Breeder and RPGer
- 140
- Posts
- 18
- Years
- Orcan Regions
- Seen Jan 17, 2007
In a empty forest, Brad's dad built a large mansion for his son. He became famous and ordered Brad to have guards since he was so busy. For 2 years Brad walked around with these numskulls. One day, he and his guards were heading toward the TV studio when a mysterious person was found on their roof. Guard number 6 shot at him and they were forced to leave because of a strange event. The guys body produced a blob and attacked number 6. Leaving him to die, Brad and his guards fled into the air ship. Little did they know someone was lurking......Characters
Gender: Male
Bio: A boy with a nasty attitude. He is spoiled and rich but appreciates none of it. He hates his life and dreads every day until now.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Bio: A teenage thief who helps out Brad. The urge to battle and to curse lay strong in him. He is not American so sometimes he uses words in the wrong place. He cant talk straight ether. Nothing else is known about him.
Association of Top Bounty-hunters
Info: None
Epp.1: No Foul Language
Eppy.2:Killer Bird of Steel
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