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Thanks for the help, but now I am back to my original problem.
It won't let me compile because "Error 13 'type mismatch' on line 8
Missing #define or parameter.
Line: compare LASTRESULT 0x1" pops up.

As XSE told you, a #define is missing. And on line 8 we have LASTRESULT.
So make sure you extract all files from the zipped archive.
LASTRESULT is defined in the std.rbh file indeed.

Anyway, remember the script type isn't "Yes/No script" and the like. See the first post for further details.

I need a bit of help with a trainerbattle.
The script works fine, so does the battle but when I am in the trainer's sight, the trainer doesn't move towards me so I have to talk to him to battle.
What is wrong?

Trainer's settings in A-map


Thanks in advance

Well, I guess you just forgot to set the View radius value properly:

[PokeCommunity.com] Script Help Thread (DO NOT REQUEST SCRIPTS)

Anyway, next time please provide all info okay?
Can someone show me an example of the trainerbattle 0x6 and 0x7? Thanks in advance.
#Dynamic 0x71A270

#org @start
checkflag 0x1002
if 0x1 goto @done
giveitem 0x29 0x1
msgbox @text
boxset 0x6
msgbox @Howmuch?
boxset 0x6
applymovement 0x1 @movey
waitmovement 0x0
msgbox @text2
boxset 0x6
msgbox @text3
boxset 0x6
applymovement 0x1 @movey1
waitmovement 0x0
applymovement 0x1 @movey2
waitmovement 0x0
setflag 0x1002
clearflag 0x1004
setflag 0x1003

#org @text
= Hi, could I have some milk?\pClerk:Certainly!

#org @Howmuch?
= You got some moomoo milk!\pThanks, how much do I owe you?\lClerc:Don't worry, it's on the\nhouse!\pThank you!

#org @movey
#raw 0x62 0x02 0xFE

#org text2
= Boss:What?!\nAnother freebie?!\lThat's it, you're fired!

#org @text3
= Clerk:What?!\n..........\pFine!

#org @movey2
#raw 0x11 0x11 0x60 0xFE

#org @done

It keeps saying Type Mismatch on line 8, but I checked the tutorials and that's how give item is supposed to go right?
When I use this Script and talk to the person the game just freezes and the message box does not show up.

Game: FireRed
Type: Person Event
Editor: Xse
When I use this Script and talk to the person the game just freezes and the message box does not show up.

Game: FireRed
Type: Person Event
Editor: Xse

The fixes are in Bold. I hope that helps.
I just want to say, that there should be a new rule added to the first post.

"If you want to thank somebody, do it via PM instead of spamming this thread"

or something like that.
Can someone show me an example of the trainerbattle 0x6 and 0x7? Thanks in advance.

Did you check some scripts in the original games? If you want you can check the scripting dumps I made a while ago. See my thread in the Toolbox.

I just want to say, that there should be a new rule added to the first post.

"If you want to thank somebody, do it via PM instead of spamming this thread"

or something like that.

Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll add it right now.

EDIT: Rules updated, everyone! Make sure to read them once more, no matter if you did already.
Last edited:
Game:Pokemon Dawn of Oblivion

Screenshots and/or Videos: None

This script is supposed to be a one time only, sorta of like the Oak script that stops you from going out onto the grass without Pokemon. All it's doing now is freezing up the game, and it does that when it's not even on the correct tile. Help would be appreciated greatly; it's the first time I've done a script as complex as this.
Game:Pokemon Dawn of Oblivion

Screenshots and/or Videos: None

This script is supposed to be a one time only, sorta of like the Oak script that stops you from going out onto the grass without Pokemon. All it's doing now is freezing up the game, and it does that when it's not even on the correct tile. Help would be appreciated greatly; it's the first time I've done a script as complex as this.

Make sure to read better the rules next time because you mixed up thing a little :P

You're missing a release in the first part of the script and you're missing the End of Movements (0xFE) too.
Also, you're missing the callstd/boxset as well.

Last edited:
ROM: Fire Red
Version: 1.0
Script Editor: XSE
Script Type: Person Event
Event pictures: See attachments


This should be a simple wildbattle with a Suicune. When I talk to the Suicune, the screen turns black (I think that's the fadescreen command happening too early) and then the battle happens. When ever the battle finishes, the screen doesn't fade and the hidesprite command doesn't happen.

A-map settings


Thanks in advance!
don't know if this is a script problem or not but what gameboy colors do I use if I want red and blue to look like the colors from yellow
Omg my script..


Last edited:
ROM: Fire Red
Version: 1.0
Script Editor: XSE
Script Type: Person Event
Event pictures: See attachments


This should be a simple wildbattle with a Suicune. When I talk to the Suicune, the screen turns black (I think that's the fadescreen command happening too early) and then the battle happens. When ever the battle finishes, the screen doesn't fade and the hidesprite command doesn't happen.

A-map settings


Thanks in advance!

Try this. Also, why did you write hidesprite 0x201? The person event number is 4. :\ I fixed it.
ROM: Fire Red
Version: 1.0
Script Editor: XSE
Script Type: Event apply movment.
Event pictures: Nothing to take pictures of..

I never thought i would be doing this! This script works fine.. but the running shoes dont
activate. Im not sure why.

There's nothing wrong there, indeed. Did you try it on a clean ROM?
BTW, #raw 0x68 is closeonkeypress. Don't forget to use spoilers, okay?
#dynamic 0x71A29C

#org @start
checkflag 0x1005
if 0x1 goto @milk
msgbox @get
boxset 0x6
msgbox @milky
boxset 0x6

#org @get
= Mom:Hurry and get the milk honey!

#org @done

#org @milk
= Mom:Oh you're here!\pMom:While you were out we found\nsome milk in the fridge, but now\lthat you've bought it....Keep it!\pMom:You can go outside to play now.

#org @done2
A kinda noobish question....
When the flag is set, it just ends, it doesn't go to the message @milk thing (don't ask its a very weird script......)
A kinda noobish question....
When the flag is set, it just ends, it doesn't go to the message @milk thing (don't ask its a very weird script......)


I think I fixed it in the spoiler. Also, if this is a trigger event, you may want to put in what I added in italics and in green, unless you want that message (milk2) repeating over and over again. I can't assume that this is a person or trigger event 'cause you didn't use the correct form.. Please do, in the future.
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