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Pokemon Transformation [PG-13] Revamped!

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(OOC: Yeah, it's going to be tough for me to post for the next few days on account of me being busy... So Yashi is in charge until things get back to normal.)


"Yo Chris ! Hurry up! We got, like, five minutes until we have to be at practice!" His friend, Austin yelled from the car. Chris ran to the house, fumbling with the keys for a moment in a panic. Finally he unlocked the door slamming it open and rushing into the house. Austin quickly honked the horn twice.

"Dude! Give me a second."Chris shouted running into the house. "I just got to-" Chris' words were cut off as he tripped over a box in the middle of the floor. Wincing in pain and getting up, he turned around to see a small brown package sitting in the middle of the floor. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the package was addressed to him. Groaning, he looked for what had just tripped him. Next to the package lay a note.

Suddenly, Austin honked the horn again in a "I'm going to leave you in 30 seconds if you don't get your ass in here" manner. Ignoring him, Chris slowly got up, then reached down and picked the note up. For some strange reason, he read it aloud.

"Is your life bland?
Do you yearn for adventure? Do you wish that you could have powers beyond belief? All you need is our new device, the H.T.P. It will give you an amazing adventure that will be guaranteed to astound you. This is completely free, with no strings attached! All you have to do is follow the included instruction sheet, and your adventure will begin!"

On sheet were directions telling the reader all he/she had to do was open the box. Chris glanced back outside the door, to see Austin yelling at him from the car. Rolling his eyes, Chris picked up the package, and walked up the stairs and into his room. Once there and out of the sight of his worried friend, he inspected the box, finding that where he accidentally kicked it, he tore a hole in the side. Quickly, he tore open the hole and reached inside, pulling out a small black box from the rubble. Turning it in his hands, he saw the device was unmarked, and had a single edge jutting out. Figuring that's where you open the device, Chris carefully pried it open with his fingers and peeked inside the small opening at the "top" of the box. The last thing he remembered was falling to the floor before the world went black .
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Caitlin yawned and stumbled over to the letterbox to check for mail. She noticed an odd box bulging inside. Caitlin quickly snatched the box out and ripped off all the wrapping paper, a small note was printed on an odd black box.

Is your life bland? Do you yearn for adventure? Do you wish that you could have powers beyond belief? All you need is our new device, the H.T.P. It will give you an amazing adventure that will be guaranteed to astound you. This is completely free, with no strings attached! All you have to do is follow the included instruction sheet, and your adventure will begin!

"Is this some kind of prank?" She wondered. "I wouldn't think adventures came inside boxes..." She slowly carried the box to her room and onto her desk, then she flopped onto her bed and gazed at the ceiling.

She noticed the box in the corner of her eye. She gazed at the box for a while as it lay there, perched on top of her desk. It sounded as though it was screaming, "Please open the box, pleease..." She was getting paranoid, She couldn't let a small box bother her. Caitlin leaped off her bed and quickly opened the box. Suddenly she felt herself sink beneath the ground and then all she saw was black...
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Life is easy living with your eyes closed

From the Ipod dock in the corner of Sumners room came to a gentle start echoing the soft pulse Beatles through his room and the empty halls of his home. He pulled himself out of bed and with the assistance of his arms he popped his back and forced himself into an erect standing position. He yawned and before leaving his room blasted both his Mp3 Player and the base it was on to maximum volume. He pulled down his loose shirt and gently yanked a box of poptarts from his back hall. He tore the packages open and drank down a glass of milk leaving a bit of residue on his lip and causing him to give a gentle amused smile. He wiped his lip and gently bit into his Poptart.

After his breakfast he decided to head back up to his room and check out what was on TV today. Just as he was passing the doorway a bell went off and instinctively Sumner clicked the door open. As the small package on the ground caught his eyes Sumner could hear his favorite song begin playing. He looked around for the postman, and old friend of his family, but with no luck. Sumner shrugged and sat on the couch as the relaxing tunes of Strawberry Fields Forever drifted through his mind bringing him to a light relaxing daze. He pulled a crushed envelope out from the packaging and read it squinting.

Is your life bland? Do you yearn for adventure? Do you wish that you could have powers beyond belief? All you need is our new device, the H.T.P.! It will give you an amazing adventure that will be guaranteed to astound you. This is completely free, with no strings attached! All you have to do is follow the included instruction sheet, and your adventure will begin!

Sumner grinned at the audacity, the sheer ridiculousness of the idea this package was bringing to him. He thought to himself Why not? I could always use some superpowers. He opened the package being careful not to completely destroy the paper wrapping. He stared at the black box and carefully read the silver letters H.T.P. I guess I should just open it then... He thought again pulling at the boxes corner. The box popped open and a huge blinding flash of light spilled forth blinding Sumner and causing his head to being spinning. The last thing he could remember was the end of the song gently bringing him to a state of serenity.

Let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields.

Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.

Strawberry Fields forever.
Strawberry Fields forever.
Strawberry Fields forever.

He smiled and lost consciousness.
OOC: Awrighty Kiddies, Here's what's happening next! After you wake up from getting blacked out, you'll find yourself in a what appears to be crate, your stuck and can't seem to get out, then you hear voices shouting outside, a crack of thunder soon follows after, and you feel the crate starting to slide, causing it to fall and slam into the sea. Because the crate is wooden it floats, but due to the pressure, from you getting slammed into the tumbling crate that hit the sea, you wound up getting knocked out... again.

This time when you wake up, you find yourself on a sand beach, with remnants of the smashed crate scattered around you in pieces As you get up, you notice that your hands look different. You go over to the water to check your reflection, and you find that you have turned into a Pokemon! But you don't know your a Pokemon, you just think of yourself as a strange creature... or whatever.... After figuring out your a Pokemon, you will end your post.

P.S Those who have yet to post, please do, or within X amount of days, I will kick you, unless you PM or VM Wolf or myself, I mean it, I don't want to, but I will so I suggest you either start telling me why the hell you can't get 1 post up or prepare to get kicked. Get it? Got it? Good =3 Now enough with slave driver Yashi. Ohh, for those that haven't posted yet, you can just do the first and second part in one big epic post, saves you the trouble and kills two birds with one stone.

When Brook came to, everything was pitch black "Ugh... who turned out the lights" she groaned sitting up and placing a hand to her forehead "Why the hell is it so dark? Maybe lightning flash and outed our power of something, whatev--ow!" that ow was from Brook, who stood up and promptly banged her head against... the roof? Brook raised a brow and placed her hands on this 'roof' and she was surprised to feel wood beneath her fingers, blinking she felt the area around her and surmised she was stuck in a square crate?

"Why in the seven hells am I in a crate?" sighing, she placed her hands on the top of the crate and attempted to lift the top off, but it wouldn't budge "What the--!" Brook grunted and attempted to push at the crate again, but it wouldn't move, she began to panic "Okay, calm down Brooklyn, everything is going to be alright..." she trailed off and began to bang against the crate, going hysterical, she didn't do well in closed spaced for a certain amount of time, slight claustrophobia "Let me out! Let me out! Is someone out there!?"


Brooklyn swore she heard murmurs and now that she thought about it, she heard the heavy pitter patter of rain. It was raining and she was in side of a crate, what a bizarre dream "H-Hello!" she shouted again, but the voices hushed for a few moment's and she heard nothing but the rain beat down on the wooden box she was confined in.

CRACK! BOOM! [So sue me and my horrible Thunder/Lightning sound affects >_>;;]

The muffled voices she heard seemed to be in a panic and the Thunder rumbled loudly thorough the sky, causing her to jump slightly, she began hyperventilating, bringing a hand to her chest to stop her rapid beating heart "Okay... I'm stuck in a crate, in the middle of a storm" through a tiny crack in the top she saw a streak of lightning fall from the sky, striking something she couldn't see what it was, but whatever it was, it was close "A very bad storm..." she mumbled, noticing something was off, it felt like the crate was moving... sliding more like it, she heard one of the muffled voices shout, before Brook found herself rolling over and hitting the top of the crate, something had tipped it over, causing her to slam roughly into the side of it, Brooklyn swore she heard a loud splash before she found herself slipping unconscious.....

"Ugh... my head"

Brooklyn slowly opened her eyes, noticing the sun was out "Does that mean it finally stopped raining" she wondered beginning to slowly sit up, but she noticed something was wrong, the floor felt slick, it didn't feel like wood. Glancing down, Brooklyn noticed sand and remains of her broken crate "I-I'm on a beach!?" she exclaimed glancing around the seemingly empty cove "How the heck did I get on a beach" very confused, Brook began to stand, but found herself quickly stumbling to the ground flat on her stomach spread eagle it was then she noticed that her hands weren't hands, but they were paws! Brook yelped and scrambled to her feet, but wound up falling face first again instead, with the tip of a brown tightly coiled tail slapping her in the face.


She somehow managed to get herself into a sitting position and examined her feet? paws? Whatever they were.... Brooklyn glanced down at her arm, which was now a cream color but then turned into brown halfway down, she felt her hands/paws quickly shoot to her face, which felt somewhat larger, she felt a pair of whiskers, two triangular shaped ears and some weird oval thing glued to his head, not to mention her spine felt funny. Glancing behind Brook now saw the problem, she now had a tail! Which was also cream, but turned into brown near the tip, which was curled up "I... I'm a cat!! Why the heck am I a cat!"

She was freaking out, stuff like this doesn't just happen, people don't turn into animals "This has to be a dream" she told herself "there's no way this could be real" she frowned "But... if it were a dream, I would've been awake by now, in my living room" awkwardly she stood, albeit a bit clumsily, but she was standing, on her two feet, which were cream, but turned brown half way, she had three toes on each foot and hand, stumbling, Brooklyn found herself sitting in wet sand looking at her reflection in the surprisingly clear beach water.

She really was a cat, she had large eyes with slitted green pupils, that oval shaped thing from before was a gold coin, and the reason why her face felt funny, was because it was now oval shaped and her ears, they were small black triangular ears, while the insides were brown, she had two whiskers on each side of her face and two more that stuck up on either side of the charm in the middle, giving her a total of 6 whiskers.

Brook glanced at her paws and turned them face up, glancing at the rough skin underneath before flexing the three 'fingers', she jumped slightly when three claws quickly shot out "This is weird" she mumbled trying to draw the claws back in, after several unsuccessful tries, they finally retracted she blinked and stared at her reflection in the water, before murmuring to herself "This was so not how I wanted to spend my evening....."
I woke up, but the world was still pretty dark. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. But the couch was hard. Now I know something is wrong. I whent to stand up but I hit my head on the celing.

"This day just gets better and better does'nt it?"

I reached out to find walls all around me and cut myself on the surface of one of them.

"Hmm... Im in a box... Made of wood?"

It had to be wood because I cut my self on a splinter that is now lodged in my right pointer finger.

Then I heard voices. They didnt sound mean, but panicked! Something must be wrong, witch meant the box was'nt the best place to be.

"Hey? Can you open this box? Help!"

Then I noticed I had been rocking back and forth, and it was raining with thunder outside. Thats when my box lurched to the right, nocking me against the wall.

"Ow! So im in a box, in a storm, and im guessing im on a boat to explain the rock-"

The box lurched off the boat and a splash when it hit the watter. Unfortunatly I hit my head again, and I was out like a light.


I woke up on my bead and opened my... Oh, wait, Im on a beach now. That explained the sand in my mouth.I whiped the sand off of my tounge, only to notice hair replaced it.

"What the heck?"

I looked at my hand to notice it was'nt a hand, it was a little green paw and the green ran halfway up my stubby arm and then became a cream color.

Then I felt something brush my back. I whipped around to see what it was and my ears whapped me in the face.

I reached up and grabbed my ear to find it was long and oval shaped. It's green and floppy.I noticed I had a tail, but it was short and I had to feel it to see how it was. It was like a plus sign but without one of the horizontal lines.The waves slowly moved giving me the idea to check my reflection. I walked up to the water and my jaw dropped.

"What am I?"

My ears, allong with the green, had a little circle of cream conecting to my head. My Eyes where verticle blue ovals and I had one of those little button noses.On my each cheek I had a green circle with a horizontal cream colored line in the middle.

I was chubby with stubby arms and legs. My tail was also green.I was also short, witch was'nt new exept I was very short. Probably one and a half feet tall at most.

"Wow. This is weird. Im like some sort of rodent."

In my shock I had a strange cheerfull energetic feeling eventhough I was freaked out.

"And to top this off im hungry."

(occ: sorry the paragraphs are too spaced out, this is my first RP and I'm not used to spacing them out.)
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Maxwell woke up. It was dark. Very dark. He couldn't see at all. Standing up, he fell back down when his head hit the ceiling.

"What the-" he muttered to himself. He reached out his arms and was shocked to find they hit the walls. They were wood. Wet, rough, wood, with grains of salt here and there. Feeling the floor and ceiling, he found they were the same way.

"I'm in a crate!" he cried out. "Someone help me! Please!"

But no one came.

Okay, he thought. I'm in a box. A crate, I guess. And it's wet, and salty, so I must be on a boat. But why?!?

Suddenly there was a big lurch, and Maxwell hit the side of the crate. To make matters worse, another crate slammed into his, and they both fell off the ship and into the water. The crate hit the water with a splash, and he was instantly knocked out.

For the second time, Maxwell woke up. This time, he was on a beach. Sitting up, he brushed some sand off his fur with his paws. Wait... Fur?!? Paws?!? Running over to the water, he looked down at his reflection and gasped. He was lime green, with paws for hands and feet. His head looked somewhat like that of a dragon, and he had a big, dark green tail.

Sitting down, he started pondering all of this. Hm, he thought. Have I become a dragon, like in one of those legends? No, I have fur, not scales. Then what have I become? And why?
Then he remembered the H.T.P. Oh shoot, he thought. That thing really does work.
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(OOC: Ok guys. Just got back from my tourny (11th in the state!
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Transformation [PG-13] Revamped!
) So anyways, thank you Yashi for covering for me (lifesaver). Now let's get to the posting! Oh, and if you haven't posted yet, I'll be on your ass about it until you do :D )



Chris wearily looked up at the noise, trying to figure out the source. His head throbbed and his vision blurred and focused back in as he looked around with bleary vision. Even with unfocused eyes, Chris could tell that he was in some sort of wooden crate. He could hear the sounds of waves and rain splashing against the wood. The sound of thunder filled the air and panicked voices yelled outside the box. Chris attempted to lift himself up, intent on finding out what was happening, but almost immediately fell back onto the ground. Exhausted, he looked back up, and his vision once again began to fade. Suddenly Chris heard something snap outside the box. As he began a free fall, everything went black.


Waves touched a lifeless body lying on the shore, eyes closed and not moving. Pieces of a shattered crate washed up beside him, surrounding and hitting the lifeless figure. Suddenly, life flowed back into him and slowly, the body turned over, potently coughing up what seemed like an ocean of water.

Chris blearily looked around, panting from the entire experience. His vision finally focused in as he lifted himself onto his legs. He wobbled for a moment, almost falling onto his back, but regained his balance. Dispelling this as a side-effect, he looked around. For the first time, he noticed a yellow object blocking the bottom of his view. Somewhat intrigued, Chris slowly and hazily reached up with his hand and touched the object, only to find that he felt something when touched, as if someone had touched his nose. In a moment of realization, he also saw the "hand" he had touched it with, was in fact a paw covered in yellow fur. In disbelief and in panic, he stumbled back, falling backwards. Suddenly a sharp pain ran up his spine from his tail bone. He quickly spun his head around, and his eyes widened with what he saw. Coming out of his tailbone was a yellow and brown lightning shaped tail. Quickly and in a panic, Chris got up and stumbled to the edge of the water. What he saw confirmed his suspicions.

Chris screamed as loud as his body could let him. A scream that could've shook the planet and caused an earthquake. The reflection in the water was that of a Pikachu with blue eyes and the fur on the top of its head. "Is that?..." Chris asked, reaching down to touch the water, as if it was some sort of illusion. But when the Pikachu in the reflection reached down also, he immediately withdrew back. Chris didn't know much about Pokemon, but whoever couldn't tell what a Pikachu, the "mascot" of the Pokemon franchise looked like, then they had to have lived under a rock or be blind. The reflection he saw in the water was the exact same thing aside from the addition of blue eyes and spiked fur on the top of his head. A lightning shaped tail, yellow muzzle, red cheeks, paws, it all fit. He staggered back and his mouth gaped open, revealing the two sharp fang-like cuspids in his mouth.

"This can't be real..." Chris muttered to himself, trying to calm himself down. Although, that was kind of hard to do as he felt like someone had just torn out his insides. "Pokemon don't exist… I can't be a Pikachu… It's got to be a dream…"

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Chris realized it couldn't be a dream. The pain he felt from earlier when he fell, the touch on the muzzle in front of his face, and when his almost drowned, no dream could mirror that. Then again…

He again reached up and touched the small yellow muzzle in front of his face. He felt a light touch, again confirming that it was his. He could feel his now long ears twitch as a gust of wind blew down the beach, The wind blew through his fur, Chris had to admit, it felt nice, and he closed his eyes as the cool wind passed. Smells flooded into his mind. His wet fur, the beach, hundreds of old smells and even ones he hadn't smelled before. It was almost overpowering.

Suddenly realizing what he was doing, he shook it off, momentarily hating himself for straying from the matter at hand. And for the first time, Chris looked around his surroundings.

A beach stretched for miles in both directions. There must be someone that could help him here. Chris began walking down the beach, looking for anyone, or anything, that could explain to him anything about what the hell was going on.

(EDIT: OOC: Just updated the plot summary and added movesets for Characters that have woken up.)
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Zerrah sat in a tight ball gripping her head that seemed to feel as if it was about to split open. She could feel her legs cramping up and longed to stretch them out, but for some reason she seemed to be stuck in that position. Reaching out with her hands she could feel the rough texture of wood. Beggining to panic she grasped for any hold she could gain on the box. Receiving none, she began to yell out to the loud guffaws of laugher that could be heard outside of the her prison. Her plight seemed to amuse them more as the crescendo of noise implied. She growled in frustration just as a great thunder rippled across the sky. Startled, she jumped a little and paused in her frantic escape. Rain pelted the wood of her box and her horrid shelter began to rock dangerously and she finally realized she was on a boat in some sort of water, and what's worse, a fierce storm was present too.

Lightening streaked overhead and the rocking grew worse. Seconds later, Zerrah was thrown to the side as something crashed into her box. She was jerked again as the box landed in the water and slammed her head into the side, knocking her unconcious yet again.


Feeling the sun beat down on her face, Zerrah slowly opened her eyes to find herself on a gorgeous beach, full of sand and shells scattered throughout it. She tried to rise to two feet to get a better look around when she stumbled to all fours. She glanced down at her feet and saw - paws?! She stared increduously at the four black paws with two silver rings on her wrists and ankles. Stumbling over to the water that she had just escaped, she stared hard at the creature looking back at her. The short muscle covered in black fur with canine teeth protruding from her mouth. Her eyes looked very intimadatin, even to herself, especially with the other two silver pieces on her head that reminded her of death.
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Caitlin wearily opened her eyes to find she was in darkness. "Where am I...?" She wondered Caitlin as she heard crackling thunder in the sky. Suddenly she hit her head on something hard. She felt around her. "What am I doing in a crate?!" She wondered aloud. "I'm bobbing up and down so... I must be on a boat!" Suddenly the boat took a rough turn and was sent smashing against the crate, making her black out. Again.

Waves gently splashed against Caitlin's limp body, as she lay there, eyes shut and no movement. Smashed crate was floating around near where she lay. She weakly opened her eyes. As she gazed around, she awkwardly sat up.

She gazed around at what seemed to be a beach, seawater splashing against her. She wobbled onto her feet. She gazed at her feet. Her feet was a pale blue colour... And her toes... They were gone! She gazed at her reflection in the water. A squirrel gazed back at her. "Wha---??? I look like a squirrel..? How... what...???" She wondered, gasping at her reflection. She had bright yellow cheeks, a blue mark that lead from the tip of her head to the end of her tail. Other than that, her fur was white.

She started running around in circles. "AH!!! This can't be happening!! I'm dreaming! I must be!!" She screamed. She pinched herself. It hurt. Alot. "Wow, for a squirrel, I run quite fast..." She thought as she quickly ran in circles. She gazed at her reflection. "No... I can't be dreaming..." She thought, gazing thoughtfully at her reflection.

She gazed at the beach. It stretched for miles, almost as though it had no end. The cool breeze whipped through her fur. She had to admit, a beach is a pretty nice thing to be on in a catastrophe.

Suddenly, she got back to her senses. She walked along the beach. She had to find help. As she walked on, she saw a yellow figure in the distance. She quickly sped towards it, desperate to find some clues to what was happening. As she got closer, she began to recognise it. It was a yellow like mouse, a tail in the shape of a lightning, long ear-like things and big red cheeks. "Oh, how could I forget the Pokemon mascot? It's a pikachu..." She thought as she got closer.

Nervously, she edged towards the Pikachu. "Umm... Hi? I'm Caitlin Dunken and I don't know where I am... Uhhh can you help me...?" She pleaded that he wasn't about to go and laugh at her for being so scared. She blushed, remembering that she was naked except for her fur.
Okay, calm down, Maxwell thought. There are three questions that need answering:

1. What the heck am I?
2. Where the heck am I?
3. How the heck did I get here?

One of his questions was answered as he walked along the beach. In the distance, he spotted a yellow... something. He couldn't quite make it out from here. And there was a blue... squirrel? Hey, other creatures! he thought, running up to meet them. He stopped short, however, as the yellow one came into view, and he reconized what it was.

"A Pikachu?!?" he screamed. "I'm a freakin' POKEMON?!?" This was impossible! Unacceptable! Of all the things in the universe, a POKEMON?!? This had to be some kind of dream, or more likely, a nightmare. But no matter how many times he pinched himself, all he got was pain. "GRAAAAA!!!" he yelled in frustration.
(OOC:Sorry for being late...my life's been a little crazy lately...anyway, yea here you go! :D)

Lora scribbled away in her book as the rain kept pouring sown, almost like God had turned on a hose that had a bunch of holes in it or something. It was rain like this that helped Lora to write in her book, which currently was unnamed. She had left it for a while, not even having touched it in a while, due to actually getting a life and hanging with friends all the time now. She had just been to the mall earlier that day, and had come home and decided to write. She found her favorite chair on the patio and was writing away now.
Now, it was a vampire book, but she had started it before she even heard of Twilight. Of course, now everyone loves Twilight, and just thinks she ripped Stephanie Meyer off, which she didn't. She admired Stephanie's work (although hated the movie), but that didn't mean she copied. No, she went into different things, like the true creation and history of vampires, lycans, and other stuff, as well as the deeper religious and philosophical aspects.

That didn't stop everyone from saying she should just stop writing it.

She turned over the page to review her work. She had just written a good 2 pages, front and back. As she re-read her work, a van pulled up the driveway, just as the rain started to fade.
'Huh, we're not expecting a package anytime soon,' she thought as she went out to meet the delivery guy. He was about 40, his hair slightly balding, and with some weird looking beard thing.

"Ummm, I have a package for-" He checked his clipboard, "-Ms. Lora Davenpor?"

"Yes, that's me," Lora said, checking the sheet. She took the pen he gave her and signed her name. He then went back, not even bothering to take the pen, and got the package from the van.

"Here you are, miss," he said, and she swore she saw him raise an eyebrow a little. She decided not to press on what it meant and just went back inside, the package in one hand, her book in the other, and the rain dissipated.

She went into her room and put her book on her dresser. She had a nice room; black walls, Cannibal Corpse, Coheed & Cambria, and All That Remains posters, shelves for her creepy dolls that always scared her younger brother, a black sheeted bed with a purple and black quilt. It was her own personal mausoleum, but, you know, without the dirt and rock and dead people.
She sat on her bed and opened the package. Inside, she first saw a note. She read it to herself.

Is your life bland? Do you yearn for adventure? Do you wish that you could have powers beyond belief? All you need is our new device, the H.T.P. It will give you an amazing adventure that will be guaranteed to astound you. This is completely free, with no strings attached! All you have to do is follow the included instruction sheet, and your adventure will begin!"
She looked at it again. She must have accidentally had her brother's comic books mailed to her...unless it this was some new manga that Shojo Beat sent...but Shojo Beat wouldn't send something like this...unless they're going for some new Shojo/Shonen hybrid....
As she pondered she looked into the package to find a plain black box.

"Oh, wow!" She said. It looked like a regular black box, with an edge jutting out. She was tempted to shake it, but thought better of it. Best not to have something break before you even know what it is. She opened it up to find...nothing. She suddenly felt dizzy, and lost consciousness.


Lora woke up. She felt very cramped and stretched, trying to remember what happened. She managed to get her arms about half a foot from her body when they hit a wall. She looked up to see the stars and moon, but blocked off by a crate top. She looked around trying to find where she was. People were yelling, and she heard large splashes.

'A fishing boat?' she thought. 'Then why am I here? Just stay calm, someone will sort this out.
She saw something on the boat fall, and she watched as a fire started. She gazed at the fire, mystified. She always had liked fire. She also managed to stay calm in dire situations, a good trait. She saw the fire get larger, regardless of the rain pouring down. Great pillows of smoke emerged from the blaze, a lot of it coming to Lora's crate. She coughed as the smoke filled her lungs, and she tried to get oxygen, but there was too much smoke. She looked at the fire one last time as she fell unconscious once again.


She woke up on a beach. She looked around. She saw two creatures in the distance, but couldn't tell what they were. She debated staying where she was and just falling asleep again, but she found she had plenty of energy. She got up, but it felt weird. She fell back down, landing on all fours, she looked at herself to see what was wrong, and found she was no longer human.

"Woh...woh...woh..." she said as she examined herself in slight horror, slight disbelief. She had six tails, all brown, and she had maroon fur. She had paws, and she felt her face to find she had a pointed nose. She looked for something to see her reflection in. She found a small tide pool, and tried walking over to it. It actually wasn't that hard, it just took some getting used to, like when you try a new song out on a piano. She looked in the tide pool, and saw she looked like a fox now, with brilliant golden eyes, and a mark on her forehead that resembled an eye.

"I look...so beautiful!" She declared in amazement, looking at herself. She had always loved foxes, but now she looked even more beautiful then ever.

"You know, I could learn to love this," she said to herself. She then remembered the two other creatures. She looked the other way, though, and saw a small black figure, a little closer by. She decided that she might as well lead more and get a big group then have small groups.
She reached the black (dog was it?) and saw it had bones on it.

'Woh, cool...' she said, slightly mystified.

"Umm, hi..."she said to the creature. "Where in the name of all that is good and holy in this world are we?"

After my little freak out I decided my life as a... rodent thing, could be better than my human life. It was a streach but i was determined to make the best of it.

"Ow! Im so hungry my stomach hurts."

I decided to walk along the beach in search of something to eat, but after a few steps i fell to the ground.

"Ok, it might be best to go on all fours."

So I began to walk on all fours and I felt a little help less becuse I knew I could walk on two feet but just I wasn'nt used to it, like a 3 year old baby trying to walk.but once that idea left my mind it felt normal, and good, to be this close to the ground.

As I walked I began to see two things in the distance, one a red fox, and two a black dog with some sort of skull on its head.

"They might know how to get food! And or, tell me what I am and what happened."

While getting closer I thought about how it did happen and what i could possibly be. When I was in a resonable distance I noticed the fox had six brown tails and the dog had white cuffus around its legs and something on its back.

They did'nt notice me, and the fox was talking.

Wow my life is getting weird.

When I got to them they finaly noticed me.

"Um... hi. Do you happen to know where to get some food, or know what I am?"
Name: Niku Azumaya
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Happy and energetic, especially when watching anime and playing video games, also occasionally random. He likes almost everything Japanese, and considers himself a certified nerd.

He's very friendly, but only if you get on his good side when you first meet him. Trust me, you don't want to get on his bad side. He enjoys being around good people, and it's quite hard to hurt him with an insult, because he'll just go along with you.
Appearance: Brown, messy hair, glasses, green eyes, usually wears video game and anime-related t-shirts, and jeans. As a Buizel, he has some messy fur sticking up in the forehead area, and a few freckles. He doesn't always wear them though, just in battle and stuff like that. His fur is also a bit darker than that of normal Buizels.
History: Nick has lived the normal life of a nerd. Always surfing the net, playing video games, hanging out with his other nerdy friends, watching anime, reading manga, etc. However, his parents aren't very happy with his lifestyle. They always demand more of him than he can provide. He has three sisters and had a brother who had complications at birth and died minutes after his birth.
As if his life wasn't bad enough, one of his close friends is in a coma and suffered major memory loss after getting in a head-on collision with a drunk driver, and the doctors have no idea when he'll wake up, and if he does, he likely won't remember anything about his life. Sometimes Nick just wants to be wisked away to another world and get away from the stress of his current life...
Pokémon You Want to Be: Buizel
RP Sample: One evening, when his family was out, Nick was sitting in his basement, playing Mario Kart. He was on Wi-Fi, and in 1st place on Rainbow Road, when suddenly, the doorbell rang. He figured that whoever was at the door would think there was nobody home, so he kept on playing. But the doorbell kept ringing. After Nick finished the race, he set down his controller, walked upstairs, and opened the door to find a tall, shady man wearing black sunglasses, a black top hat, and a long, black coat.

"Looks like a stereotypical mysterious man," Nick thought to himself as he addressed the man. "Uh, can I help you?" he asked nervously. The man didn't say anything. He simply set a box down on the welcome mat, tipped his hat as if to say farewell, and walked away. As Nick saw him off, he could almost swear the man vanished into thin air.

When he returned to the basement, he opened the box, thinking happy thoughts to himself, trying to erase the memory of that shady man. "I'll bet it's the Sgt. Frog and Soul Eater DVDs I ordered last week!" he said to himself, ripping open the package to reveal a small box. Disappointed, he picked it up, examined it, and checked the address label to make sure it wasn't mailed to the wrong house. But, sure enough, there was his name, along with his address. Puzzled as to where he could've gotten this box from, he opened it to see what was inside.

As soon as he opened the box, a black cloud spewed up, swallowing Nick in the process. Suddenly, Nick could no longer feel the ground below him, and began floating in black space. As he began to fall, he heard a mumbling sound, but he couldn't make out what it was saying. Before he had time to think about what he had just heard, everything went black, as he fell onto what felt like a sandy beach...
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"Oh I give up!"

Brooklyn huffed and crossed her arms in an irritated fashion as she sat upright on her haunches. Why was she irritated you ask? Because for the past five minutes, she had been trying to walk, on two legs, but doing what she once did naturally was hard in this form, whenever she stood on her hind legs, and attempted to take a few steps forward, they'd wobble and she would look knock-kneed before seconds later she'd get a face full of sand, it was pissing her off that she had to learn how to walk again.

"Maybe, I'm going about this the wrong way, maybe I should try walking on four feet instead of two" she mumbled taking a deep breath, only to gasp and cover her nose, due to the overwhelming smells that entered her nostrils "Crap, that's right... cat's have heightened senses.... does that mean...." she trailed off and closed her eyes, feeling the ears on top of her head twitch and swirl in different directions, at first, she didn't hear anything, but then a wave of sound entered her ears, she was hearing voices! And they weren't far away either and they sounded just as confused as she was, but there were a few voices coming from different directions, she couldn't really pin point from where exactly but they were around her.

"I guess I'll go straight... follow the water yeah!"

"B-But... there's still my walking problem" she mumbled folding her arms and tilting her head to the side, frowning "I guess I'll have to try walking on all fours" slowly she lowered herself on all four paws and Brooklyn found it easier to move, it felt natural, just as thought she were walking on two legs "Tch. Not fair" she mumbled scowling slightly as she trekked forward, her ears twitching at the faintest of sounds there had to be someone nearby.....

So far, her searching had been futile, she heard voices but she had yet to see whomever was speaking "Guess their farther up than I expected" she sighed and paused, glancing around, she was still on the beach, but there were more tree's around, leading into what looked like a creepy and confusing forest. Brook shook her head and was about to continue walking, when a light gleam caught her eyes, a few paces in front of her, was a large gold looking coin, it looked similar to the charm on her head and it was so…


Something inside her, a small urge compelled her to take it, which she did and what luck, a thin string was attached to it, allowing her to put it around her neck, it felt so right, feeling the cool coin beat rhythmically against her front while she walked down the beach with her newly acquired coin, searching for the voices she head earlier….

Unaware of the dark watchful eyes that followed her every movement.
(OOC: sorry guys... I just cannot write right now... >.>')

Kate stomped into the house, slamming the door closed. She was soaked to the core, her new sweatshirt wrinkled and bunched up uncomfortably and her hair drenched and pasted to her face. She kicked off her flipflops and trudged upstairs to her room, not caring in the slightest that she was dripping into the carpet. The landline began to ring and Kate snatched it and looked at the caller ID, smirking at the number as she answered.

"I really hope you enjoyed your High School social life so far, hun," Kate said in a falsely sweet voice. "Because everything's about to be put on Facebook. And I think that you know what I mean about 'everything'."

Kate unplugged her laptop and sat on her bed, opening it and quickly accessing her internet.

"Oh please, don't even give me that," Kate said, rolling her eyes and she adjusted the phone on her shoulder. "You were looking right at me when you guys drove away from the beach!"

Kate watched as her internet loaded, hardly even seeing the stupid bar filling up.

"My cell phone? Really?" Kate laughed. "You have my purse, dear, not the queen's crown jewels."

She walked into her bathroom and turned on the shower, returning to sit on the corner of her bed with her finger hovering over the "end" button on the phone.

Her expression suddenly turned serious, calculating what she had just been told before smiling and giving a laugh. "Well, that would just be your word against mine, then."

Kate suddenly noticed a box resting on her dresser. Her father most likely brought it up here, but Kate didn't remember ordering anything and had no idea who would send her a package. She walked over and tore it open, finding inside a note and a smaller box. Kate picked up the note delicately and read it.

Is your life bland? Do you yearn for adventure? Do you wish that you could have powers beyond belief? All you need is our new device, the H.T.P. It will give you an amazing adventure that will be guaranteed to astound you. This is completely free, with no strings attached! All you have to do is follow the included instruction sheet, and your adventure will begin.

"I'll… Call you back," Kate said, pressing the button and placing the phone back on the receiver.

Kate rested the package on her lap and read the letter again, not sure what to make of it.

"It's probably some sort of stupid nerd internet game," Kate muttered.

But still, Kate was curious as to what exactly this "amazing adventure" would be. She slipped her fingers underneath one of the flaps, her heart suddenly pounding heavily in her chest and she opened it. Her skin started to burn and the room began to swim.

She was unconscious before she could even cry out.


Kate awoke to a churning motion that almost immediately made her feel sick. Her mouth had a bitter taste and she was so utterly exhausted that her brain refused to work properly. Her eyes slowly grew adjusted to the dim light and she was surprised to discover that she was in a wooden crate. Kate attempted to stand, but her legs gave out from underneath her.
Where am I? Kate wondered, suddenly noticing the sound of voices coming from outside. She attempted to call out, but her throat was too dry to allow her anything other than a choked gasp.

Okay… Kate took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she attempted to rationalize what was going on. Somehow that box sent me here and now… I'm in a box?

A loud crashing sound caused Kate to jump. She suddenly felt the crate moving beneath her, sending her into the air and down into a terrifying freefall. All she knew after that was black.


Kate tasted sand.

She groaned, pushing herself up and forcing her eyes open. Pieces of debris were strewn about her, all remnants of wooden crates like the one she had been in. Kate turned and saw an ocean stretching out before her, reflecting fragments of sunlight on its glassy surface. Kate would have thought that it was beautiful if not for the fact that there was now something touching her leg.

She spun around, finding that there was nobody behind her. Something brushed her leg again and Kate jumped, turning to see who was doing it and again finding nothing there. Kate looked down at her leg and immediately screamed. She was completely covered in brown fur except… it wasn't her. Kate's shape was completely different. It was so… doglike.
"Omigosh, I've been kidnapped, thrown into the ocean, turned into a dog, and now I have a tail!" Kate yelled, watching in amazement as the white tip of her newfound tail flipped around in the breeze.

Kate snapped her head around, looking for anyone who might be nearby. She saw a giant rat-thing standing by the edge of the ocean. Not exactly the most desirable company, but Kate was desperate. She sprinted toward it, her feet splashing in the water.

Except that they weren't feet. They were paws. This new revelation probably shouldn't have surprised Kate, but she slowed down and stopped, staring at them in astonishment.

"Great," she muttered, lifting up a paw and examining her claws. "And I just got my nails done, too!"

Kate sat in the water, staring defeatedly at her reflection. Her face was definitely that of a dog's. Brown fur covered it, a puff of white appearing under her chin. Her ears were long and stood straight up on her head. The only thing Kate could recognize about her appearance was her bright blue eyes. She would have thought the creature she was looking at ridiculously cute if it were not for the fact that she was looking at herself.

Kate allowed herself to fall back into the water, feeling the waves lap around her as she stared up into the sky.

"I didn't want this," Kate whispered to herself, closing her eyes and willing for the waves to take her back home.
[FONT=&quot]OOC: As most of you have figured out, now is the part where you choose your own destiny. Will you group up with other players, or go alone? Will you be attacked by a trainer, or wander the forest until you reach a town? Will you be captured and trained for battle, or live free among other Pokemon? You decide.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Another cool ocean breeze blew through Chris' fur as he trudged along the edge of the beach. Although he was getting use to his new body, he could still tell it wasn't his. Perhaps he never would, but from his new ears to his new tail to his fur, it all just felt so foreign. [FONT=&quot]<Maybe it is a dream.>he thought to himself somewhat sheepishly. Then again, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]the pain he had felt, and the feeling of drowning was as real as could be. <No, it couldn't be a dream, it's all to real> he decided. pausing[/FONT][FONT=&quot] for a moment and looking to the sky. <Why me?> He had to ask, watching the clouds fly by. <Why was it that I was taken away from everything I ever knew and everything I ever accomplished…? Christ! I'd just gotten everything back together and now…> Chris had no idea how long he was out. Months could've passed without him knowing. Austin could still outside his house, waiting for him to run out the door. His friends could be wondering why he wasn't at practice or school. His family maybe were wondering where he was. … Chris grabbed his head in his paws, looking down at the sand. <Why…?> [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]<Calm down, Chris...> Chris thought to himself <Panicking and worrying would not help anything.> He inhaled a deep breath through his noise. The overpowering smell of the beach, the sand, the ocean, his drying fur, all of the smells filled his mind. It truly calmed him down a bit, giving him a moment to think. Suddenly, the recesses of his mind identified another smell, something that smelled like wet fur, but not his own. Overlooking the fact that he could recognize the smell, Chris took his paws off of his head and instinctively put his nose in the air. Unbeknownst to him, the fur between his head stood up from where he had his paws. Again, hating himself for acting like this, he shook it off, and again, looked to the sky.[FONT=&quot] <You know, I could just be going insane. But… if I was insane, then would I be sane enough to think about it?>[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Suddenly, a nervous voice interrupted Chris' thoughts. "Umm... Hi?" Startled, Chris quickly turned. Sparks instinctively began to jump across his body in preparation for anything. However, Chris didn't realize, he was too confused about what, exactly, had asked the question. Behind him stood some sort of squirrel-like creature with a huge tail, timidly easing towards Chris. " I'm Caitlin Dunken and I don't know where I am... Uhhh can you help me...?" The sparks began to die down as Chris observed the creature. She seemed somewhat afraid of Chris, but he had no idea why. He was just as scared as her. Then again, who wouldn't be a bit afraid if they woke up as some sort of animal? Well, at least "Caitlin" seemed friendly.[/FONT]
With a slight embarrassment, Chris realized that he was naked except for his fur, and in front of a girl too! His cheeks began to burn red, and Chris could only hope that his new red furred cheeks and yellow fur hid it. Trying to ignore it and play it off, he replied. "I wish I could, but I'm kind of lost too… B
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]y the way, [/FONT][FONT=&quot]my name's Chris." Chris paused and looking at her, not really sure on how to continue. Could he trust her? She was the first… being that he had seen so far. Just maybe she knew something."Look…" he sighed "I know this may sound weird, and that we just met and all. But… [FONT=&quot]I am not a …er… Pikachu, contrary to what you see. I'm a human. As in opposable thumbs, computers, sports, and television. So… Do you know what the hell is going on and or why I'm suddenly a Pikachu?"[/FONT][/FONT]
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"Can I trust this Pikachu?" Thought Caitlin nervously gazing at the ground. "After all this happening..."

"I know this may sound weird, and that we just met and all. But… I am not a …er… Pikachu, contrary to what you see. I'm a human. As in opposable thumbs, computers, sports, and television. So… Do you know what the hell is going on and or why I'm suddenly a Pikachu?"

"Oh, right I'm human too... I ended up turning it to a weird squirrel... No idea why. And... Ummm... Yeah..." She sighed deeply. "...And I opened an odd box... So here I am..." Caitlin paused for a second as wind whipped through her fur and face. "In other words... I'm completely lost."
[FONT=&quot] "Oh, right. I'm human too..." Caitlin sighed. Almost immediately, Chris was taken aback. <What!? How?... Both of us changed into Pokemon?… The chances are almost zero, if you exclude the fact that this should be impossible. And yet…>
Caitlin continued on. "I ended up turning it to a weird squirrel... No idea why. And... Ummm... Yeah..." She sighed deeply. "...And I opened an odd box... So here I am..." An silence fell over the two for a moment, as another breeze rolled across the beach and through Chris' fur. "In other words... I'm completely lost."

"Yeah, join the club." Chris rolled his eyes and crossed his front paws in front of his chest. Suddenly, something dawned on him. "Wait a sec… A box? Like, a small black one? From-"

All of a sudden, his new ears picked up a loud shout from further down the beach past Caitlin, and Chris stopped in mid-sentence. "Omigosh, I've been kidnapped, thrown into the ocean, turned into a dog, and now I have a tail!"

Chris instantly turned to the source of the noise. "You hear that?" He asked, peering past Caitlin. A little further down was some sort of Dog-like creature with rabbit-ish ears, laying in the waves. Instinctively, Chris dropped down on all fours and sprinted past Caitlin, accidentally grazing her as he passed. it was incredible! He had never ran this fast before. The wind whipped through his fur and onto his face, furthering the experiance. About 3/4ths of the way to the dog, he realized what he was doing, and began to slow down, eventually coming to a stop.. <I'm running on all fours… Like some sort of animal.> Another cold wave lapped against the shore, getting Chris' legs and stomach wet and snapping him out of his trance. Now was not the time.

Deciding to worry about it later, Chris, again, sprinted down the beach on all fours, stopping right next to the creature and placing a paw on its back. "Hey! Are you OK?!"
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