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Showgan -- Standing On Edge (Invitational)

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Alter Ego

that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Naruto soundtrack...uncouth one. *Ish listening to one of the tunes from 'Spirited Away'* Ahh...nice and relaxing. Hey, I need my inspiration too, you know. ^^

    Yay for MS Word! Just be careful, there's one key you should never push when working with MS Word, it does funky things to your writing if you do...erm, can't remember which one it was, though. XD Ah well...*Throws confetti*



    As the girl entered the compartment, Chupon instinctively leapt back, hiding beneath Raistlin's arm and peering out nervously. Curious the Treecko might have been, but it did little to remedy his timid nature, he just wasn't used to meeting strangers without having Raistlin there to watch out for him. Granted, the boy was right there, but still...it wasn't the same when he was asleep.

    "Mmmph...Chupon?" Raistlin murmured, stirring slightly as the Treecko tugged his left shirt sleeve and slowly opening his eyes, his hand instinctively travelling away from the pendant and down to the seat beside him as he pulled himself up, staring at his knees for a moment and rubbing his eyes before turning to adress the Treecko, still oblivious to Maxie's presence. "What's going on?" he asked.

    {Strangers.} Chupon replied, pointing towards the girl who had just entered.

    "Hmm?" Raistlin turned his head in the direction that the little gecko was pointing, finally spotting the newcomer. The boy blinked for a moment, taking in the appearance of the girl in front of him. She seemed to be about his age, although that also seemed to be about where the similarity between them ended as everything from the girl's hair, black with a tint of purple and tied up into two rather rough plaits, to the clothes she wore, torn and faded with use, stood in contrast to Raistlin, with his blonde hair, which always seemed to be in fairly neat order (A family characteristic) and his almost glaringly unworn clothes. The boy briefly mused at his mother's reaction to such a person, the joy of his newfound freedom striking him once more and a friendly smile spreading across his face as he rose to his feet, his long education of proper introductory etiquette coming into play.

    "Good morning, miss." he said, performing a very court bow (Old habits died hard apparently) "My apologies if I stared, I'm afraid I'm a bit drowsy at these early hours. My name is Raistlin..." he extended a hand to the girl, having considered for a moment if he should go by his alias 'Pendragon' but having decided against it, after all, his mother would never deal with one who dressed like this girl, she was very mindfull of apperances, lady Isabel, "And this is my friend and companion, Chupon." he gestured towards the Treecko still clinging to his shirt sleeve who waved shyly at Maxie "Might I trouble you for your name?"


    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: Ahh! Darned Halloween night, I knew I'd miss this starting! >.< Oh well, you guys haven't gotten too far, and Plushie hasn't posted yet.

    You know what Yibber? I really think that you made me like Feebas. I used to think it was an ugly, stupid pokemon, but now I think it's really cute! ^-^ Heehee.

    Anyway, onto my gender-bending opening post! XD


    It was not the most extravagant way to live. The houses around the area were all dim and dingy. Garbage overflowed the occasional bins, not because the people who lived here had so much to throw away, but because the people here could only find a meal among other things if they searched through others' trash. The people who lived here were not exactly nice and courteous, but then who would be if all of their life was misery and death. It was very depressing and a bit unnerving for a 'regular' person walking down the street.

    It didn't unnerve one young man though, because he had known the people in this area all his life. His light brown and fluffy hair bounced a bit with his step, and he peered at the sad sights of the houses around him as he passed by. He felt sorry for them, they were even worse off than he.

    Zachary was not in total poverty as these people clearly were, but his mother had never been rich. They lived paycheck-to-paycheck in a small and run-down house towards the end of this street. To the other families that lived in this area, Zachary and his mother were rich. As the boy rounded a bend in the street, he came upon his little, blue house, and briskly walked through the front door, as usual, already open.

    "Mom, I'm home!" he called, tossing his forest green backpack on the old and ratty couch. He wrinkled his nose at the couch; that thing was as ugly as the dwarf-guy in that movie he watched a while ago.

    "Mom, where you at?" he called again, walking lazily into the kitchen and flipping the lightswitch. Nothing came on. Must've not had enough money to pay the electric bill. Oh well, that happened quite often, and Zachary's pokemon enjoyed the darkness anyway.

    He walked over to the cupboard, and then his mother answered finally.

    "Oh Zack... you home so soon?" she said, looking at him curiously, her hands behind her back.

    "Oh yeah, school was out early today, it was a staff day or something," he replied with a wave of his hand, "There was this nice girl at school that sat next to me today; I think she likes me. Though, when I went to pick up her dropped notebook, I fell over and hit my head on the ground. It always ends up like that." He always tweaked out in front of pretty girls.

    His mother nodded and murmured a grunt of understanding, and then brought out a small box from behind her back. It was wrapped with newspaper on only one side.

    "Aw Mom," Zachary whined, feeling embarrassed, "You shouldn't have spent--."

    "Nonsense! It's your birthday and I'm getting my son a present!" she said sternly, "Though I didn't have time to properly wrap it as you can see. You'll just have to open it now." She held it out to him.

    "Oh Mom...," Zachary said, frowning. He didn't like the idea of his mother spending so much on him when they didn't even have enough for the electricity. He took it anyway and opened it with ease to reveal... tickets?

    His mother beamed at him, "I got you something that I've been saving up towards for months. Tickets to go on a pokemon journey!"

    Zachary blinked. She did this for him? He felt a bit too emotional, so his eyes looked elsewhere in the house besides his mother's face.

    "Mom you-- I don't think-- what about you?" he asked, still staring away.

    "I'll be fine. Besides, I've got Ty to look out for me," she answered with a smile, "And look, I even saved up extra to give you some pocketchange." Wow, that was a term he hadn't heard in a while.

    Zachary smiled a bit too. He knew Ty as well, an older man that lived next door, he was always looking out for the two of them, helping in any way he could.

    "Oh all right," he concluded, "I guess me and Ron are going then?" Ron was Zachary's pokemon, an Aron that he stole one day. Though he stole it from someone who was abusing the little guy, so it wasn't really stealing; more like rescuing.


    The next day was full of more emotions, something that Zachary never really liked to deal with; though he had dealt with a lot of them throughout his life. Some of the neighbors came to say goobye as well, for when someone in that neighborhood leaves on a journey, it's a big deal. A couple's son had just gone away on a journey a month or two ago, and there was a big send-off also.

    Zachary was soon alone though, green shirted and wearing his old jeans and his trusty sweater-jacket, alone with his pal Ron. They didn't look too bad considering their socio-economic status. He looked down at the metallic, teeny pokemon and smiled. "Going on an adventure, eh, Ronnie?"

    Ron the Aron nodded, {Not gonna fall on your face again, eh, Zackie?} He suddenly fell over in a fit of giggles. Zachary's eyes narrowed. He may not have understood him word for word, but he knew what the little pokemon had been talking about because he hadn't shut up about it since yesterday after it happened.

    "Shut your pie-hole! It was because she was a pretty girl! I'm not an idio--!" he stopped suddenly, accidently bumping into a rather large, old man.

    "Do watch where you are headed boy!" the man said angrily, shaking a fist at the two of them and hastily going along his way.

    "S-Sorry!" Zachary called, but realized it was pretty futile. That guy was in a hurry to get to his money or something. Zachary climbed into the train after accidently knocking a woman's purse out of her hands, trying to calm her down as she screamed "THIEF!" and then getting her purse back out of the large puddle of dirty water that it had fallen in. 'One slap for today so far,' Zachary thought. Ron thought it was a riot and spent the whole time collapsed on the ground in yet another fit of giggles.

    "It wasn't very funny, Ron!" Zachary said with fake anger in his voice, "Ooh!! SNACKS!" He exclaimed as they found themselves by a large snack tray.

    Zachary bought only one snack for himself though, and one for Ron as well. He didn't want to overspend the first day on his journey. He then proceeded to stuff his face with the danish he had bought. Ron rolled his eyes in disgust.

    {Must you eat like a Piloswine? Really Zackie,} the little armored pokemon said, daintily eating his poke-snack with his little feet.

    OOC: Okay yeah; that took me an hour to write. >.>


  • 1,186
    {ooc| I love Naruto. It's a great series, and it's the first one I ever seriously got into, downloading it as it gets released and what not... I've been watching it for about a year and a half now. *sings* Don't try, to live so wise!
    Melissa, I love youe avatar/banner! Cuuuuute!}

    Maxie entered the cabin, feeling ruffled. She didn't like taking orders, even though it was something she had done since she could remember... it always used to be easier, to follow them than to refuse. Of course, it wasn't something she paticularily enjoyed, but they were things that had to be done. Now she was following orders from fat middle-aged lumps-
    "Might I trouble you for your name?" the boy had said.
    With savage suddeness, Maxie was jerked from her thoughts. Perhaps it was his polite manner, or the flourishing bow, or the fact he rose to his feet when she entered, but Maxie took a frightened step backwards. His simple question took her by suprise. What's in a name? Some famous playwright-guy had once said that....but what was she to say? Her given name or her real name? She wasn't even sure which was which....
    "Maxie." she said quickly, already imagining her mother rolling in her grave. "I'm Maxie."
    That was the response she was used to, after all. Maxie suited her better - it was a rough sort of name... and didn't Maximillion mean 'warrior'? It was a boy's name.... but then again, Maxie wasn't exactly you're typical girl.

    She eyed him up and down, this strange boy that called himself Raistlin. He sure was neat-looking, with that angel blond hair and clothes which, Maxie expected, would probably still have the label tags on. "Nice t' meet you." she said, remembering her manners. She had a strong English accent.

    Her zubat wriggled in her chest pocket, listening carefully.
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    Danny Phantom!
  • 1,709
    OOC: Thanks, I felt inspired to draw Mac and StickyBird after we put Mac to sleep last Saturday. Gosh, seems like it was yesterday, and it was really almost four days ago! Time really flies. Anyways... now for a bit of potty humor. Although, this actually happened to me once when I was helping out at a school and we were on a bus to a field trip. Well, minus the old woman of course. ^^


    "How about this one?" Zachary said, slidding open a compartment door to reveal two people sitting in it. One was a young boy that looked about five or so years old, and the other was the very same old woman that had gotten her purse knocked out of her hands earlier....

    "Uh-oh...," Zachary said, feeling as if he should just go now and end this before anything started. Unfortunately, a train worker approached him and said in a gruff voice to get in a compartment already before he pushed him in. Zachary had no choice. He plopped himself down next to the young boy, opting not to sit next to the very purse he had supposedly tried to steal.

    "Hello," the little boy said as he jabbed his little index finger in his nose. Zachary tried not to look too disgusted, but this was pretty nasty considering the boy looked as if he had a bit of a runny nose going.

    "You need a tissue or something?" Zachary offered, his eyes suddenly darting all around the room scanning for any nose wipes. Why weren't there any?!

    The old woman merely glared at him, clutching her damp purse ever tighter. Ron had fallen asleep, and had taken no notice of the boy.

    Still the little boy stared up in wonder at Zachary, his finger prodding his nose.

    "Really? Are you sure you don't need a tissue?!" Zachary said, the silence in the room bothering him as well, "Where are your parents?"

    "Grandma's here," he said, taking his finger out of his nose and pointing it at the old woman. Zachary blinked for a moment and then made a forced smile.

    "Oh, uh, hello there! Remember me...?" he said politely, unsure of how to deal with this.

    The old woman continued to glare at him, her eyes boring into his skull. Zachary made a nervous laugh. The little boy went back to his nose.

    Zachary sighed. This train ride was interesting, but suddenly he was finding himself already missing home with his mother and the comfort of his house. It wasn't much, but it was certainly not a place that contained little boys who constantly picked their noses.

    Just as he was thinking this, the little boy pulled out his finger at last, and then proceeded to stick it in his mouth.

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    Raistlin was surprised and, for a moment, somewhat disheartened as the girl recoiled from him. He had introduced himself to plenty of girls in his lifetime, although they were mostly from the finer edge of the social spectrum with the exception of a few maids or other assistants that Raistlin had managed to chat up with while his mother's back was turned, and had faced a great variety of reactions, but never this.

    Chupon was surprised as well, people usually acted like that around Ashura, which was understandable as the Scyther probably wouldn't hesitate to give any foreign bodyparts encroaching on her space a slash or two from those sharp blades of hers, but Raistlin...the little gecko shook his head, not even he had ever been that scared around him, not even when the boy approached him while he was still a small hatchling, and the Treecko had certainly never been brave by any measure.

    "Nice to meet you too, Maxie." Raistlin replied, relieved that the girl seemed to be regaining her composure, although she was still watching him rather intently. Although, he soon realized, his appearance was probably as new to Maxie as hers had been to him. Maxie... he thought for himself Such a nice, uncomplicated name...wish I had one like that. the boy had always resented his name a bit. It sounded so formal and complicated, so weighed down by tradition and duty, strange though it might have seemed to an outsider, Raistlin had always found his name rather opressing.

    Meanwhile, Chupon had finally let go of Raistlin's sleeve, beginning to climb up onto his lap, his left leg slipping slightly and knocking of the pokéball still remaining on the boy's belt. Before Raistlin could react, or even take proper note of the event, the ball had already struck the floor, its release mechanism triggering and releasing its occupant.

    Unlike Chupon, the mantis pokémon's senses seemed to be peeled the very moment that she emerged and she quickly noticed Maxie, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the girl inch by inch, taking particular note of the movement in her chest pocket, her expression remaining one of variness and mistrust.

    At the Scyther's entrance, Raistlin's expression became slightly worried as he had hoped not to have Ashura take part in this scene at all. Ashura was the kind of pokémon who took it to her to ensure her trainer's safety. And in her opinion, strangers were always trouble, and this girl was probably stranger than most, something quite clearly indicated by the defensive stance that the mantis pokémon assumed, the situation would have to be calmed before it got out of hand.

    "Now Ashu..." Raistlin said in a soft, soothing voice, slowly stroking the mantis pokémon's head as if she were nothing but a harmless little puppy-dog "...be nice to our guest."

    {You mean guests...} she corrected him, still eyeing the little lump in Maxie's chest pocket with considerable suspicion, although her manner became slightly less edgy {Do they have names?}

    Raistlin listened intently to the Scyther's words, although the plural seemed to have escaped his understanding.

    "Of course." the boy replied, unable to resist smiling slightly at the Scyther's suspicious manner "Ashura, this is Maxie." he gestured towards the girl, "Maxie, this is Ashura."

    The Scyther merely nodded, her expression still failing to be anything but displeased as she maintained her vigil over the girl, one eye seeming to be constantly focused on the chest pocket.
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  • 1,186

    Once again, her pocket erupted.
    The zubat spread his wings and soared, darting around Ashura in a fashion obviously intended to distract her.
    {Leave us alone!} the little pokemon shouted, {Get lost!} the girl held out her gloved hand.
    "Fang, come off it." she hissed, and the bat dipped his wingtips and swerved towards her. He landed on her outstretched finger gently; the gloves apparently weren't there for his benefit.

    The girl eyed Raistlin up and down. Who does he think he is, she thought angrily, 'Nice to meet me?' As if. She grunted, and stroked the poison type with her thumb. "This is Fang." she said bluntly, switching her gaze to Ashura. She had no fear of pokemon - she almost wished the overgrown bug would attack, then it would feel some serious pain - but humans... they couldn't be trusted. They thought on several levels, and what they said and what they meant often clashed.

    Fang's ears twitched, fixing on each person one by one. {Scyther, Treecko, Human....} he muttered, under his breath. Maxie drew his little form closer to her chest, where he whispered; {Raistlin? Have we heard that name before?}
    Maxie snorted. She had never heard of a stupider name. God, he probably spent his days lording over some manor, having a dig at every lass that walked his way, getting food on a silver platter... Might have even been gold. She tutted darkly.

    {ooc| Lmao, LA. Sorry about your dog, I know how it feels. I still miss my old boy Ben. He was three years older than me, and my big brother! But now I have Harvey... My little brother!}
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Ouch, Charon...just...ouch. XD

    Oh, and Melissa, that scene...the scary thing is that there are people like that in real life. Tis' great, though. Your RP post that is, not the fact that some people are like that. ^^


    {It's not as if I forced myself into your company-} Ashura hissed, raising a blade treatheningly and preparing to slash the Zubat darting around her if it performed one wrong move. {And it certainly wasn't I who invited you in. Make as much as one move to harm my trainer and I'll-}

    "That's enough." Raistlin said in an uncharacteristically firm voice, grabbing hold of the Scyther's arm with one hand and promptly forcing it down while reaching for the dropped pokéballs with his other and pointing it at the Scyther. "I'm dissapointed with you, Ashu." he whispered to the mantis pokémon, his voice clearly conveying the emotion. Maxie was now on a complete defensive, probably thinking that he had unleashed the Scyther on purpose for some reason, and probably thinking a good deal of other things too, none of them positive. The mantis pokémon muttered something in response, although she kept her eyes on the floor, looking shamefull and defiant at the same time as the boy returned her back into her pokéball before securing it firmly on his belt, right alongside Chupon's empty one. At Fang's sudden appearance Chupon had leapt behind Raistlin's back with a terrified squeak, shutting his eyes and holding tightly onto the boy, his curiosity about the Zubat now completely overridden by his fear for its sudden burst of temper.

    Raistlin brought his right hand to the Treecko, stroking him gently in an attempt reassure him and feeling the little gecko's entire body tremble. "It's okay Chupon..." he said quietly, "It's not your fault. You didn't do anything..." he turned his eyes to Maxie, feeling an innate need to apologize. Granted, the girl's manner was far from polite, but it wasn't like it was unprovoked.

    "My apologies for Ashura's behaviour..." he said quietly, his voice now holding a sad edge to it "I didn't mean for her to come out at all, and I certainly didn't mean for her to upset Fang. Perhaps I should leave..."

    The boy heaved a small sigh, reaching for his backpack in preparation of taking a quick leave of the compartment.
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  • 1,186
    {ooc| *grins* Heh heh heh... It's a lovely name really. Maxie's just... a meanie.}

    "Don't, you mor-" Maxie snapped sharply, before a reproachful look from Fang silenced her. "I mean... you don't have to."
    The pair exchanged glances - not that Fang possessed eyes, but he swivelled his ears in her direction, which meant the same thing. Maxie raised her eyebrows, and Fang's ears tipped forward. For a split second they stared at each other, but whatever had passed between the peculiar pair was over in a flash, and they turned back to Raistlin.
    "Can I call you Rai?" she asked exasperatedly. "Raistlin's a mouthfull."
    The girl had a blunt, rough way of going about things; she threw herself down on the seat opposite Raistlin's, and sat in a slump, proving that it wasn't just her vocal chords that had skipped finishing school.

    Her Zubat perched on her shoulder, his ears turned back. He pulled his wings around himself, looking edgy. {Maxie...} he muttered softly.
    His trainer glanced to him darkly.
    "Don't fuss." she ordered, and the zubat leant against her face. She wriggled in her seat, picking at her frayed jeans and rubbing at her eyes - and all the while Fang sighed, as if he was ever so sorry that there was so much fidgeting to be done. Eventually, she turned to the boy.
    "Well?" she demanded. "Aren't you going to sit down?"
    Fang took this as his cue to pipe up. {We're sorry if we made you jump... but I won't let anyone hurt us. I mean it.} Considoring his small size, his words sounded incredibly brave. He didn't expect the boy to understand - his outlandish screeching was confusing for even Maxie at times - but he mainly aimed it at the treecko, who's movements he could hear loud and clear.
    Maxie smiled inwardly. Fang was a coward when it came down to it; he'd much rather run from a battle than fight... but his was a plucky little so-and-so when it came to exchanges of words.

    {ooc| sorry I'm so on-and-off tonight....lots of things to do...}
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    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: She sure is, hurt poor Raistlin's feelings she did. Lucky that the boy is so soft. XD


    Raistlin couldn't help smiling ever so slightly as he was more or less ordered to stay. Maxie certainly had a crude manner, but she must have had her reasons...everyone did, and he was sure that there was something good deep down beneath all that cynicism...very deep down.

    "Rai?" he echoed at the girl's inqury, testing the name for himself. He had to admit that there was a certain ring to it. Rai, short and simple, no complex multisyllablicness there to make the name sound more special than others, no deep and hidden meanings in the name, just three simple letters. Like Raistlin without the burden of heritage and tradition to weigh it down. His smile widened slightly "It does sound better. Rai it is then."

    He watched with a certain amount of curiosity as Maxie went about her fidgeting, seemingly just for the sake of it, before confronting him with another question; Aren't you going to sit down?

    Rai decided to answer by actions rather than words, sitting down on his seat again. Once again his imprinted manners had shown, pushing the boy even further from what he was trying to come off as; normal. He had a lot to learn. Meanwhile, Chupon was still clinging to his trainer, although the Treecko had opened his eyes once more, noticing that the situation wasn't quite as tense any longer. As Fang squeaked up, Rai listened politely in an attempt to make sense of the numerous high-pitched noises but to no avail. Chupon on the other hand loosened his grip slightly, turning his eyes to the Zubat and watching him with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity in his manner.

    {You sound like Ashu...} the Trecko remarked at last, a shy grin spreading across his face {Except for the 'sorry' part. She never says sorry about anything.} the little gecko shuffled from foot to foot, hoping that his comment hadn't struck a vein as he kept watching the Zubat in front of him with fascination. How could the creature see when it had no visible eyes, he wondered, and how had it mustered up the courage to stand up to Ashura? The Scyther had been known to intimidate both people and pokémon alike, and that included ones that were larger than her, yet this little creature had actually been picking a fight.

    Just then, an announcement briefly filled the compartment, the loudspeaker crackling and coming to life;

    "Attention all passengers!" the loudspeaker boomed, "Repeat, attention all passengers! The train will be arriving in Zephyr Town in fifteen minutes! Repeat, we are arriving in Zephyr Town in fifteen minutes! Thank you."

    "Almost there..." Rai said absent-mindedly, casting a glance out of the window and watching the landscape outside zoom past. Soon, he thought, soon the true adventure would begin.
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  • 1,186
    {ooc| Weren't they going to Zephyr town? o_o; lol, Raitlin reminds me of myself...}

    For a moment, Maxie just watched him scutionously. Then she spoke up, her voice full of quiet curiousity now. "What does it mean? Raitlin?" she followed his gaze out the window. She wasn't used to civillised company, and already, she was itching to get off and do something again. Instead, she wrenched a piece of paper from her pocket coated in plenty of scrawling, childish scribbles - apparently, Maxie's handwriting. She pulled a pencil out from her front pocket, and wrote something else on it, before pulling a face. Fang watched her for a minute, before turning back to Chupon.

    {Really?} he said incredulously. He was very rarely called anything but a coward by Maxie, let alone compared to a Scyther. Maxie loved him, of course, but she chided him a lot. Probably because, despite his loud words and high speed, he was relatively pathetic in battle. She was probably stronger than him, in the end. {Well... I guess.... maybe I am.}

    Maxie grinned at him, and tugged him roughly on the ear. Once again, he turned towards her, and they exchanged a grin - as if some secret language was passing between them that they alone understood.

    {ooc| I'm too tired to write any more... Blergh.}

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Gah, stupid typo. >.< You see...Zephyr and Azure were both members of my first team on my brother's copy of FireRed, a Vaporeon and a Blastoise respectively, and I came to think of them when writing my first IC for this RP, so I kind of got those two mixed up when I wrote just now. You know, maybe I should have named it after another team member, but at least Cheese Town (After meh Pidgeot, don't even ask why I called him that. XD) just didn't sound appropriate. ^^ Gahness, I'm too sleepy to write a proper IC at the moment. Maybe tommorow...but Alter needs to rest now. G'night...


    prepare yourself pls
  • 1,977
    You wish Titan,you wish!
    Even IF you beat my holy(XD) post,I'll beat you again.Muaha!!
    Rights,we'd better slow down the pace dudes,Plushie hasn't even posted yet.^^;;
    And you do not want the Plushie to come after you.XD
    Yayness!!!500th post!!

    Melissi,its obvious tha the Feebas be cute,you only just realised tha.^^
    It must be the singing..and the charm too!!
    Come on everyone!Singy along!*dances to Naruto music*
    Yibber had a little Feebas....

    Titan called Maxie crude.*ish all heartbroken and sad and wanting to stab Titan*^_~
    I'm supposed to be the crude one here,though I must admit,Maxie's crude,she ish yet to learn from the masta.*jabs self hard with finger*

    {Are we there yet...}Cascade asked the Ralts beside him.

    {We've only been walking for 10 minutes,Cassy}Ryne told the Mudkip in a matter-of-fact voice.

    "Gah..I didn't know that Zephyr Town was this far from home..."Jena sighed,absent-mindley plucking two apples off a tree the three passed.Throwing the apples to her pokemon as she reached up and grabbed one for herself.

    "Right,breakfast anyone?"she smiled to Ryne and Cascade and throwing the apple into the air,twirling around and catching it in an odd fashion.

    The Ralts looked at her trainer for a moment before nodding and taking a small bite of the apple in her arms.

    Cascade however,threw the apple into the air and ate it whole.

    {Hack!Hack!]the Mudkip coughed.

    {Honestly,can't you eat properly?You're really weird sometimes.}the Ralts complained and smacked hard against the Mudkip.

    {Thanks!}Cascade kipped at Ryne.

    Ryne took backed away from Cascade,who didn't seem to notice.His attention had now chosen to lock onto a wild Beautifly.Chasing after it,those wings were just too sparkly for the Mudkip to resist!!
    Ryne pulled on her trainer's pant leg,pointing to the Mudkip which was straying from the path.

    "Why'd I even bother,mama and papa'll kill me if they know that I ran off,knowing how strict they are...."

    "What is it?"Jena,who had been eating her apple in silence looked up as her Ralts tugged her.
    The girl's eyes widened at the Beautifly.

    "Is that a Beautifly?"her eyes ran up and down its wings,passing her half-eaten apple to Ryne.The girl,who had not only trained but studied,had seen the pokemon in books before,but never in person.The bug pokemon looked fabulous,from its cute head,to those colorful wings.The Beautifly tilted its head at the sight of a human.Alarmed,it frantically started flying away.

    "No,wait!!"Jena quickly followed after the pokemon.

    Ryne quickly grabbed Cascade,who had been examining a Shroomish,by the tail and chased after their trainer.
    The Beautifly kept on looking back at the girl following after her.This had never happened before,what did she do wrong?!After a few minutes and the girl not wanting to give up,the bug pokemon instinctively fired a String shot right at the girl's face.

    "Gah!!"Jena cried out as the web-thing hit her right on the face,shocked by the attack,trying to get the silk off her face.Seeing the chance for an escape,the Beautifly jumped into the trees and vanished from sight.
    The Ralts and Mudkip finally managed to catch up with the girl,wiping off the last of the string shot from her face.She stared blankly at the spot where the Beautifly was last.
    Ryne tugged on her trainer's skirt,passing back the apple.

    {Eat now,find the Beautifly later}the Ralts frowned at the girl's behaviour.

    "I know Rye....but...that pokemon,it was just too beautiful."the girl agreed with the Ralts,taking a bite of the apple.

    "I'm making a pac right now guys!"she suddenly burst out after a few more bites of the fruit,scaring Ryne silly,flinching ever so slightly.

    "With you two as witnessess,I promise that I'll catch myself a Beautifly one day,and enter it in a Beauty contest!"the girl closed her eyes for a few seconds,not noticing the Ralts and her flinching,making a sign with her fingers.

    {Uh...we're with you there all the way!}Ryne tried to smile,jabbing one arm in the air.

    {What?}Cascade cocked his head slightly,lost by his trainer's actions and words.Before staring at the Sun,which had finally completed its rising.
    {Lookey there!!}Cascade kipped.

    "What is it Cas?"

    Because of chasing the Beautifly,the three had unknowingly covered a lot of distance, climbing up a small hill too.Not to far below,a quaint town lay between the valleys,sandwiched between a few hills.

    "Zephyr Town!"the girl said with joy,picking up Ryne and Cascade.

    Jena discarded the apples cores in a public dustbin near the entrance of the town.Which also happened to be a train station.

    "What should we do after we stock up?Travel by train or continue down the road guys??"she asked the pokemon in her arms.

    {Train!}Ryne pointed to the train station.

    {Road!}Cascade disagreed and directed his trainer's attention to the other side of town.

    The two stared staggers at each other.

    "Uh...."the girl sweat-dropped as she walked away from the station,the two really had a knack for arguing.

    "Why don't we-"the girl had to stop in mid-sentence as she excidentely banged into a man.

    "Ouch!"Jena fell onto the pavement,landing on her rear.

    "Sorry lass."a hand reached down and helped the girl up.

    "Great,second time it's happened today...At least it wasn't the face."Jena mentally sighed,feeling rather sheepish.

    "Thanks sir."she raised her head to thank the man.Who looked very familiar.

    Bearing a jolly look on his face,the man wore a small red cap over short black hair,carrying a fishing rod on one shoulder and from the looks of it was in his mid-30's looked at the girl with the same expression on his face.

    "Minane?Jena Minane aren't you?"he questioned the girl.

    "Uh....."she shifted her feet slightly,staring at the gray pavement she was on.

    "I'm your mother's friend.Fisherman Arnold,remember me?I thought you the basics of fishing a few months back!"he shook the girl's hand.

    "Yeah..."the girl grimaced as she took the man's hand.

    "What are you doing out so early in the morning?Aren't you having a training session now?Thought your parents forbid you to go out of the school last I heard."Arnold continued with his questions.

    "Even better,now I've a nosey man after me!!!"the girl screamed in her head.

    "Uh...great day it is today right?"Trying to stall as long as she could manage,till' she thought up of an idea.

    "The Sun's been more generous than usual...and you haven't answered my questions."the fisherman raised his eyebrow.
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    Random Plushie

    Yes, it is a sheep
  • 2,676

    Honestly, you all expected me to post on Halloween night? o_O

    Gosh, I was busy with homework that was actually assigned, plus I just had to assist my Dad in passing out candy.. Not that anyone actually approached us, we were so scary. XD

    Anyways, I'm here now, hooray.


    It was a particularly quiet morning along that country route. The only sound was that of a few Pidgey or Taillow that happened to be perching in the trees that were scattered down the dirt lane, or sometimes the hustle and bustle within a lonely cottage that one happened to pass.

    This was just one of the many paths to Zephyr Town, although not many came through because the path led towards a privately owned estate, which required a certain measure of permission to enter.

    However, on this morning, there was a couple of beings heading up this particular route, the distant hill their only sign of a destination.

    {Kay-Kay, I'm bored. How much further do we have to go?} That was a Mudkip, a particularly peppy one that proceeded to bounce up and down on the shoulder of his Trainer.

    The girl Trainer sighed, swinging a solid black case too and fro with one hand; apparently she was bored too. The weather had grown particularly warm as the Sun crept higher into the sky, and yet this girl was dressed in a white, hooded sweater over her shirt, as well as long pants. She didn't seem to mind at all as she gave a response to her Pokemon.

    "Well, Mummy said that it was a few miles away from the house.. So.. I guess we're about half an hour away." She said, closing her eyes for a bit as a small gust of wind blew past, ruffling her long, chocolate brown hair, which was tied back in a Ponyta-tail, ironically.

    At this, the little Mudkip frowned slightly, tilting his head.

    {If it's so close, how come we've never been there? This Zebra thingy sounds so cool, how could we have missed out on it?} He kipped, eyes widening with curiousity.

    Kayley, the Trainer, sighed.

    "Mummy says that it's wasn't worth our time. She said that mostly Pokemon Trainers go through there, and that's why we're only going there now." She explained, lessening her swing on the case she was still holding.

    The Mudkip stopped bouncing up and down.

    {But we've been practicing for a long time. That didn't count as training..?}

    "Yes. But Mummy isn't supposed to know about that." The girl replied, a smile creeping to her lips.

    And for a while, the two fell into a harmonius silence, continuing down the road.

    {...We'd get there faster on Razzie.} The Mudkip chirped suddenly, shattering the silence.

    "Fishy.." Kayley grinned to her fullest, "She would've killed you for calling her that." She whispered just loud enough for him to hear, not that anyone was nearby, quickly unclipping a Pokeball from her waist, then throwing it up into the air.

    As the ball popped open, the all-too familiar burst of a light flashed for a second, instantly dying down to reveal a Ponyta. This Ponyta seemed different from your average one, having a perfected posture, standing tall; nose slightly turned in the air. Around her neck was a Red Scarf, which actually matched the dancing flames that made up the Pokemon's mane and tail.

    As the Ponyta glanced around her surroundings, she turned her head downwards to become face-to-face with her Trainer. Apparently Kayley was the one thing this creature respected, just by looking at the way she had stood a few seconds ago.

    {Not there yet? Figured as much. Very well, I know what you want. Get on.} The Ponyta stated in a rather annoying know-it-all voice, which was dripping with boredom.

    It took a second or two for the human to piece her words together, all though not all of them, eventually stepping closer to the Pokemon and swinging the black case over her ride before slowly mounting the Ponyta.

    Leaping up with newfound excitement, the Mudkip, obviously dubbed Fishy, burst into giggles. He just loved these kinds of rides.

    "Okay, Razz, this path leads directly into town, just keep following it, and stop when we reach the entrance." Kayley said to the Ponyta, obviously named Razz.

    The Ponyta snorted in response, charging into an easy gallop within the next few seconds, forcing Fishy to tighten his grip on Kayley's shoulder.

    OOC: Tee hee, I'll enter eventually. =3

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Yayness Plushie! The cast ish gathered! ^^ But Yibber...you're really putting pressure on me, aren't you? Tsk, I suppose it's time for the train to arrive then.


    Chupon chuckled at Fang's comment, obviously the Zubat wasn't used to getting much positive feedback.

    Raistlin looked up at Maxie's question, taking note of the far less hostile tone in her voice, the girl seemed to be relaxing again. "It's supposedly a word in ancient Showgan." he replied, "Starseeker as I recall." he chuckled "Mother went absolutely frantic when she heard that I had been named like that. You see, they say that anyone who goes by that name is destined to travel in search of his dreams. And alas, that was not exactly what she had in mind."

    The boy was about to continue, but suddenly he could almost swear that he felt Ashura's accusing stare at the back of his head. He was supposed to be travelling incognito after all, and it might not have been a good idea to reveal too much of his family relations.

    Fortunately, the awkward silence that would have ensued was prevented by the noise that suddenly filled the compartment, and every other compartment on the train, as the train came to a screeching halt, the loudspeaker announcing this as well, quite a redundant procedure really.

    "Well, this is my stop." Rai said, smiling apologetically, rising to his feet once more and picking up Chupon in his arms before lifting up his backpack and slinging it over his shoulder "Until we meet again, Maxie." he bowed once more before exiting the compartment and dissapearing into the crowd outside.

    {See you later!} Chupon called out as they left, waving at Fang.


    A short while later, the pair exited the train station, Raistlin stepping slightly out of the main crowd's way.

    "That was close..." he said, stroking Chupon slightly, a slight measure of sadness in his voice. Despite having acted in accordance with all etiquette, the boy still felt a sting of guilt about the way he had left. They had just started getting along, and then he had to go babbling about things that shouldn't be spoken of and spoil it all.

    Chupon looked up, guessing his trainer's thoughts and hugging his neck as well as his chubby little gecko arms would allow him. {Do you think we'll meet them again?} the Treecko asked.

    "I hope so..." Rai replied, smiling at the grass type's gesture of empathy "I certainly hope so..."

    He began striding down the steps of the train station, taking in his surroundings. Zephyr Town was nice enough as towns went but there was nothing special to it. After all, what was there to be said about a town which was best known for its large harbour and train station? Zephyr Town wasn't the kind of place where things happened, it was the kind of place you went to when you wanted to get to other places, in the middle of everything without being locally exciting and, according to 'The Showgan Traveller's Guide', it was a great place to bring up children. The closest thing to excitement to be found was the Minane Trainer School, but the building was located a good bit from town so it didn't really count.

    "Come on out, Ashura." Rai said at last, unleashing the Scyther from her pokéball. Grouchy and crude though she was, the mantis pokémon's presence still made the boy feel better, and right now, in the middle of this crowd, the space that others gave her was a significant advantage as well. Walking onwards, one scene in particular caught the boy's attention. Standing not too far from the train station, a young girl, about Rai's age, her black hair falling about mid-back, was talking to a fisherman, and apparently finding herself in a spot of trouble.

    Ashura sighed at the look that ignited in Rai's eyes, the boy could never resist helping out a lady in need. And sure enough, Rai began discreetly making his way closer to the two people, beginning to listen in to the conversation. Chupon, who had taken up sitting on the boy's shoulder, turned his attention to it as well. He had the strangest feeling that they were about to witness a typical Raistlin plan soon enough.

    {Foolishness...} Ashura muttered, shaking her head in contempt {This is all foolishness...}
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    prepare yourself pls
  • 1,977
    What?What's I do??*looks ever so innocent*^^

    "Uh...well,I..."Jena started,hands behind her back,her feet continued their unwanted movements around the pavement.

    {Bleh,why should she tell you,punk!}Cascade stuck his tougue out to the fisherman when he wasn't paying attention.Slowly ceasing the rude face as he noticed someone heading towards them.

    {What is it now?}Ryne turned her head,feeling a rather strong emotion,followed by another type of feeling,which the Ralts couldn't exactly put her finger on.It was coming from the Scyther,and the boy beside it who was approaching them.

    "What?"Jena stared as a total and complete utter stranger walked towards her and Arnold.He looked like he had a good life,clothes like brand new.The girl couldn't help but take a glance at her skirt,which had become a little tattered after all those trainings.Jena sneaked out a sigh and shook her head as the fisherman looked away from her.

    "And who's this young man?"Arnold hadn't failed to notice the boy as well,giving him a good look from head to toe.

    "Ah.."Jena started to open her mouth,wondering what she could say.First,she was going to be busted,and now a strange boy walking up to them,not to mention with his rather agitated looking Scyther.


    Shinn & Hakudoushi > Everyone
  • 3,422
    • Seen Apr 6, 2012
    "Argh.. Just a bit more to go..." Silver said panting.. She was just a few steps away to reaching Zephyr Town.. "I've been travelling for at least 2days... Getting real tired.." she complained..

    {Yeah.. So are we..} Miruka and Yuraki agreed in unison...

    "Ahhh.. finally.. We're here.. Let's party!!" Silver cheered.. She walked towards the Pokemon Center and whispered to her Pokemon... "I think both of you deserve a rest.."

    {Yay!! Silver so rule!!} Miruka cheered..

    Silver handed her Pokemon to the lady at the reception. After a while, the lady passed her back the Pokemon in the pink of health.. "Now what should we do??" Silver thought..

    OCC: Flissie's feet are aching from all the walking today.. Argh..

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Gee...I have no idea Yibber. No idea at all...XD

    "Harlan Geldencross." Rai lied without as much as staggering, his actor's training showing itself as he walked over to Arnold with the well-disciplined stride that the guards outside the LeBlauqe mansion always held, and smiled politely while holding out a hand for him to shake "Geldencross Security services. And these are my partners." he gestured towards Chupon and Ashura "And I do believe that I have found the person I was dispatched to look for." he turned towards Jena, "You are lady..."

    {Minane.} Ashura, who's keen hearing had picked up the name while they walked over, shot in in her usual diligent manner. Although she didn't approve of the boy lying, she still found it preferable to him being caught doing so.

    "...Minane, correct?" Rai concluded, adding in the name so quickly that the pause was barely noticable "Your parents sent me to escort you."

    "Just play along, trust me..." he mouthed at a moment during which Arnold's attention had been shifted to Ashura, flashing the girl a mischievous grin before returning his expression to one of professional discipline.


    prepare yourself pls
  • 1,977
    *pokes Titan*you trying to be funny dude??

    Right Flissi...right,me hopes tha your legs,they feel better they do.*looks at clock*
    Oh yay,how late it ish...me mom's gonna come out here and bite me head off for using the comp so late.>_<

    Darn it,Yibber's family dragging her along to play badminton tomorrow...>_<
    I'll be too tired to RP tomorrow,so don't go so far without me!
    Or feel my wrath.>D

    "Uh...right!Right!"Jena tried her best to look as though she had just remembered the boy as he mouthed to her.

    "Really,I've heard Madam say that she wouldn't trust anyone other than a close family member her daughter."Arnold scratched his chin,refusing to give up.

    "This,he's my grandfather's,niece's,aunt's,brother's,cousin's,grand daughter's,uncle's,nephew!"she gestured to the boy,thinking up as much words to confuse the fisherman.Actually,they nothing like each other,apart from the color of their clothes.

    "Really?Close you say?"he asked the girl before taking another look at the boy.

    "Yup,very close,his father,comes to play chess with my papa every week or so."the girl fibbed.

    "I didn't see him when I taught you."the girl fumed at the fisherman,why couldn't he just accept the facts.

    "Oh look,is that a shiny Magikarp riding on a two headed Poliwag?"the girl called out pointing behind the fisherman.

    "Where?!"Arnold turned his back to the group.

    "Come on!"Jena stiffled a giggle as she grabbed the boy's wrist,pulling him and herself hard out of the fisherman's sight.
    Cascade and Ryne quickly ran after their trainer,though,they couldn't resist but stare at Ashura.


    "Right,I know I've to say thanks and all for helping me..."the girl said to the boy.Hoping that since he caught her last name,he didn't know the she was related to the Minane training school.

    "I'm Jena by the way,if you want to know."she didn't really know how to properly introduce herself,so dealed with telling the boy her name.

    "Okay..first of all,what's your deal coming out like that?"Jena didn't wait for the boy's reply to her name and started a conversation with him in a small alleyway,praying that it was far enough from Arnold.It felt rather stuffy,plus the boy's Scyther didn't seem to make things better as well.Well,the girl was used enough to tough-looking pokemon around the school,and the Scyther didn't seem all that bad anyway.Except for that look in its eyes.

    Alter Ego

    that evil mod from hell
  • 5,751
    OOC: Funny? Me? *Innocent face* I've never been funny in my whole life. Don't you believe me? XD


    {That I would like to know as well...} Ashura commented in a dry voice, promptly ignoring the rather open stares of Cascade and Ryne as she turned to keep watch over the alleyway, just in case they needed to make a quick escape, although she made a point of casting suspicious glances at Jena now and again. She already knew the answer though, so she didn't really bother to wait for the boy to reply.

    Rai grinned slightly sheepishly at the girl's question, noting that she hadn't left any room for him to make an introduction. He still needed to gather experience of commonfolk manners it seemed. "You looked like you were in trouble." he replied honestly, "I just wanted to help that's all."

    {Yeah!} Chupon squeaked up {We were just trying to be nice, honest!}

    {Meddle in things that are none of your concern more likely...} Ashura muttered, why her trainer had to get involved with the troubles of every strange female he came across on this day she didn't know.
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  • 1,186
    {ooc| I'm really busy..working on my Mum's birthday card... blergh, I hate coloured pencils. They roll everywhere. I've spent about 40% of the afternoon just scrambling around after the darn things.}

    The girl gave a sigh of relief as the train drew into the station.
    "Well...bye..." she muttered to Raitlin, but he had already left. He evidently couldn't wait to get shot of her, and Maxie was happy to say the feeling was mutual. Boys his age were an-noy-ing! Her mind darted back to Mac, who had been her partner for...what, three months now? He was clever; she gave him credit, he could work her and Fang around the tight sort of situations she just didn't have the brain power for... but he was still an eager little beaver. She pulled a face at the thought.

    Fang laughed out loud at his trainer's fearsome expression. She had set her jaw in such a way she looked like an extremely irritable pit-bull - a sign, Fang had come to learn, meant she was stewing in dislike.
    {Maaaaxie. We need to go, remember?}
    She gave a rough sort of sigh, and allowed the bat to hop back in her pocket. Together, they joined the thrumming crowd, and exited the train.

    A minite later, they stood on the station. Maxie sniffed. This town smelt funny. Too clean, she decided. Fang would have decribed it as a 'lemon-fresh scent' that hung over the station - to Maxie, it was more like 'bleach-and-disinfectant-overload'.
    Her eyes fell on the boy - what was his name again? (She had already forgotton) - a few feet away. What a moron he was! He was chatting to another girl now, one Maxie noticed, was extremely pretty. She 'ha-rumphed' and turned to walk in the opposite direction, when Fang spoke up.
    {Maxie, you left your pen on the train.} he squeaked. {You're so forgetful, you'd loose your head if it wasn't screwed on-} Maxie froze. She turned very quickly, causing her pokemon to give a yelp of fright. {Max?} he asked tensely.
    Her reply came in a strained, thin voice.
    "Sephy's pokeball is missing!"

    {ooc| lmao at Yibber's post xD
    DUN DUN DUN! Man, I love playing Maxie. She gives me an excuse to be a complete she-dog and take the mick out of everyone.}
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