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Development: Set Catch Location Command


Hardened Trainer
  • 673
    • Seen Aug 18, 2016
    I'm starting this thread because I haven't been able to found any threads about the "setcatchlocation" command. Here are my discoveries about the command, in accordance with Fire Red:

    First byte for setcatchlocation is the Pokémon slot number in your part (0-5) and the second byte is what you want to change the location to. The catch location bytes seem to start at 58, which is the byte for Pallet Town; and ends at C4 with Celadon Dept. Store - these pretty much correspond with their order in A-Map. Lastly, FF will change the catch location to "met in a fateful encounter when" and anything else appears to be "met in a trade" but there may be more I haven't found.

    So, in summary,

    Catch location bytes (translated by Darthatron):

    0x00: Littleroot Town
    0x01: Oldale Town
    0x02: Dewford Town
    0x03: Lavaridge Town
    0x04: Fallarbor Town
    0x05: Verdanturf Town
    0x06: Pacifidlog Town
    0x07: Petalburg City
    0x08: Slateport City
    0x09: Mauville City
    0x0A: Rustboro City
    0x0B: Fortree City
    0x0C: Lilycove City
    0x0D: Mossdeep City
    0x0E: Sootopolis City
    0x0F: Ever Grande City
    0x10: Route 101
    0x11: Route 102
    0x12: Route 103
    0x13: Route 104
    0x14: Route 105
    0x15: Route 106
    0x16: Route 107
    0x17: Route 108
    0x18: Route 109
    0x19: Route 110
    0x1A: Route 111
    0x1B: Route 112
    0x1C: Route 113
    0x1D: Route 114
    0x1E: Route 115
    0x1F: Route 116
    0x20: Route 117
    0x21: Route 118
    0x22: Route 119
    0x23: Route 120
    0x24: Route 121
    0x25: Route 122
    0x26: Route 123
    0x27: Route 124
    0x28: Route 125
    0x29: Route 126
    0x2A: Route 127
    0x2B: Route 128
    0x2C: Route 129
    0x2D: Route 130
    0x2E: Route 131
    0x2F: Route 132
    0x30: Route 133
    0x31: Route 134
    0x32: Underwater (Route 124)
    0x33: Underwater (Route 126)
    0x34: Underwater (Route 127)
    0x35: Underwater (Route 128)
    0x36: Underwater (Sootopolis City)
    0x37: Battle Tower
    0x38: Mt. Chimney
    0x39: Safari Zone
    0x3A: Battle Frontier
    0x3B: Petalburg Woods
    0x3C: Rusturf Tunnel
    0x3D: Abandoned Ship
    0x3E: New Mauville
    0x3F: Meteor Falls
    0x40: Meteor Falls
    0x41: Mt. Pyre
    0x42: Aqua/Magma Hideout
    0x43: Shoal Cave
    0x44: Seafloor Cavern
    0x45: Underwater (Seafloor Cavern)
    0x46: Victory Road
    0x47: Mirage Island
    0x48: Cave of Origin
    0x49: Southern Island
    0x4A: Fiery Path
    0x4B: Fiery Path
    0x4C: Jagged Pass
    0x4D: Jagged Pass
    0x4E: Sealed Chamber
    0x4F: Underwater (Route 134)
    0x50: Scorched Slab
    0x51: Island Cave
    0x52: Desert Ruins
    0x53: Ancient Tomb
    0x54: Inside of Truck
    0x55: Sky Pillar
    0x56: Secret Base
    0x57: Ferry
    0x58: Pallet Town
    0x59: Viridian City
    0x5A: Pewter City
    0x5B: Cerulean City
    0x5C: Lavender Town
    0x5D: Vermilion City
    0x5E: Celadon City
    0x5F: Fuchsia City
    0x60: Cinnabar Island
    0x61: Indigo Plateau
    0x62: Saffron City
    0x63: Route 4
    0x64: Route 10
    0x65: Route 1
    0x66: Route 2
    0x67: Route 3
    0x68: Route 4
    0x69: Route 5
    0x6A: Route 6
    0x6B: Route 7
    0x6C: Route 8
    0x6D: Route 9
    0x6E: Route 10
    0x6F: Route 11
    0x70: Route 12
    0x71: Route 13
    0x72: Route 14
    0x73: Route 15
    0x74: Route 16
    0x75: Route 17
    0x76: Route 18
    0x77: Route 19
    0x78: Route 20
    0x79: Route 21
    0x7A: Route 22
    0x7B: Route 23
    0x7C: Route 24
    0x7D: Route 25
    0x7E: Viridian Forest
    0x7F: Mt. Moon
    0x80: S.S. Anne
    0x81: Underground Path (Routes 5-6)
    0x82: Underground Path (Routes 7-8)
    0x83: Diglett's Cave
    0x84: Victory Road
    0x85: Rocket Hideout
    0x86: Silph Co.
    0x87: Pokémon Mansion
    0x88: Safari Zone
    0x89: Pokémon League
    0x8A: Rock Tunnel
    0x8B: Seafoam Islands
    0x8C: Pokémon Tower
    0x8D: Cerulean Cave
    0x8E: Power Plant
    0x8F: One Island
    0x90: Two Island
    0x91: Three Island
    0x92: Four Island
    0x93: Five Island
    0x94: Seven Island
    0x95: Six Island
    0x96: Kindle Road
    0x97: Treasure Beach
    0x98: Cape Brink
    0x99: Bond Bridge
    0x9A: Three Isle Port
    0x9B: Sevii Isle 6
    0x9C: Sevii Isle 7
    0x9D: Sevii Isle 8
    0x9E: Sevii Isle 9
    0x9F: Resort Gorgeous
    0xA0: Water Labyrinth
    0xA1: Five Isle Meadow
    0xA2: Memorial Pillar
    0xA3: Outcast Island
    0xA4: Green Path
    0xA5: Water Path
    0xA6: Ruin Valley
    0xA7: Trainer Tower
    0xA8: Canyon Entrance
    0xA9: Sevault Canyon
    0xAA: Tanoby Ruins
    0xAB: Sevii Isle 22
    0xAC: Sevii Isle 23
    0xAD: Sevii Isle 24
    0xAE: Navel Rock
    0xAF: Mt. Ember
    0xB0: Berry Forest
    0xB1: Icefall Cave
    0xB2: Rocket Warehouse
    0xB3: Trainer Tower
    0xB4: Dotted Hole
    0xB5: Lost Cave
    0xB6: Pattern Bush
    0xB7: Altering Cave
    0xB8: Tanoby Chambers
    0xB9: Three Isle Path
    0xBA: Tanoby Key
    0xBB: Birth Island
    0xBC: Monean Chamber
    0xBD: Liptoo Chamber
    0xBE: Weepth Chamber
    0xBF: Dilford Chamber
    0xC0: Scufib Chamber
    0xC1: Rixy Chamber
    0xC2: Viapois Chamber
    0xC3: Ember Spa
    0xC4: Special Area
    0xC5: Aqua Hideout
    0xC6: Magma Hideout
    0xC7: Mirage Tower
    0xC8: Birth Island
    0xC9: Faraway Island
    0xCA: Artisan Cave
    0xCB: Marine Cave
    0xCC: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xCD: Terra Cave
    0xCE: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xCF: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xD0: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xD1: Desert Underpass
    0xD2: Altering Cave
    0xD3: Navel Rock
    0xD4: Trainer Hill
    0xFE: In-game Trade
    0xFF: Fateful encounter
    Translated from the table from here.

    As noted in the above link, locations exclusive to Ruby will become "met in a trade" if used in Fire Red; locations exclusive to Fire Red will become trades in Ruby; locations exclusive to Emerald will become trades in Ruby and Fire Red; all locations seem to be available in Emerald.

    So, this line of code:

    setcatchlocation 0x0 0x98

    for instance, would set the catch location for the Pokémon in slot 1 to Cape Brink.
    Last edited:
    0x00: Littleroot Town
    0x01: Oldale Town
    0x02: Dewford Town
    0x03: Lavaridge Town
    0x04: Fallarbor Town
    0x05: Verdanturf Town
    0x06: Pacifidlog Town
    0x07: Petalburg City
    0x08: Slateport City
    0x09: Mauville City
    0x0A: Rustboro City
    0x0B: Fortree City
    0x0C: Lilycove City
    0x0D: Mossdeep City
    0x0E: Sootopolis City
    0x0F: Ever Grande City
    0x10: Route 101
    0x11: Route 102
    0x12: Route 103
    0x13: Route 104
    0x14: Route 105
    0x15: Route 106
    0x16: Route 107
    0x17: Route 108
    0x18: Route 109
    0x19: Route 110
    0x1A: Route 111
    0x1B: Route 112
    0x1C: Route 113
    0x1D: Route 114
    0x1E: Route 115
    0x1F: Route 116
    0x20: Route 117
    0x21: Route 118
    0x22: Route 119
    0x23: Route 120
    0x24: Route 121
    0x25: Route 122
    0x26: Route 123
    0x27: Route 124
    0x28: Route 125
    0x29: Route 126
    0x2A: Route 127
    0x2B: Route 128
    0x2C: Route 129
    0x2D: Route 130
    0x2E: Route 131
    0x2F: Route 132
    0x30: Route 133
    0x31: Route 134
    0x32: Underwater (Route 124)
    0x33: Underwater (Route 126)
    0x34: Underwater (Route 127)
    0x35: Underwater (Route 128)
    0x36: Underwater (Sootopolis City)
    0x37: Battle Tower
    0x38: Mt. Chimney
    0x39: Safari Zone
    0x3A: Battle Frontier
    0x3B: Petalburg Woods
    0x3C: Rusturf Tunnel
    0x3D: Abandoned Ship
    0x3E: New Mauville
    0x3F: Meteor Falls
    0x40: Meteor Falls
    0x41: Mt. Pyre
    0x42: Aqua/Magma Hideout
    0x43: Shoal Cave
    0x44: Seafloor Cavern
    0x45: Underwater (Seafloor Cavern)
    0x46: Victory Road
    0x47: Mirage Island
    0x48: Cave of Origin
    0x49: Southern Island
    0x4A: Fiery Path
    0x4B: Fiery Path
    0x4C: Jagged Pass
    0x4D: Jagged Pass
    0x4E: Sealed Chamber
    0x4F: Underwater (Route 134)
    0x50: Scorched Slab
    0x51: Island Cave
    0x52: Desert Ruins
    0x53: Ancient Tomb
    0x54: Inside of Truck
    0x55: Sky Pillar
    0x56: Secret Base
    0x57: Ferry
    0x58: Pallet Town
    0x59: Viridian City
    0x5A: Pewter City
    0x5B: Cerulean City
    0x5C: Lavender Town
    0x5D: Vermilion City
    0x5E: Celadon City
    0x5F: Fuchsia City
    0x60: Cinnabar Island
    0x61: Indigo Plateau
    0x62: Saffron City
    0x63: Route 4
    0x64: Route 10
    0x65: Route 1
    0x66: Route 2
    0x67: Route 3
    0x68: Route 4
    0x69: Route 5
    0x6A: Route 6
    0x6B: Route 7
    0x6C: Route 8
    0x6D: Route 9
    0x6E: Route 10
    0x6F: Route 11
    0x70: Route 12
    0x71: Route 13
    0x72: Route 14
    0x73: Route 15
    0x74: Route 16
    0x75: Route 17
    0x76: Route 18
    0x77: Route 19
    0x78: Route 20
    0x79: Route 21
    0x7A: Route 22
    0x7B: Route 23
    0x7C: Route 24
    0x7D: Route 25
    0x7E: Viridian Forest
    0x7F: Mt. Moon
    0x80: S.S. Anne
    0x81: Underground Path (Routes 5-6)
    0x82: Underground Path (Routes 7-8)
    0x83: Diglett's Cave
    0x84: Victory Road
    0x85: Rocket Hideout
    0x86: Silph Co.
    0x87: Pokémon Mansion
    0x88: Safari Zone
    0x89: Pokémon League
    0x8A: Rock Tunnel
    0x8B: Seafoam Islands
    0x8C: Pokémon Tower
    0x8D: Cerulean Cave
    0x8E: Power Plant
    0x8F: One Island
    0x90: Two Island
    0x91: Three Island
    0x92: Four Island
    0x93: Five Island
    0x94: Seven Island
    0x95: Six Island
    0x96: Kindle Road
    0x97: Treasure Beach
    0x98: Cape Brink
    0x99: Bond Bridge
    0x9A: Three Isle Port
    0x9B: Sevii Isle 6
    0x9C: Sevii Isle 7
    0x9D: Sevii Isle 8
    0x9E: Sevii Isle 9
    0x9F: Resort Gorgeous
    0xA0: Water Labyrinth
    0xA1: Five Isle Meadow
    0xA2: Memorial Pillar
    0xA3: Outcast Island
    0xA4: Green Path
    0xA5: Water Path
    0xA6: Ruin Valley
    0xA7: Trainer Tower
    0xA8: Canyon Entrance
    0xA9: Sevault Canyon
    0xAA: Tanoby Ruins
    0xAB: Sevii Isle 22
    0xAC: Sevii Isle 23
    0xAD: Sevii Isle 24
    0xAE: Navel Rock
    0xAF: Mt. Ember
    0xB0: Berry Forest
    0xB1: Icefall Cave
    0xB2: Rocket Warehouse
    0xB3: Trainer Tower
    0xB4: Dotted Hole
    0xB5: Lost Cave
    0xB6: Pattern Bush
    0xB7: Altering Cave
    0xB8: Tanoby Chambers
    0xB9: Three Isle Path
    0xBA: Tanoby Key
    0xBB: Birth Island
    0xBC: Monean Chamber
    0xBD: Liptoo Chamber
    0xBE: Weepth Chamber
    0xBF: Dilford Chamber
    0xC0: Scufib Chamber
    0xC1: Rixy Chamber
    0xC2: Viapois Chamber
    0xC3: Ember Spa
    0xC4: Special Area
    0xC5: Aqua Hideout
    0xC6: Magma Hideout
    0xC7: Mirage Tower
    0xC8: Birth Island
    0xC9: Faraway Island
    0xCA: Artisan Cave
    0xCB: Marine Cave
    0xCC: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xCD: Terra Cave
    0xCE: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xCF: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xD0: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xD1: Desert Underpass
    0xD2: Altering Cave
    0xD3: Navel Rock
    0xD4: Trainer Hill
    0xFE: In-game Trade
    0xFF: Fateful encounter
    Translated from the table from here.
    Maybe this will fix all the problems for everyone in this community!
    That's not what we are trying to do here. :(
    It works only on FireRed or also on Ruby?

    R/S don't have the setcatchlocation command. Only FR/LG/E do.

    Anyway, there was no real need to conver the values into hex:

    setcatchlocation 0x0 0x58

    setcatchlocation 0x0 88

    setcatchlocation 0 0x58

    setcatchlocation 0 88

    You could use either of them, and the end result would be the same. While you can use plain decimal values, I still prefer to use hex anyway, mostly because it's easier to read in the hex editor. I'd also like to say that the command is not that useful at all, unless you plan to make some Pokémon to appear as fateful encounter. Otherwise, changing the catch location doesn't make a lot of sense, I guess.
    0x00: Littleroot Town
    0x01: Oldale Town
    0x02: Dewford Town
    0x03: Lavaridge Town
    0x04: Fallarbor Town
    0x05: Verdanturf Town
    0x06: Pacifidlog Town
    0x07: Petalburg City
    0x08: Slateport City
    0x09: Mauville City
    0x0A: Rustboro City
    0x0B: Fortree City
    0x0C: Lilycove City
    0x0D: Mossdeep City
    0x0E: Sootopolis City
    0x0F: Ever Grande City
    0x10: Route 101
    0x11: Route 102
    0x12: Route 103
    0x13: Route 104
    0x14: Route 105
    0x15: Route 106
    0x16: Route 107
    0x17: Route 108
    0x18: Route 109
    0x19: Route 110
    0x1A: Route 111
    0x1B: Route 112
    0x1C: Route 113
    0x1D: Route 114
    0x1E: Route 115
    0x1F: Route 116
    0x20: Route 117
    0x21: Route 118
    0x22: Route 119
    0x23: Route 120
    0x24: Route 121
    0x25: Route 122
    0x26: Route 123
    0x27: Route 124
    0x28: Route 125
    0x29: Route 126
    0x2A: Route 127
    0x2B: Route 128
    0x2C: Route 129
    0x2D: Route 130
    0x2E: Route 131
    0x2F: Route 132
    0x30: Route 133
    0x31: Route 134
    0x32: Underwater (Route 124)
    0x33: Underwater (Route 126)
    0x34: Underwater (Route 127)
    0x35: Underwater (Route 128)
    0x36: Underwater (Sootopolis City)
    0x37: Battle Tower
    0x38: Mt. Chimney
    0x39: Safari Zone
    0x3A: Battle Frontier
    0x3B: Petalburg Woods
    0x3C: Rusturf Tunnel
    0x3D: Abandoned Ship
    0x3E: New Mauville
    0x3F: Meteor Falls
    0x40: Meteor Falls
    0x41: Mt. Pyre
    0x42: Aqua/Magma Hideout
    0x43: Shoal Cave
    0x44: Seafloor Cavern
    0x45: Underwater (Seafloor Cavern)
    0x46: Victory Road
    0x47: Mirage Island
    0x48: Cave of Origin
    0x49: Southern Island
    0x4A: Fiery Path
    0x4B: Fiery Path
    0x4C: Jagged Pass
    0x4D: Jagged Pass
    0x4E: Sealed Chamber
    0x4F: Underwater (Route 134)
    0x50: Scorched Slab
    0x51: Island Cave
    0x52: Desert Ruins
    0x53: Ancient Tomb
    0x54: Inside of Truck
    0x55: Sky Pillar
    0x56: Secret Base
    0x57: Ferry
    0x58: Pallet Town
    0x59: Viridian City
    0x5A: Pewter City
    0x5B: Cerulean City
    0x5C: Lavender Town
    0x5D: Vermilion City
    0x5E: Celadon City
    0x5F: Fuchsia City
    0x60: Cinnabar Island
    0x61: Indigo Plateau
    0x62: Saffron City
    0x63: Route 4
    0x64: Route 10
    0x65: Route 1
    0x66: Route 2
    0x67: Route 3
    0x68: Route 4
    0x69: Route 5
    0x6A: Route 6
    0x6B: Route 7
    0x6C: Route 8
    0x6D: Route 9
    0x6E: Route 10
    0x6F: Route 11
    0x70: Route 12
    0x71: Route 13
    0x72: Route 14
    0x73: Route 15
    0x74: Route 16
    0x75: Route 17
    0x76: Route 18
    0x77: Route 19
    0x78: Route 20
    0x79: Route 21
    0x7A: Route 22
    0x7B: Route 23
    0x7C: Route 24
    0x7D: Route 25
    0x7E: Viridian Forest
    0x7F: Mt. Moon
    0x80: S.S. Anne
    0x81: Underground Path (Routes 5-6)
    0x82: Underground Path (Routes 7-8)
    0x83: Diglett's Cave
    0x84: Victory Road
    0x85: Rocket Hideout
    0x86: Silph Co.
    0x87: Pokémon Mansion
    0x88: Safari Zone
    0x89: Pokémon League
    0x8A: Rock Tunnel
    0x8B: Seafoam Islands
    0x8C: Pokémon Tower
    0x8D: Cerulean Cave
    0x8E: Power Plant
    0x8F: One Island
    0x90: Two Island
    0x91: Three Island
    0x92: Four Island
    0x93: Five Island
    0x94: Seven Island
    0x95: Six Island
    0x96: Kindle Road
    0x97: Treasure Beach
    0x98: Cape Brink
    0x99: Bond Bridge
    0x9A: Three Isle Port
    0x9B: Sevii Isle 6
    0x9C: Sevii Isle 7
    0x9D: Sevii Isle 8
    0x9E: Sevii Isle 9
    0x9F: Resort Gorgeous
    0xA0: Water Labyrinth
    0xA1: Five Isle Meadow
    0xA2: Memorial Pillar
    0xA3: Outcast Island
    0xA4: Green Path
    0xA5: Water Path
    0xA6: Ruin Valley
    0xA7: Trainer Tower
    0xA8: Canyon Entrance
    0xA9: Sevault Canyon
    0xAA: Tanoby Ruins
    0xAB: Sevii Isle 22
    0xAC: Sevii Isle 23
    0xAD: Sevii Isle 24
    0xAE: Navel Rock
    0xAF: Mt. Ember
    0xB0: Berry Forest
    0xB1: Icefall Cave
    0xB2: Rocket Warehouse
    0xB3: Trainer Tower
    0xB4: Dotted Hole
    0xB5: Lost Cave
    0xB6: Pattern Bush
    0xB7: Altering Cave
    0xB8: Tanoby Chambers
    0xB9: Three Isle Path
    0xBA: Tanoby Key
    0xBB: Birth Island
    0xBC: Monean Chamber
    0xBD: Liptoo Chamber
    0xBE: Weepth Chamber
    0xBF: Dilford Chamber
    0xC0: Scufib Chamber
    0xC1: Rixy Chamber
    0xC2: Viapois Chamber
    0xC3: Ember Spa
    0xC4: Special Area
    0xC5: Aqua Hideout
    0xC6: Magma Hideout
    0xC7: Mirage Tower
    0xC8: Birth Island
    0xC9: Faraway Island
    0xCA: Artisan Cave
    0xCB: Marine Cave
    0xCC: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xCD: Terra Cave
    0xCE: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xCF: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xD0: Underwater (Marine Cave)
    0xD1: Desert Underpass
    0xD2: Altering Cave
    0xD3: Navel Rock
    0xD4: Trainer Hill
    0xFE: In-game Trade
    0xFF: Fateful encounter
    Translated from the table from here.

    Thanks. I'm going to put the table in the first post. :)

    R/S don't have the setcatchlocation command. Only FR/LG/E do.

    Anyway, there was no real need to conver the values into hex:

    setcatchlocation 0x0 0x58

    setcatchlocation 0x0 88

    setcatchlocation 0 0x58

    setcatchlocation 0 88

    You could use either of them, and the end result would be the same. While you can use plain decimal values, I still prefer to use hex anyway, mostly because it's easier to read in the hex editor. I'd also like to say that the command is not that useful at all, unless you plan to make some Pokémon to appear as fateful encounter. Otherwise, changing the catch location doesn't make a lot of sense, I guess.

    That's probably why there weren't any threads about it. It does seem to be more useful in changing the location to a trade or a fateful encounter.
    Well, I basically wanted this for Ruby for fateful encounters, but...

    What is its routine? :\
    I really wanna know.