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Shiny and Event TRADE Thread...


Shinny Hunter
  • 92
    >> TradeColosseum V.2 Shiny & Event Thread <<

    Wɘʟcoɱɘ тo ɱч тʀaɖɘ тнʀɘaɖ™ ←


    → No Hacks. You wont recieve one, So dont offer one.
    → All my events are UT and want UT's in return
    → All of my events which recieve items, will have them.
    All pokemon to have their respective date.

    I can now infect any pokemon you want with pokerus. =)


    My Shinys

    ~ Traded to me, do not know EV's an therefore dont know IV's but decent pokemon

    My PokeWalker Events

    My Events




    I consider any offer so just offer what you want and I'll get back to you


    Name: Woody
    Friend Code: 0045 5712 8836
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    Do you have a Shiny Oddish, Modest Natured and UT? OR
    Shiny Weedle, Adamant Natured and UT OR, Lol
    Shiny Adamant Machop and UT.

    I can offer a Gamestp Deoxys.
    If you have all 3 I can offer more. Thanks.
    I can offer a Gamestp Deoxys.
    If you have all 3 I can offer more. Thanks.

    Is your gamestop, legit?

    And I only have,
    Relaxed Machop
    Mild Machoke
    Bashful machamp

    I can get you, your weedle and oddish shinys however. Using RNG but thats your choice.
    I want that Pineco!
    I have an NZ Jirachi, which is practically the same as an WISHMKR Jirachi, only with Draco Mereor :)
    Is your gamestop, legit?

    And I only have,
    Relaxed Machop
    Mild Machoke
    Bashful machamp

    I can get you, your weedle and oddish shinys however. Using RNG but thats your choice.
    Yeah its legit, okay If you can RNG breed me a shiny Oddish and Weedle with those natures i said that would be great. I'll give you a Pokemon Movie 09 Arceus and the Gamestp Deoxys for them if you want.
    I can offer a Shiny Milotic from a WCS event (japaneese event). got 6 lvls on it because I accidentaly put it in day-care :( its cloned too, but I have the original if you want that.

    I really want the 10anniv celebi, but if thats too much, can you tell me a little bit more about what shinies you have?
    I can offer a Shiny Milotic from a WCS event (japaneese event). got 6 lvls on it because I accidentaly put it in day-care :( its cloned too, but I have the original if you want that.

    I really want the 10anniv celebi, but if thats too much, can you tell me a little bit more about what shinies you have?

    you can have the celebi mate, just give me 2 mins because im tradin atm

    Okay add my FC and ill go in with the gamestp deoxys :)

    Whats ur ingame name?????????????????????
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    DPPT, try turning your firewall off, i just did a trade like 20 minutes ago. My Wi-Fi is fine.

    it should be allright, i did a trade about half hour ago... its just wifi.
    Try addin my soul silver code, im in wifi room now
    you can have the celebi mate, just give me 2 mins because im tradin atm

    Whats ur ingame name?????????????????????

    Oops, I cant trade before tuesday, sry. I'll contact you then.
    both my soul silver and diamond account are online now. ready so come back in when you can mate

    no worries mate, if you can, bring a weedle that you dont need into the wifi room (when we get it workin) so I can get you that other shiny your after because there area doesnt appear in diamond
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    Well it depends how long your going to be able to trade for, because im going down to another house in half hour (my dads house) which i know for a defo fact I'll be able to trade with you. Unless your going off now untill 2moro then I'll wait but its your choice
    Well it depends how long your going to be able to trade for, because im going down to another house in half hour (my dads house) which i know for a defo fact I'll be able to trade with you. Unless your going off now untill 2moro then I'll wait but its your choice
    By the time you get to yours Dads I'll need to leave, I'm going out tonight sorry. But i will definately be able to trade whenever over this weekend.