So that's how you want to play, eh? Rocky, use Bite on it, quickly!"
"Larva-mmmf!" It bit the Pokemon's side, gaining a high five from it's trainer. It then used Leer, lowering the Pokemon's defenses.
"Shinnx!" The Pokemon wasn't so angry or whatever anymore- it seemed playful now- but it attacked Rocky anyway.
"Grrr... Rocky... use bite!"
"Larva!" The Pokemon sunk it's teeth into the Shinx, not at all fearing the 'Flash Pokemon' for anything in the world. It's jaw tightened, and the Shinx winced.
"Oh gosh, Rocky- that's enough!" Raiso pulled out a PokeBall, throwing it in a perfect arc, opening and encasing the Pokemon that was looking at it in awe within.

The PokeBall rocked once. Then twice... then after that, it was....

"Yes!" Raiso's voice rang out, piercing the quiet route with noise. He let the Pokemon out. It looked around.
"Shinx! Shinx! Shinnnnnnnnnnx!"
"Hey there, little guy." Raiso smiled.
"Shinx!" It's face lit up, and it smiled. It didn't seem sad at all. Raiso picked up the Pokemon and carried it in his arms.
"Well, aren't you the cheerful one!" Raiso smiled. "That's great, because so am I!"
"Shinx..." it purred, wiggling happily. She leaped out of Raiso's arms and wagged it's tail. He sat down and rubbed the Pokemon's back. Suddenly, a small jolt of electricity went up his arm.
"You're a female, right? gotta find something fitting... how about I call you..." Raiso looked up. He was no good at names, and his name for Rocky relied on texture. He wasn't going to call this thing Furry.
"Ah hah! I know! I'll call you... Raya!" The Shinx stared at him strangely. "Well, you see, your final evolution is Luxray, and then I added an -a to make it feminine. I took out the Lux- because Luxraya just sounds... strange, and corny and all that. So I decided to call you Raya, because I heard it means lightning in some language, my parents said. Them being all uber-nerdy and all that, and my father..." Raiso shook his head, frowning. "Let's not talk about that. Anyway, I'm beat! You can sleep on my blanket. I'm going to take another nap, if it's fine with you."
"Shinx... shhinn... shinn..." The Shinx stretched and curled up in a corner of the blanket.
"I'll take that as a yes..." he said, smiling. He yawned, and so did Rocky, who had been eyeing the newcomer strangely. "Good... night..." The young man collapsed, and quickly fell asleep.

NEXT TIME: A Trainer Battle?
OOC: no worries curious same here really :) 2 year ann with my bf too so won't be on for the next couple of days :)

As Willow led the way back towards town, still cradling Jinxsey in her arms, she allowed her mind to wander through her day. It had been long, yes and she had now been soaked thoroughly twice. But not all of it had been that bad, after all she had met Gau and Juilan, even if they did both have their eccentricities and she had won her first battle with Jinxsey. At this a smile pressed against her lips, bringing her arms closer around the small brown fox in her arms, making him mew quietly in her grip.

When at last the Pokémon centre came into view, Willow's paced slowed as she took in the large building for what it was. Nestled between to different red bricked structures it stood tall and proud, white walls gleaming in the sunlight while the red and white Pokémon ball symbol hung proudly above the door, a beacon to those with sick Pokémon.
Its entrance was quiet though, a few passers-by lumbering heavy shopping bags past its doors but never even glancing in its direction with Faces frowning with unknown worries.

Pressing on, Willow moved towards the doors, her trainers still squelching loudly with each step. She could feel the water bubbling up around her toes with the newly added sand scarping at her soft soles. It was a horrible feeling but one she must live with for now, she mused.

With a soft whirring noise, the doors to the Pokémon centre opened, sliding back to reveal a large reception which was filled with chairs, strewed here and there with a few potted plants. Warm colours beckoned her in from the softly coloured orange walls to the cream matt tiles which lay on the floor, but as she was about to enter, a figure to her right caused her to stop, mid-step across the threshold.

It was a boy from what she could make out, huddled down on the small grass patch outside the building. He looked like he was sleeping though. Slowly, letting Julian go on a head, Willow turned and edged towards the boy. He seemed somewhat familiar though she couldn't put her finger on why. It was only when she was 5 steps away from the figure that she realised where she has seen him before.

When she had left the lab earlier that day she had seen him walking toward the entrance.
He couldn't be homeless then, besides his clothes seemed clean as did his skin, in fact he looked cleaner than she did at that moment in time. So why on earth was he outside sleeping?

"ahem" she coughed, clearing her throat in a not so surreptitious manner. "You alright?" she questioned, eyeing the boy curiously, hushing a now shirting Jinxsey in her arms.
As the group of trainers made their way closer and closer to Pokemon center, Ike's fear and anxiety grew.

I hope they ignore me. I hope they ignore me. Was the only thing running through his mind as he sat against the cool walls of the Pokemon center, clenching the dampening grass in his hand.

The red-haired girl that Ike watched take lead was the first to approach. He had closed his eyes no more than 10 steps before she got to the Pokemon center and stopped clenching the grass.

Just keep walking.. don't mind me. He thought to himself.

Her soft footsteps stopped in front of the door and he heard the clicking of the door as she opened it. A heavier sounding pair of steps grew quieter and quieter, but she had not resumed walking yet. She had let someone proceed into the building before her. The red-haired girl was still there and Ike could feel her glaring at him.

Go on.. Just a little furth...

"Ahem" the girl coughed, interrupting his thoughts. "You alright?" she asked.

Is she talking to me? Ike questioned himself. Do I reply? Do I ignore? What if she isn't asking me and I answer for nothing.. that will draw attention.

She stands there for a brief moment, but starts to take a step into the Pokemon center.

"I'm fine, thank you," Ike said almost in a whisper as she raised her foot. He was loud enough for her to hear him, but no one else. He kept his head down and his eyes closed so as if nothing was ever said. His eyes clenched tighter and tighter as he fought the urge to get a better look at the girl he had only seen at a distance before.

It was then that his occupied pokeball started to softly shake. The soft shake became more vigorous and the pokeball started to heat up. It singed through his belt loop and hit the ground, commencing to roll towards the girls foot.

OH NO!...
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Gau stood silently and watched what appeared to be Willow talking to a boy that appeared to be pretending he was homeless. He couldn't make out the words of either since they were whispering and were now a little ways behind Julian and himself. He wondered why this person was acting in such a peculiar manor and what he was saying to his companion.

"Willow?" he inquired after his friend before continuing "I'm going to go up and get what I forgot, see you guys for lunch soon" with that he continued into the Pokemon centre and headed up a flight of stairs to the back of the building. Unlike the escalators in the middle of the homely building these lead to staff lodgings where he had lived. He entered his old room and picked up a dusty old book from the desk.
Just gonna push a little toward the second Chapter, feel free to still be in Chapter 1, but don't lag too far behind!

Chapter 2: A Toxic Situation

Jubilife City:
After conquering route 202, you finally approach the bustling city of Jubilife. You spots clowns dancing cheerfully along the streets, cars zooming past at super fast speeds, tons of people scurrying into shops, buying tons of merchandise and other wares. Or...at least, you hoped to see such. In fact, Jubilife seemed relatively dead. It was still quite ..jubilant, but it didn't seem to uphold it's normal vibrance. Perhaps it could be the suspicious Pokemon disruption? You decide to travel deeper into the city, until you finally come across an array of Grimer sliding across the ground. The sticky, toxic Pokemon leaving trails of liquid ooze behind them, spot several pedestrians, and decide to attack, hurling tons of liquid ooze at the innocent civilians. You notice how uniform the Pokemon are, and conclude that they couldn't possibly be acting completely on their own accord. You theory is proven correct, when a rather older and intimidating woman approaches you. The woman was of monstrous height and had piercing eyes. You see a glimpse of what appears to be a metal strap, strapped to her wrist, and know exactly who you've encountered. "So you're one of the bratts, who I need to disapose of hey? No problem, prepare to feel the sting of my skills!" she spat, clutching her pokeballs.

Wild Pokemon:



  • Defeat Life Keeper Ivy [MUST]
  • Explore Jubilife City (Visit houses, buy items, catch Pokemon etc)
You may not leave Jubilife City.
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Chapter 1.1

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Tournament of Life [T] (IC)
| ♀ | Lv. 5 | Lick, Pound.

Resting on the coast of Sandgem Town, a boy in his mid-teens gazed out into the open ocean. Wild Krabby dotted the landscape, sometimes engaging each other in small territorial battles. Lumineon and Goldeen flew out of the water in what seemed to be synchronization, and Staryu rode the waves, sometimes crashing onto the beach. Inhaling the salty air, Benjamin rested against a palm tree, his starter Pokemon seated quietly in his lap. His face was blank, but his thoughts were racing all across his brain. Had I made the right decision? He thought to himself. What if I'm not strong enough? What if I …die? It was questions like these that kept the poor boy petrified. His encounter with Professor Rowan was one that he would remember for the rest of his life.

It happened just before noon. The sun was shining down as brightly as ever and only a few clouds dotted the sky. The air was crisp but not too cool, making for the perfect traveling climate. Although Ben had only lived in Sandgem for the beginning of his life, he knew the town like the back of his hand. Arriving at the laboratory, the teenager parked his bicycle outside and entered through the automatic double doors.

"Ah, Benji! It has been quite some time since the last time ive seen you," Rowan exclaimed. "Boy, you sure have grown." The professor wrapped his arms around the brunette, encasing him in his grasp for a few moments. Upon release, the professor tousled the boys hair and led him to the back of his lab. Removing a trey of Pokeballs from a shelf, "Go on, pick one."

Benjamins hand floated over the trey, unsure of which to choose. Taking a few deep breaths, he decided on the Pokeball that was on the far bottom-left corner of the trey.

"Excellent!" The professor bellowed. He placed the trey back onto the shelf he received it from and handed him all the essentials he would need for beginning a Pokemon journey. Before Ben could say goodbye, the professor clutched his wrist, adding, "There is… one more thing I must inform you about, Benji."

Confused, Benjamin tilted his head to the side. "What—what is it?"

"Its about the Life Keepers." Rowans breaths were heavy and his voice was low. "You've been selected to stop them and beat them at their own game."

Benjamin was utterly shocked. All he wanted was to escape the clutches of his boring past life, not save the region from an evil crime syndicate. "Me?!" Asked the boy. His voice was raised so high it almost cracked. Clearing his throat, "Id rather not," he added.

Chuckling, the professor grasped Benjamin yet again and held him in his arms. "Yes, you." Releasing his embrace, Rowan turned to his desk and shuffled through all his drawers. Locating the Life Meter, he wrapped the device around Benjamins wrist and explained every bit of the device from the inside-out.

"Well, I guess you should get going," exhaled the professor. "Be safe, okay? And try not to die."

Letting out a awkward giggle, Benjamin waved goodbye to Professor Rowan and exited the lab.
"alright." Willow replied, Nodding to Gau as he passed explaining where he was goin and all the while keeping her attention on the boy on the grass. Curious as to why he was there and why, even though he had spoken to her, he continued to pretend to be asleep.
It was then, with a soft tap that the Pokéball collided with her trainer causing Willow to look down at her feet confused. The small ball had seemed to wriggle free from its trainers belt before rolling towards her, which was bizarre. She hadn't known Pokéballs could do that, but then she didn't know a great deal when it came to pokemon.
Eyes narrowing slightly and eye brows arched, she crouched, flexing her aching legs muscles painfully as she did so and causing her to hiss ever so slightly against the flare of agony which licked at her calves. Jinxsey, whom had be asleep happily until now, opened one lazy eye, to peer out from behind his wet frigde of nut brown fur, at the boy whom Willow had been talking to before then quizzically checking out the pokeball which now jutted against Willow's foot. Let out a warning growl, mostly out of a projective urge in his foxy brain, Jinxsey uncurled in her arms.
At deep noise from her pokemon, willow's grasp tightened around the small furball, as with her free arm she reached down and careful wrapped her fingers around the cool metal casing of the pokemon.
"hush, Jinxsey." She purred, fighting the Eevee in her grasp whom was now trying with all his might to get out her grip and face down the boy. "it was just a pokeball gone wild, no threat. Rest buddy."
Yet despite her words, jinsey still resisted to no avail however.
Straightening again, this time with the renegade ball in hand. She smiled at the boy before holding out the ball towards it's rightful owner.
"forgive but you seem to have lost this" she giggled.
Gau was on his way back to the group when he decided to put Teddiursa in with the nurse, he saw no harm in getting her help whilst the others were chatting, he had already put the old journal into his pack for safe keeping.
"We'll have your pokemon back to you shortly" the familiar nurse said to him "honestly I thought you'd be in Jubilife by now with the outbreak and all"
"I'm sorry?" asked a confused Gau who'd been, as usual, wrapped up in his thoughts
"A bunch of pokemon seem to have overrun Jubilife, some people are suspecting Life Keepers. I thought with your new job and all that you'd be on your way".
"I'll be right back for Teddiursa" Gau walkd back over to his group.

Is that guy still pretending he's asleep? After talking to Willow? His curiosity would have to wait for now though, he had more important things to mention
"Willow, Julian, we need to go to Jubilife and fast."
Willow paused, hand still held out towards the strange boy on the ground, when Gau;s voiced reached her. the sense of urgency in his voice was undeniable and almost made her heart faulter mid beat. What could have gotten Gau so riled? He always seemed so calm and poised that she would never in a millon years thought that Gau would act, nor sound like this.

"Pardon?" she asked, almost stuttering over the word as she focused her eyes on her friend. "but we only just got here?" which was true, and Jinx still needed treating. Glancing back at the boy on the grass she tried to smile, not really sure what to do now.

"I thought we were meant to go see the professor before we left?" she continued, opting for putting the pokeball down next to where the boy lay, before turning back to speak to Gau. "well at least I was meant to.. I said I'd go back after I picked some supplies up. He said it had been important." At this she glanced over to Julian near the counter trying to read his expression on the matter. "just give me a couple of minutes ok? Just to sort out Jinx."

At this she nodded apologetically at the boy next to her, before moving off into the pokemon centre without a word. After all, he had heard the conversation between her and Gau, need she explain more.

Striding over the counter, she was greeted by the nurse whom gave her a rather odd look when taking in the scruffy girls appearance

"it's been a long day ok?" Willow answered, trying to smile encouragling at the nurse. "can I hand my Pokémon in? he is in pretty bad shape and we need to move."

The nurse continued to look at her for a bit, eyes searching the girl until they settled on the life meter attached to her wrist, before nodding and taking Jinxsey from her arms.
"have a seat. Your Pokémon will be ready soon."

With the nurse was gone and Willow's eevee with her.

After that Willow returned to Gau, a grim expression set across her face as she moved toward her newly found friend, every now and then glancing over to Julian.

"ok Gau. Explain."
Gau pondered Willow for a moment unsure on her emotions... fear? anger? excitement? He didn't know and was concerned about how to respond... but this was his purpose in life now wasn't it?
"It looks like something is going on involving life keepers, something about pokemon who aren't supposed to be there showing up all over the city and strange people moving about". Gau continued to explain as best he could but at this point in time he was too busy trying to work out how exactly his new friend, and seemingly travel companion, was reacting to this news. He was really unsure how he felt, really he was unsure how he felt. He looked at the metallic watch-like object on his wrist and sighed. Gau was not afraid to die, he'd never really been anything in his life so losing it wasn't something that scared him, but he couldn't help but feel saddened that he would possibly be dead in the next few days after he had finally made friends and gotten a pokemon, needless to say it was going to be very interesting how events unfolded. Gau proceeded to get Teddiura back from the nurse and waiting at the door for his friends. He wasn't used to taking action like this, and was unsure of how to proceed, but he knew he had to.
As the pokeball rolled towards the girls foot, the guy with her went into the pokemon center. He said her name amongst other things before entering, though.

Willow... I finally have a name.

Willow proceeded to pick up the pokeball containing his troublesome magby.

"Forgive but you seem to have lost this," She said with a giggle as she extended her hand towards him trying to get him to take the pokeball.

Should I let her put it down or take it?

He sat there motionless for a couple minutes and as he started to lift his head and extend his hand towards hers the boy returned. Ike quickly returned to his fake slumber so he could listen to what he was about to say.

"Willow, Julian, we need to go to Jubilife and fast." the boy said in an anxious way.

Julian... another name. I wonder which one that is... and I wonder why the sudden push to Jubilife..

Ike listened as Willow replied to him. It was obvious she wasn't ready to go. He felt the ground stir as she put the pokeball down beside him before walking inoto the pokemon center. As the door clicked shut, he felt around for his pokeball, quickly securing it and subtly returning it to his belt loop.

That was a close one. Relief shot through Ike and he shifted in comfort.

As she returned she said the guys name, Gau, and told him to explain the situation.

Gau.. that must be the guy. So there is a Gau, Willow, and Julian. Just missing one name. Now to listen to what is going on.. Then I follow them. I will eventually have to come clean.. How will I do so is the question.
Chapter 1.2

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon: Tournament of Life [T] (IC)
| ♀ | Lv. 5 | Lick, Pound.

Benjamin had been resting on Sandgems beach for almost an hour, but it felt like seconds to him. He sat as still as ever, as if he were carved from stone. Occasionally, the small, pink Pokemon resting in his lap would rustle about, trying to find a comfortable position to relax in on her trainers stony exterior. Unfortunately for her, it was to no avail. The Pokemon looked up at Benjamins face and let out a small growl, letting her discomfort be known to him. Hopping out of his lap, Smoochum squinted her eyes, pulled her right arm back, and struck her trainer with a vicious Pound attack. "Smooch smooch!"


Although the duo hadn't known each other, it was quite obvious they had their differences. Smoochum was high-strung and quite the sassy Pokemon, while Benjamin was the complete opposite. She longed for attention while he longed to be alone. Her teal eyes angrily glared into her trainer, demanding all of his devotion. Stretching his limbs, the boy yawned and reached for Smoochums Pokeball. Detesting to be recalled, she yowled and beat at her trainers leg. Benjamin rubbed his temples and held out her Pokeball. Mumbling, he recalled his Pokemon and cursed under his breath.

In no hurry, Benjamin decided to take the long way back to town. A small road through the forest that lined the beach was begging for his attention and he couldn't resist. His head hung low, refusing to look away from his feet. That is, until a young boy could be heard yelling a few yards behind him. "Hey doofus!" he shouted. Turning around, Benjamin wondered who would be shouting at him. "I'm over here!" The young boy flailed his arms around in the air, trying to catch Benjamins attention. He wore yellow floaties around his arms, some scuba googles wrapped around his forehead, and a dark blue speedo.

"Um, do I know you?" questioned Benjamin.

"No… but I saw you on the beach earlier." His hands were rested on his hips, until he rose one and pointed it directly at the teen. "And I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!"

Shifting his eyes side to side, Benjamins muscles tensed at the boys demand. "What!? I… um… I don't own a Pokemon! I don't even know your name!"

The youngster squinted his eyes and raised his voice. "You're lying! I saw you with that girly pink thing on the beach earlier!"

Caught red handed…

"It looked smaller than my Pokemon, so that means I'm gonna beat you for sure!" His voice trailed off in the beginning, but regained confidence as he continued. Reaching for his Pokeball, he tossed it on the ground with extreme vigor and excitement. "Come on out, Growlithe!"
1-5 Trainers... the bane of other Trainers?

So it was that kind of nap. The long kind.

Raiso rubbed his already sleepy eyes, then stretched and yawned. It was... 2 hours ago when he slept.
Raiso gathered his bearings, returned his Pokemon to their PokeBalls. He should be walking to Jubilife now, shouldn't he? He yawned.
"Oh well," he sighed, "I guess I better get going." It was looking most peaceful, until purple was showing beyond him, where Jubilife should be. Wait. Purple...?
"Sludge. Grimer sludge." Being raised in Veilstone, where these creatures pretty much were created in the sewers, made it even more obvious. "This... isn't the Jubilife I saw when I hiked here... in fact, there wasn't any Grimers nearby, now that I think of it." He clenched his fists. "This is strange... and dangerous. I should go warn Fait... and the others who were at Rowan's lab, so... I... have to... go!"
Raiso began to run, ignoring the hunger in his stomach that was just pleading to come out. The hiking stick he was going to use stuffed in his bookbag, he began a full out sprint to Sandgem.


"Wha-what?!" Raiso stopped at turn around. Crap. Not this... no... not now.
Standing in front of him was a youngster. His orange cap backwards, his arm with a PokeBall outstretched, he glared at the person in front of him. "You will battle with me!"
"Kid, I can't. I have something very important to-"
"NonoNO! You can't! We've locked eyes! It's taught in the Pokemon Trainer School!"
"Which is why I'm running! I have to-"
"You can't run from a Trainer Battle!" The kid was almost whiny in his response.
"Dang. I'll end this quickly, then. C'mon out, Rocky!" The little green Pokemon materialized and bared his teeth.
"Let's go, new Pokemon! C'mon, Chickachor!" A Chimchar came out. "Or is it Chimmychor?" The trainer scratched his head, and his Pokemon was ready to scratch not only the Pokemon in front of it, but also the trainer behind it.
"A Chimchar." Raiso's frown became a wicked grin. "Rocky! Use Sandstorm!" The Larvitar whipped up a good one, mixed with rocks and debris that made the weather worse. "Now! While he can't see! Bite!"
"Larva!" The Pokemon's teeth clenched the Chimchar's shoulder, making it all that much more lethal.
"Chim! Chim! Chim!"
"No, no no! Use Scratch, Chimchar!" As much as the Chimchar would love to obey properly (or not) he only had one hand to scratch with. And even then, it missed because of the constant Sandstorm.
"Leer, and then Bite, Rocky!" The sandstorm began to die down as Rocky gave the Chimchar an intimidating look, lowering the Chimchar's defenses as it suppressed a laugh. This gained an 'oh hell no' response from Rocky, biting the Chimchar again.
"Heheh. Your Sandstorm has whittled out. Now! Use Scratch!" Rocky was scratched viciously as the Chimchar proceeded to dig its claws into the skin as Rocky just watched. Wait a second... just watched?
"Larva... larva!" The Chimchar's nails broke at the cry, the Larvitar's rocky skin being too much for them to handle. The Chimchar gasped. "LARVA!" And as soon as it did, it received another bite from Rocky, knocking it out.
"Had enough?" Raiso said grumpily.
"No! I still have one more Pokemon!"
"Go... Magika!"
"That's an interesting name... for a..."
"That's right! I'm getting a killer Magikarp on ya'! You ready?"
Raiso mentally face-palmed. "Yeah. Sure." Rocky needed some rest, so... "Let's do this, Raya!"
"Shinn shinn!" The blue Pokemon jumped happily.
"Alright! I'm ready!" Raiso yelled, returning his Larvitar. He looked towards Jubilife... or at least where it was supposed to be. I have to finish this soon! No matter what!
"Magika! Use Splash!" Obviously, this kid had no idea what he was doing, and the Magikarp just flopped about.
"Alright! Raya, use Tackle! And make a bit of static by rubbing your fur together!" Of course, the second move was the basis of the move Charge, but the Shinx couldn't use that yet. It could do this, though.
"Shiiiinnnn!" Raya shook her fur carefully, and little blue particles began to appear in the air. "Shinx!" The Pokemon hit the Magikarp, dead on.

TO describe what happened in the rest of the battle is nearly pointless. After a spam wave of Tackles and Splashes, Raiso won. He began his dash back to Sandgem, deciding that he would stop at the Pokemon Center. In his rush, he saw Fait eating lunch. "Move it! Go to Jubilife, quick!" He yelled, "I'm going to warn the others that Rowan chose!" Raiso was panting, and he was tired, but he eventually made it to Sandgem.

He encountered a group of people outside the Pokemon Center. I've seen most of them before, at... Rowan's lab! "Guys!" He yelled, seemingly interrupting something, but knowing that what he was talking about was probably more important. You're all part... *huff* of Rowan's chosen... right? Get to... *pant* get to... *huff* get to Jubilife. It's covered in Grimer sludge, I saw the slime, purple and shining brightly, from afar..." He fell on the ground. "So... tired....*huff*" He struggled to get up. "And hungry... *pant* I'll go in the Pokemon... Center, and heal my Pokemon... *huff* and help myself to an apple. I'll be back out in one sec..." Raiso flashed his signature grin, and walked in. "Oh and by the way...," he said, "the name's Raiso. Raiso... Ionis." He entered, healed his Pokemon extremely quickly, and came out, eating not an apple, but a sandwich. "Nurse Joy sure is nice. Anyway, are you guys good to go? I'll explain the situation in full as we walk... if you're coming. If not, I can try to handle it myself. And sorry for interrupting whatever seemed to be going on." He looked at 'Julian.' That's not a guy... he thought, thinking back to the experience he had gained in Veilstone. He showed no outwardly signs of that experience, quietly eating in anticipation of a response.
Willow was just about to reply to Gau, after eyeing Julian in her peripheral vision waiting to see if the boy had anything to add. When, however, the boy remained silent, Willow bit the bullet.

Yet when she parted her lips to speak, she was interrupted by someone else, literally running into her life. The boy seemed to be about her age if not a little older, give or take a couple of years and he was panting. Like he had been moving fast for a while.

Without even an introduction, the boy explained his sudden appearance, referring to her group of friends as the rest of Rowan's chosen ones. Which, when thinking about it, was kinda true.

As he explained about the pruple grimmer sludge which he had seen, she felt her heart sink lower, each syibal just adding to the dread which was now building up inside her. Well this day was just getting better and better, wasn't it?

"Oh and by the way...the name's Raiso. Raiso... Ionis." The boy finished as he walked past them, entering the Pokémon centre with a grin.

"Willow Greenheart." Willow said simply, her voice almost completely gone after the information overload she had received from both Gau and the new guy, Raiso. Shooting a concerned look towards her company, she tried to think about what to do. Until at last, she made up her mind.
"we need to leave now then." She said, with a confirmative nod. "no point in wasting time on getting supplies. I think I have enough to last us." At that she turned on the spot again and walked back to the counter were after a few moments of spirited conversation with Nurse Joy, Willow returned. Jinxsey nestled in her arms one more, with a familiar wolfish grin settled on his small face.
Ike sat there stiller than ever as a new voice came into the scene. It was a guys voice, he sounded shook up, and took multiple pauses consisting of pants. He must have just ran a mile, full sprint. Ike concentrated on the guys words so he would not miss anything. He spoke of the grimer sludge and how everyone needed to get there fast, concluding his urgent message with his name.

Raiso.. another trainer on the same mission. You know what.. change of plans.

Ike slowly stood up from his sitting position, slinking up the wall as if it was picking him up.

"I'll go with you, Raiso. Ike is the name." Ike said as he stared at the guys feet, wanting to avoid any eye contact that may come towards him being he had been pretending to be asleep with the others. "I'm not an experienced trainer, though. Not at all."

Ike braced himself for rejection, his left hand bracing his pokeball that held the snide pokemon he was honestly a bit scared of and his right hand rubbing the back of his head. Who would want such a weak trainer to help them with such a significant job?
Julyanne "Julian" Eigis

Julyanne sighed as she kept an eye on her sister, listening to the discussions Willow and the others were having.

She doesn't know what to say, really. Nothing interesting piques her interest. When they suggested that they leave and go to the disturbance, that's when she draws the line.

"Hold on. You do not honestly think that going there is a good idea, do you? Do not forget that we must return to the Professor soon, and the walk to the next town should take quite a while. It's quite foolish to think that we can even do anything, even if said cause of trouble is the group we are looking for.

Look at us, we are starting trainers with Pokemon ill-fit to fight Pokemon that has defeated countless much more experienced trainers than us. I agree we should help, but going there right now as is will be suicide."
1-8: In a Nutshell? Raiso Blows Up.

"Okay. You're taking the reasonable approach. That's understandable. But there are flaws in your logic."

Raiso's mood had quickly shifted. It was no longer the happy, cheery mood it had been before; no, at this moment his old anger for the underground and criminality came back, practically like a dust storm creeping upon a old Western town. Memories flooded in, and Raiso was left with a serious frown and a glare harsher than ever. Of course, he didn't ignore Willow, or Ike; but he attended to more important things first- the objection.

"First of all, I don't know about you, but I have no returning to any professor to do; however that is your business and not mine. I have had all the time in the world to do what needed to get done, already have it done..." he simmered down. "Sorry. I've been remembering something..." Raiso looked away. "Don't worry about it. But seriously. Fine, if you have to return to the professor, that you may do so. Second, what's up with this supposed long walk? Is there anything wrong with exercise? It takes a bit over an hour to traverse; not that long in my opinion. Then again, I do a lot of hiking often."

Raiso stopped, clenching his fists. "And I'm sorry if I seem naive to you, as I have to many, but what happened to teamwork? You're not alone, I'm not alone, not one of us 15 is. Unless you want to be. And this stuff about us being weak; what do you think we should do? Sit around as some criminal takes more lives and overruns Jubilife?" Raiso looked up and glared, and even though he was still in control of himself, he was still angry. "I don't know about you, but I'm not going to stand for it. Maybe you're too young to understand. Maybe you don't know the underground as well as I do... in fact, you probably don't. Or perhaps it's the fact you haven't seen the situation like I do. Which, by the way, is loads of Grimers. And fine, like I addressed before, we're all weak. We may not all be starting trainers like you claimed, but yeah, we are. And I'll admit that, even though I've already participated in both a trainer battle and caught a Pokemon."

Raiso rubbed his right eye, and putting his hand back down onto his side, he said, "So what do you suggest we do? Anyone really, what do you suggest? Do we go back to Rowan, which'll probably help with advice and a TM? Which would be cool, so I'm okay with that. Do we train knowing that there's something astray? At that rate, any major training and the situation slowly gets worse... maybe when we're done training, they've gotten stronger and are almost invading Sandgem! Or do we just mope here about how we can't supposedly accomplish anything, or at least much?"

Raiso laid back and inhaled, then rapidly exhaled. "Don't take too long. Depending on what happens, I may have to choose a new course of action. And sorry if I seemed rude in any way." He finished his sandwich and waited for a response.
Julyanne "Julian" Eigis

"I'm not being reasonable. I'm being realistic." That is the first thing Julyanne said as she let the boy finish, her voice even. "What I don't get is that why you are being rash about this. Stop and think. We are here to stop the organization, and we won't do that by biting on a schmuck bait."

She pushed her sister to the lobby, out of the argument that might grow into something more. "Haven't you thought that they might split us up into easy pickings? Get the weakest link first to dwindle down our numbers? We have Pokemon, they are criminals. The only thing holding them back from shooting us at first sight are these Life Meters, and they're not exactly a life-line considering what will happen if the number drops down to zero."

"You expect us to win? We can, we might, but not now. Have you seen what the organization can do? How can you be sure we can all survive once we meet them? There is a police force for a reason. We must focus on helping ourselves first before we can help others, otherwise you're just cannon fodder to them."
Gau listened to the events unfolding with a quizzical expression stuck on his face. Firstly they had run into this weird stranger who was pretending to be homeless, then he had heard about the events in Jubilife, then another random trainer had come sprinting up and rather fortunately given more details on what to expect and now Julian was about to start an all out argument with the new guy... and seemingly Gau himself. He didn't like speaking out in these situations but he didn't want to scare the kid with Julian since she was probably already terrified. But he was very intrigued by something he had heard from the strange, rather feminine, boys mouth. Authority. Gau was now certain that Julian was not who he said he was and resolved to find out more. He looked at the newcomer who also seemed to have picked up on something
Interesting thought Gau, he'd have a lot to write about later but he had a bigger priority right now, defusing this situation before they were all left without allies and helping to work out a plan. He sighed inwardly he hated being in positions like this where he had to give a clear stance towards the situation.

"Firstly, if the police could stop the Life-Keepers they would have by now, they have been around for a while now and we haven't even seen a decrease in their activity, in fact we have seen an increase. As for these" he showed the watch-like object strapped to his wrist "we know they aren't life lines but we also know that this is what we signed up for. Not to say that you don't have valid concerns it is just that there is nothing we can do about them except catch a few new pokemon and/or strengthen the ones we already have. One way or another we are going to run into these guys and really it would be better for us if we had the element of surprise over them not the other way around. To sum it up, I'll be going anyway and I'd like to have you guys for back-up" the last line was directed at Julian and Willow more than the others.

Now he just had to watch as events unfolded and hope for the best.
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