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Sora's New Trading Offers!!!

OK Sorry I was hungry:

FC: 0516-7188-1025 (Name: Steven)

I am on Wi-Fi right now
Need WISHMKR Jirachi?

***This Message isn't short thanks to this Filler***
Then why do you need:
Movie Jirachi(Wishing Star)?

I want... uhhh Shiny Peliper if it's UT?
If not Shiny Bibarel if it's UT.
Hey Sora I want your Red Gyarados.

Is there any of my previous offerings that you desire? I will give you both a Shiny Hariyama and a Shiny Gastly for that Gyarados if it comes to that. But all trades will be started tomarrow.
I thought there were no such things as shiny Gastrodons or Shelloses as their color variation depends on which side of Sinnoh they are encountered. If the Gastrodon is not pink or blue please describe it.

Also what nature does your shiny Tentacool have? Is it UT? What level is it on?

Same questions for the Shiny Graveler (I must have the Graveler since I found one in my Silver version and I counldn't catch it because I had notin to catch it with!)
I Will Check In a Min Doing Home work, reply to this and I will reply back
I Will Check In a Min Doing Home work, reply to this and I will reply back

Also you mentioned that you wanted a Manaphy hatched from an egg does this referr to the Pkmn Ranger Manaphy?

Never mind about the Shiny Gastrodon/Shellos I found out that shines are possible for them is the Gastrodon Pink or Blue because I like the Blue one much more.
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No, I mean The OT: OT HATCHED

Tentacool is Modest and UT
Graverler is Hardy and UT too

Yea in Silver or Gold i Almost Caught a Shiny Golbat.