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Shiny thread.

shiny ho-oh its untouch cought in a master ball and came from Hoenn? most be a event I guess.

Its not an event if its in a masterball.

Can I have its stats, please?
And what level is it at? 50? or 70?

and nature?
you can guess it easy

Shiny Garchomp stats
attacks 335
def 208
sp.atks 190
sp.def 181
speed 333

Shiny Dragonite stats my favoite:
attacks 403 :o
def 226
sp.atk 236
sp.def 299 wow
speed 176

Rapardos ev trained
level 90
atk 410
def 184
sp.atk 122
sp.der 109
speed 123

shiny spheal and shiny carvha
I want the rampardos and dragonite check my thread an if you ev trained them great job.
wats the moves and nature of Lavitar
wat do u want 4 it is there a way u can chnge the NN
id like your shiny ut piplup, heracross, sneasel, turtwig, elekid, and eevee check my thread for wat you want

for my shiny piplup your shiny lv40 latias modest ut pkrs

for my shiny herecross your shiny lv40 abomasnow naughty ut

for my shiny elekid your shiny lv1 beldum modest ut

for my shiny sneasel your shiny lv45 poliwhirl ut
wat about the eevee

wat about the eevee


Eevee I will trade it much later cuss I have to clone it first.
it time for me to get it in the right timing. plus I trade to my friend to cloned it for me.
alright ill meet you online for the four right now

Shiny adament totadile 4 shiny larvitar