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Reality Check: Bringing Pokémon Into Reality

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Zeta Sukuna

Descendant of the Inchlings
  • 1,728
    Phoenix, AZ, United States
    Route 10, over 7th Street

    "Man, I can't believe I have to start travelling for a job recommendation. I mean, it's weird enough with those creatures out here, but I have to get my dad's signature to get me the job." Said Chris as he tapped the steering wheel behind at least two dozen cars. Suddenly Chris's phone started ringing. "Hello?" Asked Chris answering the phone. On the other line was his dad.

    "Where are you? I thought you would be here by now!" Yelled Chris's dad. Chris just sighed, but as he and his dad were talking, the line started moving, allowing Chris to move.

    "Don't worry, I'm on my way." Said Chris before hanging up and exiting the highway. After an hour of driving, Chris had made it to Wickenburg, and since he had no buisness except for getting gas, he went on.

    Outside Wickenburg, AZ, United States

    "Well, I'm surprised I didn't see any of those creatures yet." Said Chris after leaving the Wickenburg city line, but as he said that, a small floating rock with arms tossed a rock into the road. "Whoa! That's not good!" Fortunately for Chris, the rock didn't stop on the road, saving his life. "Wow, that was lucky. But unfortunately for Chris, the Geodude followed him.

    "Machop!" Yelled a Machop from the distance before jumping on the car and tearing a hole in the roof.

    "AAAHH!" Yelled Chris as he stepped on the brakes, flinging Machop off at high speeds, AND smashing Geodude into the back of the car. Geodude got out of the car and flew over towards the Machop where they started to fight over who gets Chris.

    "I'm out of here." Said Chris before driving off.

    After a few more hours of driving, Chris had made it to Lake Mead where he saw two kids hanging over a Mudkip(not that he knows what a Mudkip is).

    (Yeah, kind of short, but it really begins next time.)
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    I'M BACK!
  • 1,251
    Mobile,Alabama,United States:

    It was raining like crazy outside. Max had run out to sit in it. He loved rain and had missed it. He sat there for a few hours until he heard a loud "THUD." Max looked around but didn't see anything. He went and looked behind trees and bushes. He still didn't see anything. He heard a ccry and looked around again. This time he saw a yellow animal on the side of the street. He ran over and picked it up. It was hurt very badly. He ran inside with it and nursed it back to full health.

    When he was finished healingit the animal woke up. It sat there looking at Max. Max put a cold washcloth to it's head and then sat on the couch and turned the TV on. It was the new. "How boring." Max thought. He was getting ready to change the channel when the news was actually talking about something interesting. "We come to you live with information about new mysterious creatures who appear to have special powers. As you can see we have caught one of these creatures and are going to test it in a laboratory." the news repoter said. Max changed the channel to a channel that did expirements to stuff. This week's show was about the new mysterious creatures.

    They were toturing a weird animal. Max changed the channel to a baking channel and then looked over at the animal in his house. (srry cant finish)
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    ✖Come At Me, Bro✖
  • 188
    [[Sorry, about the OOC, but I had to... Pikalover, he JUST SAID you can't start with ANY AT ALL. So you can get all of them on your list later, but you start with nothing. .__. So deleting some will do nothing. You still start with nothing.]]

    Surprise, Arizona, USA
    772 Seveo Dr., Nicolette's home

    It was still on the news. And it not the news, it was on almost every talk show there was. The new, mysterious creatures that had suddenly appeared. And there were lots of them. No one knew where or what they were.
    I sat in my small room and sat on my bed, looking at my appropriately small television. The bad reception made it cut in and out constantly, but after two years of this, I got used to it. The slightly blurry image showed a news channel, discussing this new phenomenon. A man's voice spoke as a shaky video taken by someone's cellphone showed a number of floating rocks with arms and faces moving around the city, fleeing back to the forest.
    "These strange creatures seem to be able to speak one word, and each type of these creatures speaks a different word. Officials have began to call each type by the word they say. The strange floating boulders seen here say something along the lines of ' Geodude.' That is what this type is now called." said the man's voice.
    How strange that these things can talk... sort of. There is no other animal that can talk. And these things can actually speak, even though what they are saying doesn't make any sense.
    "People have seen creatures similar to this all over the world. Reports come in daily of unknown species that can speak one word found in forests, mountains, beaches, almost everywhere..." the man continued.

    Everywhere? The forest behind my house crossed my mind. I wonder if I would be able to see one of these things there? I doubt it.
    I looked out my window. A cloudy Saturday. There was really nothing better to do on such a day than go for a walk, given that it doesn't rain. I stood up and grabbed my iPod, sticking the little speakers in my ears and clicking off the "lock" button on the top. The little screen lit up and showed the main menu. I clicked shuffle and turned it up almost as loud as it would go, and made my way outside into the backyard.

    The backyard was actually pretty small, the forest blocked off by a low wooden fence. Mother always told me not to go in the forest after she saw the reports, but I went anyway. I easily hopped over the fence and strolled in the forest. The only thing I could hear was the blaring music in my ears. My eyes scanned the area. Nothing. No strange and mysterious creatures, no nothing.
    "How boring," I said out loud. Maybe I would see something farther in. I turned slightly to see how far I had gone. The back of my house was still in sight. I quickened my pace and turned back to my path.

    I had been walking for a while now, not knowing that I had been taking turns here and there. I walked in beat with the song that played, no longer paying attention to to forest around me.
    And then I saw it. It had leaped right out of a bush and stopped dead in front of me, obviously as surprised to see me as I was to see it.
    A tiny brown fox. Or, that's what it looked like. It was very, very small. A little taller than my ankle. It had brown fur, with white fur around it's small neck. It's abnormally long ears were forward, listening. I paused my music and slowly bent down.
    "Come on... say something..." I quietly said. I wasn't able to tell if this was just a little fox, or one of the newly discovered creatures. This was the only way to find out.
    I took one step forward. It darted off. I watched it run. I was both disappointed and excited. Whatever that was, it wasn't normal. What a shame that it had run off like that...

    Slave to the Poké-Rave

    I bought the Mt.Moon Magikarp
  • 115
    Guernsey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom
    Portelet Bay, Harbour Wall

    Despite the rain, Konrad was out to see the catch come in. The island was known for its abundant shellfish, and as the boats unloaded, he could see the the crabs roiling in their rope cage. They looked awfully out of place, being tipped up into wooden containers to be driven away, their last days to end on people's plates. They were the same, a dull orange, with black tipped claws. Another boat, with fish, was hauling the net from its hold. The wet sound of slapping fish met his ears and he sighed in the comfort of the familiar sound. He could hear the course voices of the men. Some had the hint of a mainland accent, the rest definitely of English origin, like himself. The clouds were coming in, and he could see the rain lashing down on the ocean's waters. A strong ocean breeze was carrying it this way, and he gathered his flapping coat around himself. He turned, his curiosity piqued as the men seemed to string up a rather lively debate.

    'Its one of those fish! I saw it on the news!'

    'Yeh, me too! The Islander's Pride brought one of them in!' another one spouted up. Konrad dashed along the old harbour wall, the growing tide lashing at its walkway. He leaped down onto the sand and hurried to the fish. It was flapping around with the rest of them, but appeared able to breath well enough. It was big, very big. About the size of a salmon, and three times as wide. It was a deep gold-red, and had a spiky yellow fin. It also had yellow whiskers, like a catfish. It seemed to be saying something.

    'Karp! kaarp!' it moaned.

    'Ho boy! Keep away, this fish looks dangerous!' the captain warned, holding him back with his arm.

    'Sure, and a cod scuppered your vessel last week!' Konrad retorted, pushing past. He reached in, to the audible gasps of the crew, and touched it. It was scaled, and wet, just like any other fish. This one, however, seemed much tougher. He put one hand under it, completely unperturbed by the fish flapping in their death throes below. He lifted it. It was rather heavy, and flipped around weakly in his hands.

    'What are you doing boy? Thats our catch!' the captain said, quickly walking up next to him.

    'Somehow, I don't think you want to be eating this.' he said quickly, grabbing a plastic tub from the nearby jeep, and sloshed some seawater into it. He dropped the fish in, who seemed content to splash around. Ignoring the disgruntled cries of the crew, he turned, and began to run up the stone walkway to the road. He stopped however, as the crab fisherman cried out, jumping back. A jet of water sprayed them in the face, and a large red claw punched its way through the planking of its wooden container. A wave of crabs fell through the hole, who, after a good waving of their many limbs, began scurrying back to their watery homes. The men shouted in anguish, rushing to throw the shellfish back into the original rope pots. Konrad noted, however, a single, red crab, with spikes along its back, and eyes on its body, begin, slowly, sideways, walk up the beach, towards the abandoned house set up from the beach. It was ignored by the men, yet he was intrigued. The rain began to fall harder, and, with a splash from his new pet, ran to his bike. He threw the bucket into the basket at the front. He tipped his coat up, and flicked the hood onto his brown mop. The load on the front made it harder, as did the rain, but the going was steady. He peered out from the under the hood at fort grey, its white tower dull in the lacking light of the storm. His house was around the corner, and he peddled ever harder.

    OOC Woo! Magikarp!


  • 788
    Snohomish, Washington, United States of America
    12625, Bobby's House, 8:00 AM

    "Deet! Deet! Deet! Deet!..."

    "Morning already...?" Bobby muttered as he rolled out of bed. Throwing on an old shirt, the boy wandered down his stairs and into his kitchen and began to pour himself a bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch. Glancing over at the T.V he saw and episode of Spongebob on that his brother was watching. "Dude, can't we watch something else for a change? You've seen this one like 1900 hundred times!" Bobby whined.

    "Bobby, I was up first so I get to pick first!" Bobby's annoying brother said.

    With a sigh, Bobby plopped himself down on the couch and began to eat. Suddenly the boy's mom came rushing down the stairs in her bath robe, looking like she was in shock. "Quick! Turn the channel!" She cried.

    A news reporter was on the T.V saying "and these are just a few of the mysterious creatures that have apeared with out warning over the last few days." He pointed to what looked like a floating rock with eyes and two arms and a orange chimp with fire for a tail. "Scientist have tried to capture some of these creatures to study them, but these creaturs prove hostile if provoked. The goverment has issued this statement."

    A voice came on the screen and said "We do not know where these creatures have come from nor do we have anything to do with them. We advise the general public to stay away from these creatures!"

    "You can recoginze these creatures by their resemblense to known animals and their ability to say only one word." the news reporter said.

    "Isn't this exciting! Unknown creatures!" Bobby's mom said excitedly.

    "Mom it's prolly just a drunk college guy prank." Bobby said wryly.

    "What makes you say that?"

    "Isn't this on Fox News?"

    "Yes." Bobby's mom said.

    "There ya go." Bobby said as he wandered out of the house.

    As he walked into the forest near his house, his mind wandered back to the mysterious creatures. Lost in thought Bobby didn't notice the brown streak that launched a tree branch at him. "OW!" Bobby cried out.

    "Zig Zig Zig!" the brown streak cried. Bobby looked up and saw a racoon like creature with brown and white stripes running up and down its back. "Zigzagoon!" the creature cried as it ran up a nearby pine tree.

    "I'll show you to attack me..." Bobby muttered and began to climb up the tree after it. Soon he was near the top and the creature. "Now I have you!" Bobby cried.

    "Zigzagoon!" the creature cried as he lept at Bobby. Bobby hugged the tree to dodge the attack. "Zigzag!" it cried as it began to plummet to earth.

    "Why did I have to have a concious?" Bobby muttered as he lept after the creature. "Gotcha!" Bobby cried as he grabbed the creatures tail.

    "Zig..." it sighed.

    Bobby lowed the creature to the ground. "Go on now little guy. Go away now." Bobby said as he began the walk home. The creature however lept onto his shoulder and reached into into the air plucking a berry from a tree. It gave it to Bobby whose stomach had growled. "Well thanks!" Bobby said with a smile, deciding to keep the creature. For now anyway.


    The Swiftiest
  • 2,388
    Northern City, Sydney, Australia
    Bradfield Park, 5:45 AM

    The tracks above Bradfield Park rumbled under the weight of a large train carrying tons of coal, probably on its way north after filling up at Coalcliff.
    Kade's tired eyes opened slowly and the teenage boy looked around to see that the sky was still dark, "Great..." whined Kade, "Another unwelcome wakeup call..."

    "Hey you!" yelled a familiar voice. A man with a flash light in his hand approached Kade in a slight jog, "I thought I told you to get lost!"
    Kade rose to his feet, placing a hand on one of the sandstone pillars that was holding up Sydney's Harbour Bridge.

    "I'm not too good at taking orders, Dennis," replied Kade with a slightly croaky, yet cocky, voice. He glanced down at the flashlight in the man's hand, "You mind shutting off the light? People are trying to sleep," he said sarcastically.

    "You're trying to make it look like I'm in the wrong here, Kade," argued the man who had been identified as Dennis. He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his back pocket and held them in clear view, "Don't make me do it, son..."

    Kade looked at the handcuffs and then turned to Dennis, "Don't call me son, you're not my father," he said in a slightly angry tone. "I'm done here anyway..." he assured, placing a hand on Dennis' shoulder, "Stay safe," he said before walking away.

    Inner City, Sydney, Australia
    The Rocks, 7:25 AM

    Kade made his way through the back streets of The Rocks looking for leftover food. He wandered down an abandoned alley and turned into another which was blocked by a two metre high fence, "Dammit..." he muttered under his breath, turning around to head back the way he came.

    Suddenly there was a sound of scurrying feet followed by a crash that sounded like flimsy metal falling onto concrete, Kade turned when he heard the noise. There was what looked like a rat rummaging through an overturned garbage can.
    Kade made his way towards the strange creature, this wasn't any ordinary rat... this one was at least twice the size of a normal rat and its fur was bright yellow.

    The strange rat-like creature turned and looked at Kade, "Pichu," it squeaked. Kade stomped his foot and the rat went scurrying off down the alley.

    Kade scoffed and turned around, "Jeez..." he whispered, "What are these rats eating?" He walked off back down the alley he had come from... little did he know, the rat-like creature had decided to follow Kade and was staying close behind the teenage orphan.
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    Once Eletj, Always Eletj
  • 363
    Palmerston North, New Zealand.
    11pm, 367 College Street,Toby's House.

    Toby lied in his bed, his thoughts wondering over his head as his eyes glazed over the ceiling. He looked at the little monkey-like creature, curled up at the botom of his bed, its body, ever-so slightly rising and falling as it breathed in and out, in a regular sleep. How had this happened? This little lifeform was living proof that different creatures exist, that not every animal/creature had been documented or discovered. His life had changed so much over the day. He smiled as he remembered how he'd met it.

    Palmerston North, New Zealand.

    7:50am, 367 College Street, Toby's House.

    Four Days Earlier..

    ....Silence crept over the Enigma household.Only one sound could be heard, and it was Toby's light breathing. A single noise pierced this silence.
    Toby's eyes flew open. A look of fear crossed eyes. He grabbed his phone, turning off the alarm as he went. He was going to be late for his exam! He quickly changed, and raced into the kitchen, quickly scanned the counter for a note, when it hit him. Today was Saturday, not Friday. He open a window and fell into a chair, falling to sleep instantly.

    3 hours later

    Toby yawned as he slowly opened his eyes. He rubbed them, and blinked a few times at what he saw. A purple monkey with a hand tail was chomping on some rotten fruit. It noticed Toby, and scurried up the wall in fright, hiding in a small compartment. Toby grabbed some fresh bananas and walked towards the compartment.
    "Here, come here. I'm not going to hurt you."
    The monkey poked its head out the compartment.Now it was curious
    [FONT=&quot]. Toby grabbed some more friut.
    "Come on, Come out, you little troublemaker", Toby laughed. The monkey leapt from the compartment, and scurried towards Toby, eagerly chomping down the fruit. Toby ruffled its hair, and scracthed under the chin.
    "I think I'll call you Dan" He said, smiling at the petite monkey.
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