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School will make you smarter, kids.


Sir Zangoose
  • 1,659
    • Age 26
    • Seen Aug 31, 2016
    Hey everybody, do you want me to complain about school more?

    ...What's that? You said "no"? Well screw you, I'm gonna do it anyway and tell you the story of how I basically wasted 3 hours doing nothing. Now I was already questioning the college I go to for not giving me the ID badge that's apparently compulsory to wear and you can get kicked out if you don't (it didn't happen to me before i got it thankfully) but then last Thursday happened and it was just all a giant mess. So on said day I had a science class in the morning and then an hour break and then an hour with my personal tutor to just check up on if I and anyone else being tutored by the same person are doing okay with their classes and anything college-related. Now my tutor is a really nice person and everything but she forgot to tell us that instead of sitting in class and waiting for her to arrive you're supposed to just check up with her every few weeks at that time instead. Of course I didn't get the memo so I just sat there in class all confused and with nothing to do.

    But wait, there's more! While I was sitting around in class all confused and with nothing to do, I also checked up on my timetable for lessons and guess what, I suddenly have an English class that nobody told me about right after my tutor class. Without a teacher apparently as the place where the teacher's name is supposed to be was blank. So I'm pretty pissed off at that point so I go up to my tutor in the staff room and ask her what the deal is with the Mystery of the Missing ID Badge [tm] and the Mystery of the Shifting Timetable [also tm] while my English class is supposedly happening. And guess what, she had no clue about any of it either, so we just went and got me a new ID badge made and then my tutor told me to get off to my English. So I did just that and GUESS WHAT, not only was the classroom completely empty, apparently it wasn't even used as a classroom for English. So basically I had to wait another hour doing fuck all for my IT lesson to start. Now if I was informed any (and had my ID badge from the get-go) I would've just went home because screw it, my house is only like 20~30 minutes away anyway and I don't have anything interesting to do in college, but no, I had to stay there for 3 very very boring hours.

    And speaking of, have I mentioned how retarded my timetable is anyway? On top of still having an English class with no teacher, I also have said class for five hours a week which is completely wrong since last year I took the same class (I fucked it up so I'm doing it again) and it was only four hours, not to mention it starting around November instead of September. Not only that, the times seem to be just completely random, for example I have a lesson on Monday morning, and then I have a break. For four hours. ...Ehhhhhhhhh? Why can't you make it so I have it sometime else? I don't wanna go to class for an hour then go back home and then go to another class four hours later, that's really dumb. And I have breaks like that every day except for Friday, but that's because I only have one lesson on Friday anyway. I mean, who came up with this? What exactly was going through their brains when they thought "hey, making this guy's timetable not work together at all is a good idea"? I have so many questions right now.

    So yeah, that's the story of how college is dumb. Enjoy some cool beats while I go question my life choices.
    When did you get this timetable? I'm surprised the school gave it to you last minute like this. I would write a letter to admin to get it sorted if you have the time. It would be more worth your while than to write about it here- just do it in a mature, uncatty way.. then you're good to go whilst you try and get it sorted.
    Kura;bt103868 said:
    When did you get this timetable? I'm surprised the school gave it to you last minute like this. I would write a letter to admin to get it sorted if you have the time. It would be more worth your while than to write about it here- just do it in a mature, uncatty way.. then you're good to go whilst you try and get it sorted.

    But not complaining about it to a bunch of people on the internet is no fun, now is it?

    Also I never got a printed version, the timetable is really only accessible online. It's stupid, I know.
    I guess if you consider complaining to be fun then sure, but I still think that writing a letter might be a good idea.
    I wrote a few letters in my time and it helped shape quite a few positive things back at my university (like getting in bus shelters/ a massive bus ring for commuters.)
    I never got a printed version either but I printed mine at the library/ at home.. haha. :3