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Rebuilding My FR Binary Hack In Decomp?


Has a tendency to figure things out
  • 776
    Hi, sorry in advance if this may be in the wrong spot.

    I've been away from rom hacking for a LONG time, and suddenly I'm seeing all these things about decomp and some of the advantages it may have over binary. I've been considering going back and working on my old rom hack again that was being worked on in binary. My question is, is it possible (or even feasible) to recreate up to where I stopped working on it by using decomp instead? The thing is, I was using FireRed, and I notice there doesn't seem to be a decomp of FR (either that or I'm just looking in the wrong places lol). Also if it helps, I mainly just had sprite edits, many additional Pokemon, sprites, moves, cries, tiles, MIDIs, and only around 20 maps edited so far. I also have a fair bit of programming knowledge, so I don't mind the code. Would it make sense to swap over?
    My question is, is it possible (or even feasible) to recreate up to where I stopped working on it by using decomp instead?
    Is it possible? Yes.
    Is it feasible? Well, yes. It's mostly a matter of will though, as in whether you're willing to put in the effort required.
    As a matter of fact, Spherical Ice has ported their own well known binary project, Pokémon Gaia, to Pokeemerald.
    The thing is, I was using FireRed, and I notice there doesn't seem to be a decomp of FR (either that or I'm just looking in the wrong places lol).
    There is.

    Keep in mind that it's less documented and that it has much less community support than Pokeemerald though.
    The usual suggestion is to just port over whatever you need from Pokefirered to Pokeemerald and then use the latter.

    I'd say you should give it a try and see if you feel comfortable working with it.
    If not, or if you think it's more of a hassle than it's worth to you, then go back to binary.
    Is it possible? Yes.
    Is it feasible? Well, yes. It's mostly a matter of will though, as in whether you're willing to put in the effort required.
    As a matter of fact, Spherical Ice has ported their own well known binary project, Pokémon Gaia, to Pokeemerald.

    Ah, I never thought of porting to Pokeemerald! Thanks for linking me to Pokefirered also, guess I really was looking in the wrong place lol. I suppose it makes sense to do so since it seems Pokeemerald is the most supported atm.
    Yeah, I think I'll give it a shot and try porting what I have over. Time to load up some guides lol. I appreciate ya!