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Return to Hogwarts

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PC's Unofficial Poetry Critic
  • 5,246
    I slipped in and out of the throngs of students to look for what I wanted. Dark Magic books, most highly restricted, if not blatantly illegal for anything but reference. I had no need for reference texts. I began rifling through the horribly limited selection, and quickly set aside any that didn't suit me, or contained spells I already knew inside and out.

    I had to pity Professor Tilline, in a way. She thought this some effort to be better versed in countermeasures. I couldn't worry about that now, though. I growled at the thoughts of why and promised that I would apologize later.

    I exited the shop after making my purchases, school and otherwise (and showing the forged lisence I had for the Dark magic books). Outside, I almost tripped over a girl sitting there, my shins colliding with her back. I rapidly backpeadled and avioded a faceplant.

    Dark Night

    Skitsofrantic all out runner!!
  • 630
    I chose animagus.Sorry about that!

    I walked around Diagon Alley.I was looking for all my supplies that I needed for school.I was extremely happy to be going back!Espeacially since I had no one else,my brother gone,and no other family.I reached Flourish and Blotts.I searched for the Care of Magical Care of Creatures book that was recommended to me by Proffesor Gildivan.I found the book and sat down.I was reading a book that I had bought about Dragons.

    Schoocha sat next to her licking the bone that Lia had bought him.He sat there quite content watching all those who walked by.He barked when he saw a boy walking by,who almost crashed right into Lia.

    I looked at Schoocha and nealy avoided the boy trying not to land a face plant.I got up and walked over to him."Hey are you alright?"I asked him Italian."Do you need some help?"


    Pokemon Breeder
  • 893
    OOC: A couple of things, Dark Night. You need to space between periods and commas. That's just decent typing skills. Secondly, stay in either third person or first. Not both. And, you didn't mention having a pet in your sign-up. Please verify that you have a pet and let us know what it is. Thank you.

    BIC: I merely glared at the pair, scooped up Tilla, and picked up my bags.

    "I am not in need of any assistance," I said quietly, starting off down the alleyways.


    PC's Unofficial Poetry Critic
  • 5,246
    I gave the girl a shove in the shoulder, glkared at her and stalked off in the opposite direction from the one I'd almost fallen over. Neither truly mattered, and my chores done for the day, I wandered into Knockturn Alley. There was usually something worthwhile here to add to my repitoire of curses, hexes, and jinxes. Several regulars nodded, recognizing me. They accepted me as one of them. I didn't care. They didn't matter unless they interfered.


  • 14,631
    OOC: Sorry for the later start. I have exams next week, so all of my final projects are do this week. Then I had a short writers block thanks to my History essay. XD;;

    "'Get your supplies yourself!' he tells me!" I exclaimed as I walked down Diagon Alley, slouched, my hands in my jean pockets. "Of course he forgets I don't have a clue where I'm going in this darn place! Ah well, I guess I can make an attempt to finish gathering all of the supplies on this list by tonight." Of course, my reaction was to be expected. This was my first time at Diagon Alley, and Rigande was aware of this. He usually went out and got my stuff for me. Though, it later occured to me that he was testing my ability to work through situations on my own.

    I often noticed glances I was getting from both boys and girls alike, and I heard them talking about me amoungst themselves. For example, I heard a pair referring to me as a she as they talked about my simple outfit. Of course, I was used to this. I attended a muggle school most of my life after all. One grows accustomed to such misinterpretations. I was, and I'm not going to mince words, filthy rich. My parents were wired with money before the passed away, and I inherited all of it. Therefore, I grew up almost always getting what I wanted.

    After I wandered that alley for what seemed like an eternity, I finally located the first store I needed to enter; Flourish and Blotts. Upon entering the store, I found shelves upon shelves of books. I found myself checking out various books in the herbology section first, as Rigande was quite the botanist, and had his own greenhouse back home. After about five minutes of searching, I located the book Rigande had been meaning to buy for the past 7 months; "Herbology and You". I went to pull it out, but for some reason or another the book was wedged into the shelf. I continued to pull, putting all of my power into it this time. I finally freed the book, but numerous books sitting on top of the shelf came toppling down and both me, and anyone who was on the other side of the bookcase. " Ow..." I muttered as I brushed five or six books off of me after hitting the floor. A fairly large book had hit me on the top of the head! I just hoped nobody else was harmed!
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    Dark Night

    Skitsofrantic all out runner!!
  • 630
    Sorry about that.I'll work on it.

    "Fine, I was just trying to help, no need to bite my head off!" I watched as the boy and girl left. I picked up all of the books I'd bought and put them into my bag. Schoocha picked up one with his mouth and handed it to me. "Come on Schoocha, let's get out of here! I still need to get a few more things, then we can go back to the Leaky Cauldron."

    I continued to walk through Diagon Alley. I got all of my supplies and continued to wander around. I decided to go back to Flourish and Blotts to get an extra book on Transfiguration.

    While I was walking out Schoocha started barking and ran off towards an row of books. There was a boy standing sitting on the floor with a buch of books surounding him. "Are you alright?" I asked in Italian. Schoocha went over to him and started pouncing around him. "Cut that out!" I yelled at my dog. I remebered what had happended last time I tried helping someone out. I picked up Schoocha and started walking off.
  • 809
    • Age 34
    • Seen Nov 12, 2014
    i have permission from Nagoyaka Aikouka to live at hogwarts.

    Name: Brassa Kayala Brittana
    Age: 15
    Year: 5
    Gender: female

    Appearence: approaching six feet in height Brassa is tall for her age. Brassa is of average build but strong, as she works out every day. She wears very dark clothes, tight black corduroy pants and a deep blue tank. Over that, Brassa wears a black long coat instead of the Hogwarts robes (like neos, from matrix, but smaller for her size). Her black hair is long, down to her waist, but is often in a pony tail. Her sapphire blue eyes are full of knowledge beyond her years, giving her a look of someone who has seen much in the world or has read a lot of books. She wears tough trek boots because she feels sand shoes are come apart too easily. Brassa does not care about getting in trouble. though she knows when to stop so she doesnt get expelled.

    Personality: Since the death of her family Brassa has become quiet and somewhat of a loner. She has no friends and spends her spare time reading spell books as she sees it as her job to put the people who killed her family away for good. She has become cold and mean and snaps at those who talk to her, even teachers. But if people are patient and keep trying they may break through her shell

    History: Brassa used to have friends in her first year but on the way home on the Hogwarts express her family was killed by Dark wizards. She has no living relatives and so lives at Hogwarts with the headmaster's permission. She has come to know all the secret passage ways and has cleared out those which are blocked.

    House: Ravenclaw

    Other: Brassa is a descendant of Hermione granger, though she doesn't know it. Like Hermione granger she gets top marks in every thing she does. She has read almost the whole library and is an encyclopedia of charms, spells and curse, so you do not want to mess with her. She has a snowy as a pet, called Alexandra and can not do anything relatively special.
    RP Sample:
    This is not one of my best but its something from a roleplay I was in years ago.

    I just finish washing and drying when some one asks for pancakes. I nod and go to the fridge and take out the mixture of batter I had made earlier in the day. I heat a pan and pour the mixture on making it thick enough to taste good. After few minutes I put the last of four pancakes on a plate and take it out to the person in question. I place it on the table. "Here you go. What would you like on your pancakes?" I stand up straight and wait politely for a reply.
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  • 8,284
    ooc: Sorry Im late!

    ic: I ran down the street of Giagon Ally, hoping to see at least ne person I knew from my last year at Hogwarts. I stopped in front of the broomstick shop, and looked around. No one looked familiar. I sighed an turned around. "Ah! The Nimbus v2!" I yelled happily. I shoved my hand into my pocket, and when my excavation of small changed failed misribly, I sighed, and walked away.

    "I wish something would happen this year." I muttered to myself, putting my hands behind my head. I looked around misribly, and finnaly spotted someone I vaguely recognised.

    "Lia!!" I yelled, running towards her.

    ooc: sorry if I messed anything up Dark Night, I needed to start somewhere..^^'

    Dark Night

    Skitsofrantic all out runner!!
  • 630
    That's no prob!

    I turned around from looking at the candy in a shop. "Huh? Who's calling me?" I increduously. I turned around to see a girl running towards me. She seemed kinda small. Then I remembered! "Tessa! Hey, how are you doing?"

    Schoocha started running towards the girl. "Hey! Get back here!" I yelled at him.


  • 8,284
    I stopped running, and bent down to pet Schoona. I stood up, and smiled. "Havnt heard from you in a while. Sorry I didnt send you any mail, Sanny had a broken wing, and then she got spoiled from all the treatment I gave her, so she didnt want to do anything.." I said. "So...how was your summer?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my heels.


    Pokemon Breeder
  • 893
    OOC: ThornStrom has been accepted, and he does indeed have my permission to live at Hogwarts over the summer. And thank you, Dark Night. It's much easier to read your posts with spacing. *smiles*

    BIC: I winced as I walked away. There was something about the boy who's tripped over me that seemed a little off. Like he wasn't who he looked to be. I shook off the feelings. Over-thinking often got me in trouble.

    I scooped up Trilla and nuzzled her soft fur. "We should be heading home soon, shouldn't we?"

    "Your aunt will start worrying if we don't get back soon."

    I nodded my understanding. "I need to sneak to the Apocathary before we go home. My supplies are low, and I dont' want to spend the entire year borrowing from the school stores. The supplies are never as good."

    Trilla nodded and bounced out of my arms. For the first time all day, I smiled a bit. Trilla knew how to make me happy. She was my only friend. I couldn't help but laugh. Five years at Hogwarts, five full years at the top of my class, and I didn't have a single friend. It was like people avoided me like the plague.

    I shuddered. All the better for them. It made my life easier.

    I liked my lips and made my stop at the Apothacary, picking up the basics as well as many other tidbits. I liked hard potions, I liked a challenge. After I'd payed for all that, I began a small walk to the candy shop. Two girls from school were in there. I swallowed my nerves, ignored them, and walked over to the specialty wrack, picking up a couple of Blood Pops.

    I paid for them and left immediatly, shame making my cheeks as red as the guilty pleasure of my suckers.


    ♥ ~
  • 240
    • Seen Sep 21, 2015
    OOC; Wait...We were supposed to type in First Person? Sorry, I didn't know. I already started with Third, so should I just continue to use it?
    BIC; As she walked out of the bookstore, Stephanie just barely managed to walk around (instead of into) a slight scuffle that had broken out inside the shop. She watched in horror as a rather large book tumbled onto one of the girl's heads.

    She would have stayed to help her, but Steph had to get back home to pack her stuff. Besides, what should she care anyway? She had more important matters to take care of.

    But even so, as she started at a brisk trot towards the entrance to the Alleyway instead, she couldn't help feeling just a little guilty for leaving the girl there.
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    Sometimes, we come back!
  • 8,429
    I climbed slowly out of the pile of books that had fallen onto me, and beganm to tug the huge sack out, making sure that my contents inside was safe. I blinked as something caught my eye, and picked up a book on managing dangerous potions ingredients, which must have been mis-shelved./ "I've bene looking for this one." I commented idly to myself, putting it with the others, and moving to the counter to purchase them...


  • 14,631
    After recovering from my unfortunate accident, I suddenly realized that I had indeed accidentally hit someone with the books. However, that person just picked up one of the fallen books and walked away. Now, if he had at least said something, I would have let him be, but the fact that he was completely ignorant to the incident caught my interest. I snuck up behind the strange teenager, and poked him on his right shoulder in an attempt to get his attention.

    "Uhh... sorry, sir." I began, not entirely sure of what to say. "My name is Askan, and I accidentally knocked some books onto you earlier." My face was now bright red, as it usually did when I had no clue what to say. I was twiddling my fingers as well. "Yeah... about that, I apologize!" Now I waited for a response... and what the heck was going on outside?


    Sometimes, we come back!
  • 8,429
    I blinked as I saw the kid talking to me, and at his apology, I shrugged. "My ingredients weren't damaged, so it's nothing to worry about. In fact, you helped me find this." I said, holding up the book. "I should be thanking you, but I'm a rude S.O.B., so let me take care of that now,. thanks." I said, holding out my hand. "Askan? Nice to meet you, I'm Robert, technically."


  • 14,631
    I was flabberghasted by this teens, Roberts, attitude. He was all nice at first, and then there was that 'SOB' comment that came out of apparently nowhere. He seemed like an interesting character indeed. I shook his hand, still slouched over, before examining his bag. "You shopping, or stealing?" I commented at the thief-esque sack, and then glancing at the black muggle backpack I was wearing.

    "Oof!" I muttered as a little boy ran into, knocking me forwards slightly. I heard him mutter "Sorry ma'am!", which made me turn red in front of the teen before me, hoping he wouldn't think I was a girl because of it.
  • 809
    • Age 34
    • Seen Nov 12, 2014
    A tall girl sits a table in the library of Hogwarts reading a book of the title "standard book of spells grade four". Having just finished reading the book, she closes it and puts it back in its rightful place on a library shelf. Just as she leaves the library a tawny owl swoops towards her across the wide corridor and land on her arm, which she quickly put up.

    Taking the sealed envelope from its beak the girl takes a mouse she had caught, nibbling on a library book. Showing it to the owl, she puts the mouse on the floor and it takes off. Shortly after the owls swoops off and catches the mouse in its talons with ease. Looking at the envelope the raven haired girl breaks the seal and opens it, quickly skimming down the page and then onto the second page. "It's about time for my book list to arrive. I was getting a bit bored."

    The girl walks down the corridor and turns into a teacher's unused office, as the teacher is in her sleeping area. Walking over to the fire place, she reaches up to the mantle piece above it and extracts a small amount of powder from a small dish. Stepping into the fire place she throws the powder down and is immersed in bright green flames. Yelling Diagon alley, she disappears and a few seconds later reappears miles away, stumbling out of a fire in a pub called the leaky cauldron. Taking her wand out of her pocket she cleans ash off her clothes and walks out to the back of the pub, coming to a brick wall and a bin. The girl taps a brick above the bin and the bricks move away to let her into a mall for wizards and witches, of whom are busy bustling from shop to shop.

    She quickly visits the wizarding community's bank and goes from shop to shop, restocking supplies and buying her books for the coming Year of school and, transforming the envelope in her hand into a large bag, she puts everything into it carefully. After buying what she needs, a few more advanced books on spells and defense against the dark arts, as well as a few things for her self as she is no where near running out of galleons, nuts and sickles.

    She walks over to a shop and slumps down at a table. After ordering she looks around and notices a girl reading a book with an arctic fox asleep at her heels. I look over and absentmindedly think aloud. "What a beautiful fox! I wonder where Alexandra has gotten to. I suppose it is time that I made friends. I just don't want to be hurt again…everything heals in time and I suppose it's my time to heal." Picking up my bag I walk over to the girl. When I reach thee table I find my self with nothing to say and I feel my cheeks starting to become red. "um, I was just wondering, if, um, if I could sit here." I gain confidence and stand up straight, trying to make a good impression.
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    Dark Night

    Skitsofrantic all out runner!!
  • 630
    I called Schoocha back and picked him up. "That's okay, I understand. You need to take care of your pets. Plus I didn't send any mail to yo either." I answered. "Is she okay now?"

    After hearing the question of how my Summer went, my head dropped. It was hard to think of what happened to my brother. I tried hard not to think of it, I didn't want people to see me cry in public. I dropped my head and answered. "It started out fun, but didn't end that way. You remeber my brother Danoti right? He was killed 2 weeks ago." I sobbed. I started crying, Schoocha licked my face in reasurance.


  • 8,284
    I tilted my head to one side, and held onto her shoulder. "Hey, come on. Its ok." I said, trying to stop her from crying. I looked around, and spotted a small coffee place. I grabbed her hand, and began to pull her toward it. I looked behind me, and saw her startled face. "Dont worry. I know something that can cheer you up." I said, trying to smile.

    It was harder than I expected to smile after that kind of news, but I didnt want Lia to be so sad. "One butterbeer please." I said to the lady at the bar. She nodded, and I coontinued to pull on Lia's arm. I brought her to a table, and had her sit down. "So um...what happened?" I asked, as the bar lady handed Lia her Butterbeer.

    Dark Night

    Skitsofrantic all out runner!!
  • 630
    I was so startled at being pulled toward a coffe shop. "No, it's okay, you don't have to buy me a butterbeer." I said. I was trying as hard as I could not to cry, it was hard after my brother taking me in and careing for me.

    I sat down, put Schoocha on the floor and gave him another bone. "I'm not really sure what happended to him. I was out playing Football with some of my Muggle friends. He was dead by the time I got home. I don't know if he gave a fight or not, but I know that the Dark Wizard that was in my house when I got there killed him. He attacked me when I got home. I was lucky to get out of there. I saw him laying on the floor with his eyes wide open while I was trying to get out of there. I couldn't stop to check him." I told her. I started to sob again. "Thanx for lisenting, it helps." I said. "Enough of my sob story. How'd your Summer go, besides taking care of Sanny?" I was able to control myself and stop crying. I was open to anything but remembering what happended to Dan.
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