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Guide: Previous Generations FAQ

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    Previous Generations FAQ

    This thread is an FAQ of sorts written by the community detailing basic information useful for playing the Pokemon games of all the generations before the current one. If there is anything you think should be added to this resource or any inaccuracies that need to be corrected, please contact the current Previous Generations moderator(s). If it does not answer your question(s), perhaps create a thread.

    General Notes
    A few basic things to know that span all/multiple generations:

    1) STAB: Stands for "Same Type Attack Boost". When a Pokemon uses a move that is that same as one of its types, the move has 50% more power. For example, if a Fire type such as Charizard uses Flamethrower (which has a base power of 90), damage will be calculated as if Flamethrower had 135 base power.

    2) HM Slave: A Pokemon whose sole purpose is to use the HM moves you need to complete the game. Typically not used in battle.

    3) (Stat) Stage: When you use a move such as Swords Dance or Sand Attack, it raises or lowers a stat by a certain number of "stages". When a Pokemon is first brought into battle, its stats are at stage 0. Stages range from a maximum of +6 to -6. For stat increases, the stat is raised by +50% per stage, for a maximum of +300%, or in other words, the stat is quadrupled. For stat decreases, the stat's new value is 2 over a denominator that starts with 3 and increases by 1 with each stage. So basically, -1 is 2/3, -2 is 2/4, -3 is 2/5, and so on. When a Pokemon exits battle, everything reverts to stage 0. Gen 1 has a number of oddities regarding stat modification, which you read about in detail here.

    -Team Checklist:
    The two most critical things to keep in mind when planning a team (or just as you go) are:
    1) Do you have all the necessary HM moves covered on your team?
    2) Does your team cover or is capable of handling most or all of the major opponents (Gym Leaders, Elite 4, villain team boss(es), your rival, etc)?
    If you can say "yes" to both of those questions, you are likely in good shape to complete the game.

    We have some recommendations for Pokemon to use in each game in the posts below. Note that these are merely recommendations, you do not have to use anything mentioned if you don't want to. Legendaries are not mentioned in any of the lists, as they are typically late game acquisitions (so you likely have your party filled out by then) and are usually powerful--there's little need to explicitly mention these.

    -Physical/Special split:
    In generations 1-3, whether or not an attack was considered a physical attack or a special attack was based on the type the move is. In these generations, these are how the types are categorized:
    Physical: Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel
    Special: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Dragon, Dark, Ice

    From generation 4 onwards, moves of all types can be either physical or special. For example, Dragon Claw is a physical attack, while Dragonbreath is a special attack.

    -IVs, EVs, Natures, and Abilities

    IVs: Stands for "Individual Values". The current IV system was introduced in Gen 3; in Gens 1 and 2, a different system was used for the same basic idea, and were called DVs ("determinant values") instead. IVs play a part in determining exactly what a Pokemon's stats are, and are set from whenever the Pokemon is generated--they cannot be altered (Hyper Training technically does not actually alter IVs, just changes the stats to be what they'd be like if the Pokemon had 31 IVs in that stat)--so you can think of them as a Pokemon's "genes". There is an IV number for each of a Pokemon's stats, ranging from 0 to 31. At level 100, a Pokemon with 31 IVs in a stat will have 31 more points in that stat than a Pokemon of the same species, nature, and EVs with 0 IVs in that stat. IVs also determine a Pokemon's Hidden Power type.

    EVs: Whenever a Pokemon defeats another Pokemon in battle and gains Exp. or undergoes Super Training, it also gains Effort Values. EVs affect your Pokemon's stats. A Pokemon can have a maximum of 252 EVs in a single stat, and a maximum of 508 overall. The math is that every 4 EVs=+1 to that stat (at level 100). Before Generation V, a Pokemon would get the benefit of its EVs upon leveling up (so you could potentially get +64 to a stat in a single level up), but from Gen V onward it was changed to alter the growth rate instead, so more EVs in a stat means the stat grows more with each level up than if there were no or less EVs. It still gives the same result in the end either way. Leveling up to gain the benefit of EVs is no longer required, so even level 100 Pokemon can be EV trained. EVs are part of the reason why your Pokemon tend to be stronger than other Pokemon of the same species of the same level encountered in the wild or used by NPC trainers.

    Natures: Introduced in Gen 3, natures boost one stat by 10%, and lower another by 10%. Neutral natures also exist, which technically boost and lower the same stat. Like with IVs, a Pokemon's nature cannot change once it has been generated. Natures also determine what flavor(s) of berries and other Pokemon foods a Pokemon will like.

    Abilities: Also introduced in Gen 3, abilities are just that--special abilities that each Pokemon has. The majority of Pokemon species have more than one potential ability, but a Pokemon is locked into one specific ability when it is generated. However, in Gens 6 and 7, it is possible to change a Pokemon's ability to one of its non-Hidden Abilities via an item called an Ability Capsule. Hidden Abilities are a form of abilities that were introduced in Gen 5 and are not obtainable under normal circumstances. However, like with normal Abilities, offspring can have the Hidden Ability when born, provided the parent of the same species has its Hidden Ability.

    -A note on Sabrina's Gym:
    Regarding the warp panel pathway you have to take to get to Sabrina in the Saffron City Gym, it's the exact same path in all 4 sets of games the Gym appears in (the Gen 1 and 2 games and their remakes). Please see the Gym Leaders section in the Generation 1 part of this FAQ for that information.

    -Stat differences between Gen 1 Pokemon in Gen 1 versus current gen:
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    Generation I Games (Red/Blue/Yellow)
    Written by CodeHelmet, edited by Dragon and Nah​

    Which Pokemon do I start with?

    What Pokemon should I catch?

    What items are necessary to complete my Pokemon quest and where do I find them?

    I used Razor Leaf on Nidoqueen but it returned a message of "Not Very Effective". What gives?


    Type Chart in Generation 1 is significantly different from later games


    What Gym Leaders will I have to face and how do I defeat them?

    Are there any differences between Red/Blue and Yellow?

    Generation 1 "Perks", Bugs, Glitches, and Exploits

    Where to find the TMs/HMs
    Last edited:
    Generation II Games (Gold, Silver, Crystal)
    Written by CodeHelmet, Nah, Dragon, Amy May

    The Starter Pokemon

    What Pokemon should I catch?

    On beating the Gym Leaders and Elite 4

    Major Items

    Differences between Gold/Silver and Crystal

    Ecruteak City Save Bug

    GS Ball Celebi Event (VC Crystal)

    Where to find the TMs/HMs
    Last edited:
    Generation III Games (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, Fire Red/Leaf Green)
    Written by Nah, CodeHelmet, Dragon,​

    --Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald--

    The Starter Pokemon

    Good Pokemon to make use of+version exclusives

    On beating the Gym Leaders and Elite 4

    Major Items:

    Differences between Ruby/Sapphire and Emerald

    Obtaining the Regi Trio

    Where to find the TMs/HMs

    --Fire Red and Leaf Green--

    What's new in Fire Red and Leaf Green?

    Pokemon now available in Fire Red/Leaf Green that weren't in Red/Blue/Yellow

    Where to find the TMs/HMs

    Trading Between R/S/E and FR/LG
    Last edited:
    Generation IV Games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Heart Gold/Soul Silver)
    Written by Nah, CodeHelmet, Amy May


    The Starter Pokemon

    Good Pokemon to catch+version exclusives

    Major Items

    On beating the Gym Leaders and Elite 4

    Differences between Platinum and Diamond/Pearl

    TM/HM Locations

    --Heart Gold & Soul Silver--

    Differences between Heart Gold/Soul Silver and Gold/Silver

    Pokemon now available in HG/SS that weren't in G/S/C

    Ecruteak City Save Bug

    TM/HM Locations
    Last edited:
    Generation V Games (Black/White, Black 2/White 2)
    Written by Nah,​

    Black 2 and White 2 are direct sequels to Black and White, the first and so far only time in the main series games there has been direct sequels and not third versions.

    The Starter Pokemon

    Good Pokemon to make use of+version exclusives

    Major Items

    Beating the Gym Leaders and Elite 4

    TM/HM Locations

    Black 2/White 2 "Key" System
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    Generation VI Games (X/Y, Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)
    Written by Janp, Nah,​

    --X & Y--

    old XY FAQ I made years ago with some different information than what this thread will contain

    The Starter Pokemon

    Good Pokemon to make use of+version exclusives

    Mega Evolutions you can get before E4:

    Beating the Gym Leaders and Elite 4

    TM/HM Locations


    Differences between Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire and Ruby/Sapphire

    TM/HM Locations
    Last edited:
    Generation VII (Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon)
    Written by Janp, Nah,​

    --Sun/Moon, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon--

    A note regarding Moon/Ultra Moon: In these versions, the in-game time is 12 hours different from what your 3DS's clock is set to. For example, if it is 1 PM according to your 3DS's clock, it will be 1 AM in the game.

    The Starter Pokémon

    Version Exclusives

    Pokemon Recommendations

    Clearing the Trials, Beating the Totem Pokemon, and the Elite 4

    TM Locations
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