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R.I.P. my 3DS, 2011-2016

  • 50,218
    So unfortunately a horrible accident today killed my prized 5-year-old 3DS XL. The poor speciment was separated suddenly by some dumbass who accidentally pushed me and it unfortunately made me so terrible because it'll mean my enjoyment of Moon will have to be put on hold for a while.

    It did at least give me an excuse to say what my Christmas present will be, and that will be having to get a replacement that I will probably find myself getting late like how my copy of Pokemon Moon was my late birthday present.

    Since discussing about Pokemon games isn't as fun when you're not playing alone, I will unfortunately have to avoid Pokemon gaming sections for a while until I get my replacement 3DS. I will not be giving up on PGC's 30 Day Challenge, but other than that my Pokemon-based activity here will have to focus mainly on Pokemon General for a while.

    I may have not used this 3DS to its full potential until 2013 (thanks X/Y for making me use it) but we had a fun ride. I'll be back in the Pokemon gaming sections when I get my new 3DS, which I'm not sure when.

    2016, you have been the worst year ever and I will never forgive you for it.
    Euphonium;bt105983 said:
    Wait, was it stolen, or broken? I'm so confused.

    Broken. Damn thing got split in two.

    I want to get my replacement soon, but my mother feels that if I don't get any new games along with it, the purchase would be worthless. She should know by now I barely play any Nintendo franchises that aren't Pokemon.
    Hikari, I hope you'll get the new 3DS soon c: It's no good seeing your old 3DS break in half...

    I think that'd be nice if you managed to get New 3DS at this time if possible, since you don't have to wait for half minute if you're starting to play Moon c:
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