Scarlet Weather
The Game is Afoot!
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- 18
- Years
- In a House
- Seen Mar 20, 2016
Man... if the next segment is as great as my anticipatory instincts say, then my guy being in a coma will suck...
Give us vacation on it, though. I have an idea... after a certain point, base calls. Says the veteran four (me, Kansas, Thesis, Phanima) get a break- the rookies have to learn to fight without our help. They have to beat... Sabrina and Koga, for example. That would be good. And then... we have the other four hanging out. I know my guy would just go home and drink.
Well, better than that: everyone gets called back to base, and the veteran four are given a short leave in order to recuperate, while the others are put on watch duty, and then someone attacks headquarters (that seems very Koga-ish to me, ne?) 'Cause I really don't see why the base would just say "Okay, we'll cut the fighting force down by half and send the half that's likely the weakest to go and kill a very dangerous gym leader". I mean, if they did that I'd be very concerned for the survival of the PLF. I mean, how have they survived if that's what their strategy looks like?
Hmm.... pity this isn't a MAR crossover. "Alright, break in the war-games! Into the Training Gate for you!" And Travis could be all, like, "But I've already done this, like, six times!" "Aw, shut up, you aren't anywhere near Knight Class!" XD
By the way, due to my obsession with MAR, I've just decided to assign everyone's character a chess-piece rank based on their character's approximate strength, from what we've seen so far. XD
By the way, chess piece hierarchy works like this for those who haven't seen or read MAR yet- Pawn, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Queen, King, with the latter two being unique ranks held by only two people. Bishop is loosely divided into ten ranks, with the lowest being closer to Rook and the highest bordering on Knight.
Brad- Bishop, top-ranking (Would've been a Knight, but his indiscriminate killing and drunkenness make him too unstable)
Travis- Knight, lower-class, due to his versatility and combat experience.
Clove- Team Leader, so obviously he gets mid-class Knight
Plum- Er.... haven't seen enough to decide between high-ranking Bishop or low-ranking Knight yet, so I'll pass judgment.
Cecily-Rook, pretty much by her own admission.
Jade- Bishop, mid-class
Denx- Rook
Reid- Rook, probably. Maybe bishop, but we haven't actually seen him fight.
*Ahem* Pointlessness aside, I must point out that Travis's finally attack didn't actually kill Surge, it just incapacitated him. He's been hit with a massive electrical charge which he couldn't entirely absorb, and he was unable to ground himself. So he's alive, just twitching on the ground and paralyzed. If someone doesn't kill him quick, there's always the chance that he'll recover.