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5th Gen Searching for Starters in Gen 5

  • 3
    • Seen Oct 7, 2023
    Hi, I'm trying to complete the national dex and I just need a Torchic and a Chimchar, I have all other starters to trade in case you need them, thanks ^^
    Hi, I'm trying to complete the national dex and I just need a Torchic and a Chimchar, I have all other starters to trade in case you need them, thanks ^^

    Sorry for being me that have to tell this, but should ask that in Trade Corner. Right there it's more appropiate place to do trades
    Do you mean gen 6 and or 7? For the most part trades can't be done online on gen 5. However I'm unsure if wiifimi or something allows Internet trades on ds.
    Do you mean gen 6 and or 7? For the most part trades can't be done online on gen 5. However I'm unsure if wiifimi or something allows Internet trades on ds.

    You can actually trade in gen 5 changing some settings on the 3ds, that blew my mind when I discovered that