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[Showcase] Sniwott's Art Dump

  • 37
    • He/Him/His
    • Seen Nov 29, 2023
    Art, art, art. My beginnings in art started when I was a wee lad, drawing mostly Mega Man fanart, along with original art and some oddball horror movie fanart... even as a 5 year old lol. I stopped drawing for nearly 10 years, but then I returned to creating art for the sake of wanting to make fanart of my absolute favorite things. Of course, Pokemon is one of them, along with Sonic and Mega Man (again). I've also dabbled in ship art, furry art, and sometimes gift art for my friends or people who I admire. It's been a long and tough journey, but with a lot of free time and practice, I eventually got... somewhat decent at drawing, and I try to strive everyday to draw new things.

    Okay, my art history is over now hah. This will be the place where I dump my art, particularly the pieces I'm the most proud of, spanning from 2-3 years ago to now. Not sure if it's okay to post non-Pokemon art here just yet, but if so I can always post them as a reply to this thread (iirc that's how these forums work, being new is a struggle :P). In any manner, here are just a few examples of art I've created over the last couple of years, constructive criticism is welcome but I'd rather you save it for the newer pieces rather than the old ones.

    The full of my pfp wowwww (November of 2021)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    The first time I tried rendering and it didn't work lol (October of 2022)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    A very dapper Wartortle (August of 2022)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    Zangoose looks at Twitter dot com (August of 2022)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    Wotter on the water thinking about a snake (January of 2022)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    Well, there ya go, these drawings ranged from taking me 2 hours to taking me... 10 hours. I'm trying. :')
    Well I finished another drawing, but I've been sitting on it for a few days as I wasn't quite sure how to do the spoiler tags on here yet (can barely remember how to do them on Discord lol). By this point I've obviously figured it out, so hopefully everything goes right.

    CW for smoking​

    psssst post oshawott x snivy fanart while everyones asleep and also its a late post that was meant for valentines day

    CW for romance (since you gotta do that here :P)​

    Anybody remember Pokémon Sweet version or Sweet 2th? Cause I've been thinking about it a lot lately hah. I'm working on a drawing for it currently (in the sketch/lineart phase) but for now I decided to just draw the 2 Pokésweets that I'm putting in said drawing... traditionally. It has been years since I've done traditional art lmao. I even threw on some color and broke out the crayons lol.

    (it looked weird without ears so i added them anyways)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    Sorry for the bad lighting, this is part of the reason why I never do traditional art anymore
    This is like my second time trying to draw this Pokémon but it's so difficult-

    Quick Aggron doodle I did during a work break today, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out... for the most part.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    It's rare for me to be proud of my sketches lately hah
    Oh my gosh it's been so long since I've been here, oops! I've kind of forgotten how to... do stuff on here thanks to that. Hopefully this posts correctly...

    I've been busy with life, work, personal stuff, grinding like a madman, just about anything you could think of haha. Remembered this site while I was posting my newest art on other social media, haven't taken a break on that since I was last here obviously. Also the reason why I'm continuing this thread, I've got some new stuff to post since March, so enough about life huh?

    I've drawn a good number of drawings for what I usually make every year since March, partially thanks to ArtFight, and I'm very happy with most of them, so I'll just show some of the pieces that I'm happy with. Hope you all like them too!

    The Monster Within https://sonic-x.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Sonic look at the gallery, should be the first picture, that's the specific frame I redrew.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    After a Day's Work
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump

    Family <3 (this is the art I was talking about that reminded me of this place)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Sniwott's Art Dump
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