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6th Gen Shiny Chaining FAIL

For shiny charm, do you need the national dex or the Hoenn dex? Because I have the whole Weather Trio, will probs trade around some Lake Trios, jinn guys and tryhard dogs, and go around catching everything everywhere and trading arond region exclusives TO GET THAT SHINY CHARM.

Masuda breeding isn't as fast as chaining, but it's easier to just release a couple hundred thousand Eevees. I'm looking for a Shiny FEMALE Eevee, so I'll post my males on the trade thread okrr?

Also, look up the Gallade catcher thingy. It's got a ton of swearing in it, but it teaches you how to make a catch-anything Gallade.

You need the national dex to obtain the shiny charm, though some legendaries are not required for its completion (not sure which, but I guess Pokemon like Mew, Celebi, Jirachi that were event Pokemon). With the Hoenn dex you obtain the Oval charm, which increases the chances of your Pokemon getting an egg (don't know how that works either).

but despite that, it happned once, I was training Charmander
in Fire Red, and encountered a shiny Ratata, a critical hit did
it's job of course.