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Risa is mobile once again!


  • 8,284
    Finally got a car, after not having one for the past 7 months. I'm so glad I didn't take my old car with me in the move, because that allowed me to be able to get a fully loaded 2004 Toyota Camry B)

    Could have gotten a 2007, but didn't want to spend 2,000 more on essentially the same car, just with a bit fewer miles.



    (googled for pictures of the interior, this is exactly what it looks like inside aaaa)
    wait that's you in the pic right? :o

    either way, awesome car!!
    It's been a couple days, and I still loooveeee it. Still finding cool things the car does that my old cars didn't.

    And yep, that's me in the pic -w-