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Press Start To Continue: Week of February 12th, 2016 (New Pokemon, No Assassin's Creed, Fallout DLC Teased) [Daily Bloggity Entry #261]

El Héroe Oscuro

IG: elheroeoscuro
  • 7,239
    [css-div="background-color:#FFFFFF; border-style: solid; border-color: black"]
    Date: 12 February 2016
    Time: 11:14 AM ET
    Mood: Getting back in the swing of blogging

    "Press Start To Continue" is a new weekly Daily Bloggity series which gives a weekly recap of the biggest gaming news happening across the Internet. It will cover anything from PS4 to Xbox One to Wii U and so on and so forth. Press Start To Continue will appear in the Daily Bloggity every Friday at 5PM ET.

    • Gaming company Psyonix has finally announced a release date for their hit game Rocket League on the Xbox One. Released previously on PS4 and PC, the racing soccer game will be coming to Microsoft's console on February 17th.
    • Ubisoft recently announced that they will not be releasing an Assassin's Creed game this year. Quoted from an article on their website, "This year, we also are stepping back and re-examining the Assassin's Creed franchise. As a result, we've decided that there will not be a new Assassin's Creed game in 2016...we're taking this year to evolve the game mechanics and to make sure we're delivering on the promise of Assassin's Creed offering unique and memorable gameplay experiences that make history everyone's playground."
    • Bethesda has recently tweeted out a tease on their expansions for their much anticipated game last year, Fallout 4. Bethesda went on to say on February 11th: "We know you're ready to learn what's coming for Fallout 4 DLC. We're not far off, and we think you'll be excited." Expect some exciting news in the upcoming weeks.
    • For racing fans out there, watch out for this newest racing game to hit the scene. Coming out on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, TrackMania: Turbo races across the finish line on March 22nd. You can check out the trailer for this new game here.
    • After thirteen years, GameTrailers is finally closing down. Making it's announcement on FaceBook, the videogame coverage giant publically announced it's closure, saying "We're proud we helped bring this world into being. That is the legacy of GameTrailers. We're grateful to all of our fans who helped make us successful. Thank you for your continued support over the years. It has been an adventure."
    • Respawn Entertainment has gone on record this week saying the second installment to the Titanfall franchise will have a single player campaign unlike it's predecessor game. Titanfall 2 is expected to land on multiple consoles either late this year or spring of next year on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
    • Through a leak on CoroCoro, a new Mythical Pokemon has been revealed. Called "Magiana," it is known to be a man-made Pokemon and will premier in a new movie. More information about this Pokemon can be found here.
    What are you most excited for? Comment below as I'd love to hear and discuss with you what you have to say about this topic!

    ‡ As always, the "Daily Bloggity" is self written by myself and includes just some of my opinions on different mediums. If you have a subject that you might want me to touch on, feel free to PM me or comment below! I would love to hear some of your ideas! And remember, rate each entry so I can know what you guys like and what to improve on! Tune in tomorrow at 5PM Eastern Time for the next edition of the "Daily Bloggity!" Cheers! ‡

    - El Héroe Oscuro

    For people reading this, the next entry will be up on Tuesday as I will be AWOL until then unfortunately! Sorry in advance!