- 164
- Posts
- 17
- Years
- pallet town
- Seen Aug 17, 2008
i'll wait in wifi for ya k!
wat gender n lvl is garchomp n heracross....also wat lvl is articuno n zapdos.....
\What's the info on the shiny ut ho-oh? Navel rock? Pokeball its in? Level, nature, and all that jazz, please?
ready now dragon777?
i am in wifi waiting >_>
Garchomp is female
Heracross male
articuno level 100
zapdos level 61
shiny ho-oh its untouch cought in a master ball and came from Hoenn? most be a event I guess.
wat lvl is heracross.......... also wat lvl n gender is syther
thanks dragon alot mate!!!!!!!
i have always want them cool
heracross is level 13
scyther is level 52 male
i want syther wat shiny did u say u wanted from me
shiny Turtig is the one I remeber.
do u have da item that evolves syther 2 scizor
wish I had but I think I might get one later in the day.
darn i need 1......................
okay I found one meet me in wifi if you want to trade.
ok meet in wifi my stuff in signg.
What are Garchomp,rampardos,and dragonite ev trained in.
wat ya want for the charizard ev trained shiny?
look at my shiny thread for wat ya get in return!