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[Essentials Tutorial] Sideways Stairs without using events

  • 16
    Hey all!
    I've seen a lot of games implementing sideways stairs lately using events that will check for player input on the tiles and then move accordingly(I had this myself until a few days ago) and I thought that there should be an easier way, since the events may also hinder the complete overview in RPG Maker.

    So I thought of a way to create terrain tags for sideways stairs with specific movements, so that these stair tiles won't need events anymore. I created this in Essentials version 16.1 and haven't tested it in any other. At the moment, I have no interest in trying to make this for Essentials version 17, but it shouldn't be much different, so you can still try if that works.

    First, you'll want to create 2 new terrain tags. For this, in the Scripts part of RPG Maker, go to PBTerrain and create 2 new terrain tags there(in a clean copy this should be done after Bridge = 15, otherwise add them after your last terrain tag). Lets call the first StairsLeftUp and the second StairsRightUp and remember the numbers of the tags. In my case, StairsLeftUp has tag 24 and StairsRightUp has tag 25.

    Lets assign these tags to the correct tiles now. First, close RPG Maker as the tags may not be saved correctly when it's open. Now, you want to run Editor.exe in your project's root folder and find Set Terrain Tags. Go the the correct tileset and find your stair tiles.


    Now put the terrain tags as on the picture here. Since I had tag 24 for StairsLeftUp, I put 24 on the stairs where the left-side is up. You should change the 24 and 25 to your own tags accordingly.

    Now there's just 1 thing left to do and that is to change to movement of the player when the player is on one of those tiles. For this, open RPG Maker XP and go the Scripts part and then to Game_Player.

    In this, find move_left using CTRL+F or just scroll to line 90(or something close to that) and replace the method with the move_left method found in the attachment and do the same for the move_right method.

    In these methods, the terrain tag numbers are used again, so if you didn't use 24 and 25 as terrain tags, you'll need to change these accordingly.(These are only found in the if- and elsif-statements of the code)

    Right now the stairs should be working correctly, so I recommend you test them to make sure they are working for you.

    I hope this works out for you guys and if you have any questions, just ask them here or PM me!


    • Stairs.txt
      1.8 KB · Views: 559
    Works great! However if you have the following pokémon script, the pokémon doesn't follow the path of the stairs but it goes right behind you, looking a bit weird. Is there any way of fixing this? Thanks!
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    Works great! However if you have the following pokémon script, the pokémon doesn't follow the pack of the stairs but it goes right behind you, looking a bit weird. Is there any way of fixing this? Thanks!

    I think you need adapt 'def updateDependentEvents' or 'def pbFollowEventAcrossMaps' about this tileset because 'def pbMoveDependentEvents' uses it:
      def pbMoveDependentEvents
        for i in 0...events.length
          # Update X and Y for this event
          # Set leader to this event
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    This was a great tutorial. My attempt at it worked for some stairs, but not others. The only ones that don't work, are ones that are 1 tile wide by 3 tiles in length going up and down. I don't know if this is a tile recognition issue, or if it's something else on my end.
    Hey, Can we make "upstairs" and "downstairs" with camera movement?:
    I mean when we move to a level higher forward than the ground and the camera goes with it?
    Or Vertical movement in stairs going forward not any sides.
    Thank you for this!!! I am implementing a lot of sideways stairs in my game. My library and my mansion are going to have some form of sideways stairs. This will save so much time having to create events!

    One question is there a way to change how high up upper left and upper right go? For example I made an arched bridge. And it looks terrible when the player just walks flatly over it. But upper left and upper right bring the player to high up for whatever reason.
    Thank you for this!!! I am implementing a lot of sideways stairs in my game. My library and my mansion are going to have some form of sideways stairs. This will save so much time having to create events!

    One question is there a way to change how high up upper left and upper right go? For example I made an arched bridge. And it looks terrible when the player just walks flatly over it. But upper left and upper right bring the player to high up for whatever reason.

    I don't want to say for certain, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a way to change how high up left/right you can go. You might need to get creative with your stairs.

    You could do something like alternating between upper left -> left -> upper left -> left to make a less steep angle, but that also might not work with the stair design. My only other idea is to create an event that sets your move route up or down to get a really steep angle, and you could freeze the animation so that the character still faces left or right when moving up/down.
    Hey, Can we make "upstairs" and "downstairs" with camera movement?:
    I mean when we move to a level higher forward than the ground and the camera goes with it?
    Or Vertical movement in stairs going forward not any sides.

    I have the same question. Is it possible? Thank you in advance!
    Hey all!
    I've seen a lot of games implementing sideways stairs lately using events that will check for player input on the tiles and then move accordingly(I had this myself until a few days ago) and I thought that there should be an easier way, since the events may also hinder the complete overview in RPG Maker.

    So I thought of a way to create terrain tags for sideways stairs with specific movements, so that these stair tiles won't need events anymore. I created this in Essentials version 16.1 and haven't tested it in any other. At the moment, I have no interest in trying to make this for Essentials version 17, but it shouldn't be much different, so you can still try if that works.

    First, you'll want to create 2 new terrain tags. For this, in the Scripts part of RPG Maker, go to PBTerrain and create 2 new terrain tags there(in a clean copy this should be done after Bridge = 15, otherwise add them after your last terrain tag). Lets call the first StairsLeftUp and the second StairsRightUp and remember the numbers of the tags. In my case, StairsLeftUp has tag 24 and StairsRightUp has tag 25.

    Lets assign these tags to the correct tiles now. First, close RPG Maker as the tags may not be saved correctly when it's open. Now, you want to run Editor.exe in your project's root folder and find Set Terrain Tags. Go the the correct tileset and find your stair tiles.


    Now put the terrain tags as on the picture here. Since I had tag 24 for StairsLeftUp, I put 24 on the stairs where the left-side is up. You should change the 24 and 25 to your own tags accordingly.

    Now there's just 1 thing left to do and that is to change to movement of the player when the player is on one of those tiles. For this, open RPG Maker XP and go the Scripts part and then to Game_Player.

    In this, find move_left using CTRL+F or just scroll to line 90(or something close to that) and replace the method with the move_left method found in the attachment and do the same for the move_right method.

    In these methods, the terrain tag numbers are used again, so if you didn't use 24 and 25 as terrain tags, you'll need to change these accordingly.(These are only found in the if- and elsif-statements of the code)

    Right now the stairs should be working correctly, so I recommend you test them to make sure they are working for you.

    I hope this works out for you guys and if you have any questions, just ask them here or PM me!

    where did you find these stairs? who is the creator of these stairs? Is it free to use?
    Idk why but it doesn't work for me, what is the exact thing I need to replace? I replaced move_left after 'then' with the 'def move_left ...' from the script, but at first it only made my character turn instead of walk and then it worked but made my game crash as I walked onto the 24/25 terrain tiles.
    Can someone tell me what the part is that I need to replace and if anything changed since the most recent pokemon essentials update.