This is all amusing since feminism is what has been waging war about women. It has inflicted upon them unwed motherhood, divorce, slavery to unsatisfying jobs, high rates of breast cancer, infertility, and sexual disease; demographic decline and children who are unhealthy, neglected and depressed.
But lets all just ignore that and focus on those nasty misogynistic Republicans and on getting that female vote.
Except not really?
tl;dr: Wanting gender equality causes all these problems... how?
Unwed motherhoods are a probably result of greater sexual freedom in this society and sexual freedom and control of one's own body are more important than rigid definitions of "traditional family" and "traditional values". You may believe that this is certainly not the case and that traditional values are better and you certainly are entitled to that belief because this country was founded on the principle of religious and expressive freedom. In the same vein, people are entitled to their belief that living life the way they want is more important than conformity to "traditional" definitions.
Divorce was originally a men's thing as evidenced by King Henry infamous divorces. Now that women can do the same to men, they're viewed as golddiggers and unfaithful? What about men who divorce? Oh, he's just single now.
Slavery to unsatisfying jobs is sort of why feminism exists and what it is
fighting. Women, on average, receive less pay then men and are probably treated worse in the workplace. Name the last time you heard a news story about a man being sexually harassed at work or ALL the times that women's sexual harassment cases came up. Feminism wants to change this; it certainly didn't enable it.
Breast cancer and infertility? How exactly are those linked to feminism? Women's sexual independence? Oh yes. That must be it. Because scientific studies show that an independent sexual life causes breast cancer and infertility.
STDs are not a direct result of feminism but as a result of a culture that is becoming more comfortable about their sexuality, but have not been taught about safe sex. The culture tells people that sexuality is normal and good in moderation and that people should be comfortable with it, but people still teach and practice abstinence. And when abstinence has been shown not to work (abstinence only states have highest teen pregnancy rates js), what we're left is with teens who do not know how to practice safe sex.
Demographic decline? I... What? No seriously, what? Remember that whole 7 billion people thing? Feminsim is decreasing the number of people?
Unhealthy children? I thought what caused unhealthy children was a culture that has so many fancy gadgets and various forms of instant entertainment that are much more instantly gratifying than going outside or being physically active and an abundance of fast and junk food. I fail too see how wanting gender equality caused this.
Same with depressed and neglected children. The causes of those are much too complex to delve into, but I just fail to see how wanting gender equality causes them.
Comments like this that imply that there is no need for feminism and that women are to blame for their problems and no one else (along with blatant ignorance of why they're an issue in the first place), are evidence that a war on women does indeed exist.
That's just the party line; their votes only differ on the hot-button issues. If you look where the people are really getting screwed over, there's bipartisan support.
But I guess in relation to this issue, their voting record has been pretty progressive.
I sort of agree, but one party being socially liberal is enough to differentiate the two for me. Standing up for minority groups is much MUCH more than what the other side has to offer. Especially since these issues of racial and sexual inequality are still prominent in today's society. Sure the two-party system kinda sucks, but it's what we've got so we may as well TRY to make it work for us in the time being instead of letting it completely screw us over.