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[Approved] Provisional PU Event

Chr. Draco

Spatial Rift
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 1,079
    • Seen today
    [PokeCommunity.com] Provisional PU Event

    About pokemon unite:

    Pokémon Unite is a Team MOBA game where you can battle with your favorite pokémon from the roster and the main goal is to score as many points as possible. The team with the highest score wins.

    Rules for this event:

    1. All community rules apply.
    2. You can play on switch or mobile, whichever device you have available.
    3. Complete entry form in order to be able to track team, scores and participation.
    4. Mewtwo banned.
    5. All items allowed.
    6. No emblems.
    7. Battles will be using Custom Battle mode
    7.1 Lobby ID will be shared on Disc PC GT Channel for participants to join
    8. Battles will be broadcasted on PC disc server GT channel.
    8.1 No stream sniping. (It can lead to team discualification for the current match)
    9. Both teams must have equal numbers of participants.
    9.1 min. 3 per team to cover top, mid (jungle) and bot lanes.
    9.2 If a team member logs off during a match the match will continue as normal
    9.3 If for next match the player that logged off doesn't return, the team must have a replacement player, otherwise a team member from the other team will be removed
    10. Be polite and have fun.


    Tuesday august 15th 4:00 pm EST / or alternatively 11:00 AM depending on schedule availability
    - 5 Standard Battles Theia Sky Ruins (Draft Pick)

    Thursday august 17th 4:00 pm EST / or alternatively 11:00 AM depending on schedule availability
    - 10 Quick Battles rotated between Shivre city, Auroma Park and Catch 'Em stages


    -Participation: 5 points (only once per participant)

    -Winner team:
    --Standard battle: 10 points
    --Quick battle : 5 points

    1. Make sure to have a good internet conenction and a functioning device.

    Entry form:

    PC name:
    PU name:
    Favorite color: Za Warudo (Only when you have read Da Rules)

    Participant List:

    1. Team Gears | Name | Participated in at least 1 battle |

    2. Team Apricorns | Name | Participated in at least 1 battle |

    Team Scores:

    Team Gears wins | Standard Battles | Quick Battles | Total

    Team Apricorns wins | Standard Battles | Quick Battles | Total
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    Here's what I had in mind for some time now:

    It can be Tournament based or quick play based, everything done the same day if there's time or if possible.

    It can either be 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 format, for 2 vs 2 it would requiere coordination between the team members to log in and play at the same time.
    Maybe it can be done on the spot depending on the amount of players available.

    The rules would go like this:

    1. The Custom Battle feature would be used in order to be able to use all maps:

    1.1 For big maps that use 5 vs 5 format: Remoat Stadium and Theia Sky Ruins:
    1.1.1 Each player will ban a pokemon (Theia Sky Ruins has a draft mode that can be used), alternatively discord chat would be used.
    1.1.2 The battle will be in bot lane
    1.1.3 The player who KO the other Pokemon first wins
    1.1.4 The player who destroys the first goal wins
    1.1.5 Players can farm bot lane and jungle (either ally or rival)
    1.1.6 Players can't recall to base (doing so counts as a loss or KO)
    1.1.7 Sudden Death after 5 minutes: Players can't enter their own goal but can enter the rival's goal. The player who enters their own goal loses.

    1.2 For maps with 4 vs 4 or 3 vs 3 format (quick battles):
    1.2.1 They can be played as normal and winner will be decided as normal gameplay (highest score).

    Points in this case could be like those in short term games I guess if played in quick format.

    For tournament format we would have to set 1st 2nd and 3rd place points.

    Obviosly players have to be from opposing teams to prevent point farming

    Teams could be pre made selected by each GT team to be their representatives

    Alternatively it can be made from people in the chat/discord server

    I'm still thinking if it would be a good idea to implement the best of 3 if tournament format is used.

    Maybe we can use the quick format up to a time limit of maximum 1 or 2 hours. If I had a co-host maybe it could be done twice a day.

    I still don't know if it would be possible to do it daily, I'm not completely sure of my schedule during the GT.

    So basically if you want you can consider it something like when you play jackbox or the amiibo casino.

    Maybe points can be given to expectators who can predict who will win.

    Regarding emblems, maybe better play without them since not everyone would have the same emblems maxed or available

    Items could be used normally I guess, after all there are cards that give you 7-day trial to max them.

    So what do you think?

    This is just a draft for now. The event would depend on the amount of people interested and that play pokemon unite.
    I'd honestly suggest making this a more casual thing and just setting up a time for people to vibe in Unite a couple of times in a week. Give participation points to people who take part. That avoids any troublesome stuff with putting teams together or doing 1v1 in a game that is very much not designed for 1v1. Definitely do not award points to spectators though.
    How about this:
    Discard everything from the previous post.

    1. A team vs B team
    2. Minimum 3 players from each team to cover top, mid and bot lanes
    3. quick games, standard games and draft games are allowed
    4. Custom mode will be used so everyone would have to join the same lobby room
    5. Streamed on Disc. PC GT Server video channel?
    6. 2 hours to accumulate points
    7. Event paritipation 5 points (at least participate in one battle to get a one time participation point) (provisional)
    8. winner team gets 5 point per quick game and 10 point per standard/draft game (provisional)
    9. all items and held items allowed (restrictions can be set if both teams agree)
    10. emblems can be used only if both teams agree
    11. Mewtwo banned (provisional) (If both teams agree one mewtwo must be in each team)

    this is considering we have a get together with only two teams like previous get together
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    I would suggest having set rules that are not open to negotiation, honestly. Otherwise things will get messy.
    Otherwise whether or not that scoring system works is dependent on how often you run the sessions and how many games occur within them.
    I put in consideration in case poeple saw them way too restrictive.
    If anything all items would be allowed and emblem not to have the game balanced since not everyone would have maxed golden emblems, items are more easy since 7 day trial boost exists. (if you consider it is irrelevant them everything allowed, but I don't want people complaining because it's unbalanced and unfair)
    Mewtwo banned for obvious reasons
    scoring is just provisional. How many days and amount of sessions a day would you recommend?
    I was thinking of doing it once a day running for maybe Thursday and Sunday? Saturday is a no no for me, since I have soemthing schedule for saturday. hours haven't decided yet and would depend on the amount of people participating in those hours.
    stardard matches last 10 minutes and quick matches last 5 minutes so it could potentially be 12 standard matches or 24 quick matches
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    I put in consideration in case poeple saw them way too restrictive.
    If anything all items would be allowed and emblem not to have the game balanced since not everyone would have maxed golden emblems, items are more easy since 7 day trial boost exists. (if you consider it is irrelevant them everything allowed, but I don't want people complaining because it's unbalanced and unfair)
    Mewtwo banned for obvious reasons
    scoring is just provisional. How many days and amount of sessions a day would you recommend?

    It's been a while since I've done Unite, but I think doing items allowed and not doing emblems makes sense.
    I didn't even know Mewtwo was in the game now, but if its that broken, hard agree on just outright disallowing it.

    With your current point setup, perhaps do 4 days through the GT with up to five games per day. You should probably determine the format quick/full etc yourself in advance for each day just to prevent back-and-forth debate over stuff that wastes time.
    It's been a while since I've done Unite, but I think doing items allowed and not doing emblems makes sense.
    I didn't even know Mewtwo was in the game now, but if its that broken, hard agree on just outright disallowing it.

    With your current point setup, perhaps do 4 days through the GT with up to five games per day. You should probably determine the format quick/full etc yourself in advance for each day just to prevent back-and-forth debate over stuff that wastes time.

    would be ok if I alternate one day standard battles and the other day quick battles?
    If done that way 5 standard games would be aprox 1h, same for 10 quick battles

    or maybe leave it at 2 days, one day for standard battles and one day for quick battles having 10 matches and 20 matches respectively
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    would be ok if I alternate one day standard battles and the other day quick battles?
    If done that way 5 standard games would be aprox 1h, same for 10 quick battles

    or maybe leave it at 2 days, one day for standard battles and one day for quick battles having 10 matches and 20 matches respectively

    I'd personally recommend going for the four days over the two so you can run each day for a shorter time and not risk cutting across other events. Although you could do one day each week, I don't know if people will vibe with it as much. But I think doing the alternating formats and the 5/10 (or 10/20) split is probably fine.
    I'd personally recommend going for the four days over the two so you can run each day for a shorter time and not risk cutting across other events. Although you could do one day each week, I don't know if people will vibe with it as much. But I think doing the alternating formats and the 5/10 (or 10/20) split is probably fine.

    Do the schedule for the events is ready to see the possible availability for this one?
    updated first post. I'll be updating over the course of these days before GT starts
    Is this the final version for everything?

    Not yet, but wanted to see how it looked so far, I'm checking if everything would be correct since there are a couple of things I don't remember