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Shiny Badge Quest

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  • 1,003
    • Seen Apr 9, 2018
    Do you like shiny Pokémon? Do you like finding them during your play through of the games? Then this is the challenge for you.

    If you dont know what this challenge is, or just need a refresher, this challenge is pretty simple. You have to find a shiny pokemon before each major boss/gym/E4 battle. It doesn't matter if you if you'd use the shiny or not, but one must be found before each major battle, but how you find it doesn't matter. You can use the pokeradar when it's obtained, trade over or capture a pokemon that knows sweet sweet for hordes in later generations, dexnav in ORAS, chain fishing, or any other tactic to obtain within the game you're playing.

    How to sign up:
    Just use this simple sign up sheet.

    Now the games are any game that has shiny Pokémon in them, so gen 2 and onwards are the eligible games. I'm going to put two versions of the games, standard and super. Standard being just collecting 8 shines for the 8 badges (1 for each badge), then the option of getting another 5 for the E4 and champion. In Super, you have to collect 8 shinies (or more for said games below), 1 per badge, and collect one for every other major battle (such as one shiny for the first Maxie/Archie Battle) including the E4 and champion. Also, you have to catch a shiny before a major battle; so you'd have to catch one before each badge, and not all 8 at once then go through the game.
    The games end when you:

    GSC: Beat Lance a first time.
    RSE: Beat Steven the first time
    FRLG: Beat rival (champion) at E4
    DPPt.: Beat Cynthia the first time
    HGSS: Beat lance the first time
    BW: Beat N at the E4
    B2W2: Beat iris the first time
    XY: Beat diantha a first time
    ORAS: Beat Steven a first time.

    GSC: Collect all 8 Kanto badges. Beat lance again after collecting 8 Kanto badges (optional)
    RS: Beat Steven a second time.
    E: Beat Steven a second time and/or beat frontier brains.
    FRLG: Beat the sevi islands side mission (team rocket).
    DP Beat Cynthia a second time
    Pt.: Beat platinums frontier brains; beat Cynthia a second time.
    HGSS: Collect all 8 Kanto badges; Beat lance a second time after collecting 8 kanto badges(optional)
    BW: Beat alder a first time.
    B2W2: Beat Black City/White Tower last boss.
    XY: Beat rival at kiloude City
    ORAS: Beat Zinnia.

    For B2/W2 you can do the challenge mode if you would like to. Also if you'd like, you can post your journey down below so everyone can see. Also, you CAN NOT trade any shinies over. You have to catch them within the game you are playing. No exceptions. You can also do multiple games at one of you chose to do so.

    Here's my sign up:
    Username: Venitardus
    Games: Platinum standard and ORAS Super

    Current members:

    Members completed:

    As always, have fun!

    sorry if this is already made.
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    Well, first update:

    Got a shiny mudkip after 78 SR's, beat rival, made it to petalburg. Tried dexnaving for shiny ralts, got seedot instead. No complaints about this. (I'm doing every rival/head boss of team magma as like a gym.)
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    Found a shiny makuhita yesterday after about 100 hordes. Named him max, beat brawly and am now in slateport.
    No offense, this seems like a total pain in the butt. I found my first shiny through chaining yesterday and that took near on 2 hours. It just doesn't seem worth it.
    Been trying to get another shiny or 2 before I faced my final. Nothing yet. Hopefully I can get one today.

    No offense, this seems like a total pain in the butt. I found my first shiny through chaining yesterday and that took near on 2 hours. It just doesn't seem worth it.
    and yeah it can be. But it's a challenge I was willing to try and post it here in case if anyone else wanted to try it.
    Started doing something similar to this on my AS, might as well sign up :)

    Username: TheCrystalFlaaffy
    Game: Alpha Sapphire
    Difficulty: Standard

    The difference between this challenge and what I'm doing is that I have to catch a shiny on every route, SR every possible gift Pokemon and stationary encounter I can, and have a full team of shinies by the end of the playthrough.

    Currently at 1050 SRs for Treecko and counting. I'll update when I make some more progress :)
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    Just posting to let you know I'm still participating, just not having much luck with this Treecko. I'm at 1297 SRs and still no shiny. I am working on it right now though so hopefully I get it soon :)

    That's fine. I know how hard it can be to get a shiny starter at the beginning of the game (even though I got a shiny mudkip in about 79 SR's, which is the quickest I got one without breeding). I still haven't had much luck in my game either.
    Took a little break from soft resetting but I'm back in it now, at 1,800 SRs and counting for that Treecko and I won't stop until I get it!

    This is the longest it's ever taken me to get a shiny but I'll keep pushing through. While taking a break I was playing my Omega Ruby and breeding for a competitively viable Ludicolo and got a shiny without even trying, hopefully that didn't take my luck away from me. I know the Lotad doesn't count for the challenge but I'm still really happy with it and thought I would share :)
    So I've been trying to get a ralts again. No luck yet. I'm thinking of trying to get an electric type or a water type recently though.
    Hello, I think this is an interesting side challenge I'd like to take up. I've always been interested in the act of shiny hunting, but could never really justify a reason to do so. If I included it as a part of a challenge I think I could see myself doing it if I added a few bonus rules to it, like having to use the shiny Pokemon and such no matter what it is, level limits, etc. I just have a few questions for it to be honest. I want to do a generation previous to sixth generation, however, I do not have the carts to do so. I would have to emulate them to be able to do the run I wanted to. I was wondering what the rules would be if I were to do this? I can obviously understand that cheating in the shiny through a cheating device wouldn't really be fair to the run, but, are there any other limitations I should place on myself? I'm just curious and would like some clarification on the matter. Thank you for your time.
    Hello, I think this is an interesting side challenge I'd like to take up. I've always been interested in the act of shiny hunting, but could never really justify a reason to do so. If I included it as a part of a challenge I think I could see myself doing it if I added a few bonus rules to it, like having to use the shiny Pokemon and such no matter what it is, level limits, etc. I just have a few questions for it to be honest. I want to do a generation previous to sixth generation, however, I do not have the carts to do so. I would have to emulate them to be able to do the run I wanted to. I was wondering what the rules would be if I were to do this? I can obviously understand that cheating in the shiny through a cheating device wouldn't really be fair to the run, but, are there any other limitations I should place on myself? I'm just curious and would like some clarification on the matter. Thank you for your time.

    As long as you don't use any cheats to get a shiny, emulators are fine by my books.
    I will be doing a Super ORAS (Alpha Sapphire) Got Treecko at 1500 SRs.
    Also doing Super HG. Totodile at 130 SRs.
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    Forgot to post this yesterday but I finally got my 4th shiny for my SBQ on OR. It's a shiny numel (#6) and named it Ki Darkness. Currently training it to be up to par with the rest of my team, but glad I got it despite it being my 6th one caught.
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    I wasn't going to do a badge quest initially, but I think this game wants me to. I got a shiny Totodile in heart gold after 661 soft resets, and then before I made it to the Azalea gym, I found a shiny Mareep after just 382 random encounters. Only five hours into the game. I'm seriously defying the odds so far, so count me in. Standard level, except I'll probably do all 16 gyms.

    Username: alisonmonique
    Game: HG
    QUOTE=alisonmonique;8885482]I wasn't going to do a badge quest initially, but I think this game wants me to. I got a shiny Totodile in heart gold after 661 soft resets, and then before I made it to the Azalea gym, I found a shiny Mareep after just 382 random encounters. Only five hours into the game. I'm seriously defying the odds so far, so count me in. Standard level, except I'll probably do all 16 gyms.

    Username: alisonmonique
    Game: HG[/QUOTE]

    As long as you have fun, that's what counts. :)

    Continuing my badge quest I found a shiny swablu yesterday. I'm glad I got it. Always wanted a shiny swablu.
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    I wanna join!!! I just got my shiny mudkip after 787 SRs!!! Do I have to catch another shiny before the first gym or is my mudkip good for the first gym???
    User: nick_rupee
    Game: Alpha Sapphire
    Ign: RUPEE
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