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So Close to Show Time [Dish #53]

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    So Close to Show Time

    So as I have mentioned before, September marks the month that my dance partner and I will debut as a partnership. We've been working very hard and things are coming along quite nicely, so I'm optimistic about the future right now and really hyped to get the show on the road.

    Our first competition will be on the 20th of September, a competition that is already set to mark an influx of new couples in our division. I'm really happy to see the field becoming healthier since it has dwindled a lot in recent years but at the same time I have to admit that I'm feeling a bit nervous. I haven't competed seriously in a long time and I don't want poor results to mar my return to the competitive scene, especially after how hard my partner and I have been working. I really do not want to let her nor myself down. After that competition we then have states, which is going to be held in a stadium again after many years of being stuck in crappy hotel ballrooms.

    Before either of those competitions though, we are part of a fundraising event to raise money for competitive couples at our studio to be able to travel interstate or internationally to compete. This fundraising event is a showcase in which rather than performing our usual competitive routines for the audience, all the couples involved will be presenting show dance numbers (think story lines, lifts, drops, interesting costumes etc).

    Most of the couple will be performing medleys, however my partner and I have chosen to stick to one dance, in this case, the waltz. We will be using the song below.


    It's a very theatrical and emotional piece, which is something I do struggle with as an autistic person, but I'm really happy with how it is coming together. The story of the dance is quite simple; my character is an unfaithful man who has given in to temptation and cheated on his spouse/girlfriend, he feels regret over his actions but it's too late for that. My partner plays the wronged lady who is torn between her love towards my character and her pain and revulsion at what he's done, and I have to say she is a very talented actress and plays her part superbly.

    Anyway, I'm really hyped about the show and really proud of my choreography so I can't wait for the proper performance. Here's hoping that it all goes well and that I don't drop my partner on her head. I'll be sure to update my blog with how things go after the 12th.
