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Shameless Advertising - "Adopt-a-Newbie"


  • 6,213
    For those of you who don't happen to frequent New Users / Welcome, you may have missed this tiny, little announcement here.

    There have been a couple threads on the whole "Adopt-a-Newbie" idea over the past couple years and it always seems to get quite a response. After a little discussion and some planning, we're gonna give it a go.

    That's right! Along with a few other little changes in our resident home of the welcome wagon, the PC Adoption Thread is a go - and we need your help! I really think this system will do much better if we have as much member involvement as possible. This is a system where new PC members learn from older PC members, and while staff are more than welcome to be mentors, newer members will almost certainly identify better with the life-blood of the community. That's you!

    So if you read the announcement, you comply with the criteria and you want to to help out, please do send me a PM! It'd really be great to get members from all of PC's various boards of interest helping out. So even if you're not a regular of NU/W, but you like helping out new members, this might be right up your alley!

    **If you've already sent me an application, I will be sending responses sometime soon.**
    3 month minimum ;_____; So sad. So very very sad.
    Toujours;bt61161 said:
    3 month minimum ;_____; So sad. So very very sad.
    Don't worry, Toujours~ We won't stop accepting mentor applications when the thread goes live. :] Though there might be a waiting list...
    I wanted to go for it. But I haven't been active in NU/W for a month. Hence I dunno if I should send the application or not. :<
    ..but yes, I plan to be active in NU/W again from today. :D
    Well Derozio you don't have to be active in NU/W to do it, since you can specialise in any area. :3
    TheSmartOne;bt61162 said:
    /sent in application forever ago

    I'm super excited for this, even if I don't get to be a mentor. It's going to be awesome~
    ^ this! :D

    /sent it in asap
    Just saw this blog while stalking visiting Hiidoran - got mah acceptance letter in a PM today, I feel like I'm going to Hogwarts! Can't wait to be a mentor XD
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