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Pokestops turned into gyms?

  • 296
    I haven't seen anything official about it, but today when I was walking home from work, I noticed several pokestops are no longer accessible because they seem to have been converted into gyms. Anyone else seen this?

    Has anyone heard anything about this, are more gyms actually being added, or is it a glitch?

    I was on the fence about it at first - on the one hand, I live in a small town with only three gyms (and I know there are towns with no gyms), and this change would place two gyms directly on my preferred route to work (formerly there was one gym a few minutes out of my way, the other two being in the opposite direction). On the other hand we also don't have many pokestops and it would reduce the ones on my route from four to two (the struggle to keep enough pokeballs on hand ugh). But if gyms will be acting as pokestops as well, then I'm all on board!

    (though what I'd much rather see is a way to request new pokestop/gym locations so those of us in rural areas can keep up with everyone else. Granted, with three gyms and a whopping 15 - 20 pokestops, my town is way better off than most, but still nowhere near what it is in a city. But still, converting a few pokestops to gyms certainly won't hurt rural areas)
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    I have too. It's a legit change and probably because in the revamp there'll only be 6 Pokemon per GYm (and also with Raid Battles more to actually do with Gyms!). I'll (or someone else) will do a Daily article in a bit reporting on that.

    Note also that Gyms when they reopen will also act like a Pokestop in giving you items when spun. You won't lose any ability to gain items! However, you won't be able to place lures on Gyms.
    Yeah I saw that the new gyms would give items like pokestops, so that's exciting!

    The gyms around here change hands several times a day between the same three or four people, and are never levelled up very high, so I didn't even know the cap was 10 pokemon until now lol I've never seen one with more than four or five, I just assumed the cap was probably 6.

    Although I'm sad about not being able to use lures on them - there's only one place in town where two stops are right next to each other AND that was a convenient location to sit, and now one of them is a gym (all the other stops within reach of each other are on main street, so you have to stand on the sidewalk)
    I cannot see any more gyms on my map so far I can see about 4 to 5 stops none have turned into gyms
    Looks like we are not going to get any more gyms here we still only have 2 gyms all the other stops are still stops that will not work very well will cause mayhem.
    I pass way more gyms around here than Pokestops, I'm really looking forward to seeing how many have changed over. Kiiinda of bummer that they're inaccessible right now, but I can't wait.
    I think only one Pokestop changed in my town. Unfortunately it was the one I can usually swipe in the morning on the way to work as its by a stoplight and we always get red lights.

    Thanks Niantic, sarcasm
    I feel all narked now that none of the pokestops here have changed - sad
    I live in a big city, so many stops have changed here. The ratio appears to reflect that now it is only 6 pokemon per gym, 3 gyms are now 5 gyms.

    I felt frustrated because the one pokestop i can spin while at work turned into a gym. Now i know its a bonus because they also function as stops.

    Holding gyms will be much different, because strong pokemon will not be at the top, they sort of rotate. It will be quite a grind to hold several.
    Aww you all got new gyms we have none I think Niantic totally missed this area out
    I think only one Pokestop changed in my town. Unfortunately it was the one I can usually swipe in the morning on the way to work as its by a stoplight and we always get red lights.

    Thanks Niantic, sarcasm

    Once they've finished implementing the update you'll be able to get items from gyms the same as you do from pokestops, so nothing will change in that respect.