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Premier Balls are just Poke Balls that look different. Everything that has broken out of a Poke Ball has broken out of a Premier Ball. I only caught a stupid Lv 34 Staryu with one of those! CHEAP!
knives,if your going to use a ar or gs to get them,just go find the masterball code,im trying to get jiratchis moveset down on paper to post it,learns interseting moves.........
*twitch* Eh...Premier Ball? *twitch, twitch* Eh, whatever you say, pal. :paranoid: Buuuuut, a Master Ball works wonders compared to the Premier Ball. I rest my case.
bs. i sharked my way into birth island on my emerald rom when i only had a level 5 mudkip,and i had the 5 pokeballs that that guy gives u, and i didn't weaken it, and i caught it with three pokeballs!! as far as jurachi goes, i dunno if the rumor is true.