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So who's good with trivial facts?


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  • 10,719
    Do you enjoy solving puzzles by identifying a Pokémon through a given set of facts about it? If so, you might wanna try out...

    That's right - it's our very first Bonus Puzzle of "Who's That Pokémon," named Trembling Trivia! Usually, in WTP puzzles, you must figure out a Pokémon's identity by closely observing a piece of its art. However, in "Trembling Trivia," you will instead be presented with a set of trivial facts (based on information from Bulbapedia), and through a bit of research, you can try and find out the Pokémon that is best described by the clue! (You might even win an emblem if you're lucky!)

    Are you interested in trying it out? If so, great! You can either head on over to the Pokémon Trivia section, or click this link here to access the puzzle! Good luck~!

    - Revise