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[Idea] Some SV-themed article ideas


7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,979
    I'm interested in all of these, but if someone wants to write it instead, happy for that as well. I don't have time for all of them soon on top of other article stuff.

    Some article ideas I've had that at least partly have to do with SV:

    • A short piece on dynamic battle music. This is actually both Legends: Arceus and SV. The former has alright battle music but a) often go too quickly (trainer battles...) and b) do not mesh well with the themes and getting interrupted by 'a Pokemon saw you' song, aka the Paras theme song. And then suddenly the game has that segment that has a different overworld theme and a more intense version used for battles. And it's great! SV meanwhile builds on it with all the regular wild battle themes, as well as in Area Zero. Deserves some highlighting imo.
    • A more general SV music article review, ala the ones I did for SwSh (and its DLC music) and BDSP.
    • An article about Pecharunt and how it was handled. Good to see a mythical Pokemon finally get a story again - although I suppose Shaymin did again in BDSP, and there was Arceus in Legends? But it was the title mon... meanwhile we had Zeroara and Zarude just chucked in, Volcanion without even anything outside of the games - compare to the gen 4 and 5 days. It's a good return to form there imo.

    Tbh, I wanted to write an article, but I don't know where to start!
    The general flow is:
    - Post a thread here on the article idea you have
    - Daily staff respond to it, maybe ask some questions, and approve it
    - You get a Daily/WordPress account made by me (if you don't have one yet) and you can write the article on that backend
    - Daily staff help proofread and edit it
    - Article gets published!

    If you were interested in one of these ideas (or a different SV-themed article), then you can say so here, but if it's on a different topic, new thread would be the way to go.
    I can get behind all these ideas, the Pecharunt one especially. Maybe it can include reference to the Meloetta inclusion in Indigo Disk?
    I can get behind all these ideas, the Pecharunt one especially. Maybe it can include reference to the Meloetta inclusion in Indigo Disk?
    Yes, I was thinking about Meloetta as well! Albeit a bit more on the 'obscure crap Pokemon expects people to find out to get ___' theme of article, e.g. the Regi stuff in ORAS, going back to Feebas in gen 3.

    I suppose there is space for Meloetta words in both this and that article should I do that, but the focus would be 'yay a story for Pecharunt'... and then at the same time pointing out a bunch of lore on it is social media video only. Sigh...