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Rants about a teacher


  • 3,816
    Sooo I got this teacher that only teaches class for an hour despite the schedule depicting that he has an hour and forty minutes to teach class. I mean okay I guess, if you can clear up your material for an hour then I'm all cool with that.

    What I don't like is how you decided to ask for additional classes to catch up with loss time due to last week's holiday 'cause apparently you can't teach for more than an hour per class. Like wtf. You get 1h 40m of teaching time, and you only used the 1h. Surely you can use the leftover 40 minutes to catch up on lost material.

    But noooooooo you went for the replacement classes instead of, idk, USING THE TIME THAT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    Fuck that, I got other things that I could've done instead of attending your class, which apparently you wanted it to be situated in the 4th floor of a building with no elevators just because you have a class to take care of on that day which is situated over there and you can't be arsed to go down the stairs, while we have to walk a shit ton from one building to the other 'cause our fucking campus is huge.

    Also, did I mention that said date that he wants a replacement class to be held happens to be a holiday in Indonesia as well? Congratulations sir, I can't be facepalming even more.
    gimmepie;bt103975 said:
    Where do they find these people?

    idk considering he's teaching in one of the best universities in Indonesia I guess somewhere good?

    clearly not the best in teaching tho.
    Maybe you should bring this to the attention of department chairman, or someone higher? Maybe they'll be able to do something about it that will aid not only you, but all of his other students.