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So yeah I'm not the best at spriting.


  • 13,184
    • Age 31
    • Seen Jan 30, 2015
    So today, I thought, "I think spriting is cool! I'm going to try!" So I made a sprite. Don't be too harsh on me, it is my first sprite after all, but I would like a bit of constructive criticism. I'm not exactly...the artistic type. I had a lot of fun with it though, going as far as creating stats and abilities and researching a moveset to make sure that it would work.

    Disclaimer: This sprite may cause brain hemorrhaging, bleeding eyes, and/or a sudden desire to cleanse yourself by looking at spriters that don't suck.

    So pokemon style is what you trying to do right?

    First off: Black outlines! I see you used dark colors for the shadow outlines, but use black. (Not pure, but close)

    Your shadowing is good, but still needs improvement, not sure on how to help here.

    So your other outlines need work too. Looks flat (Fix outlines/Shadows, maybe shape.)

    Pretty good, dont work there are worse :x and it takes time to get good
    I think it looks great. :] However it doesn't look like a pokemon sprite because you probably used a shading technique that isn't used on actual pokemon sprites. I read a guide a while back when I was interested in giving spriting a shot, and it said there were two ways to shade, and it looks as though you chose the way that the guide said not to shade (it's not that it makes it look bad, it just doesn't look Pokemon style).

    He's pretty cute though. :]
    omg that's amazing you're so good. ;__;

    ...i like how countryemo and i's comments are like opposites lol okay make that the above comment too

    @countryemo: Thanks for the feedback! I fixed the outlines, and tried to work on the shading, not sure if I succeeded. Realized halfway through that I was treating the blue and the yellow as two separate parts instead of part of a whole rough fish, maybe that's where I was going wrong xD

    @.Aero: You wouldn't happen to have a link to that tutorial, would you? I was looking up some tutorials, but none of them were especially helpful, especially on shading. They pretty much just said "imagine a light source, now shade gogogo" xD

    @Forever: Hahah thanks xDD
    I'll be honest, I just spent about 20 minutes looking for that guide I was referring to, but I can't seem to find it. xD I'll keep looking though and come back and let you know where it is when I find it. :]
    Hahah, that's alright. No pressure. :3

    Also, I updated the sprite in the post to try to reflect some of the suggestions I'm getting. Not sure if I succeeded in implementing them.