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Sparrowsblade Games - My Current Pokémon Games Challenges

  • 4
    • Seen Mar 3, 2024
    Hi all I hope this is ok but I currently have a couple of challenges up on YouTube. Ive just started out I do these for fun but of course I aspire to be able to do this and make a small living off eventually leaving my current full time job in the past. I know this could take ages years even but I'm determined and I'll have fun trying !!!

    I'll keep adding them here when they are ready!

    1. Pokémon Emerald with only a Cyndaquil -

    2. Pokémon Bubble Blue (Using Bubble in Combat) -
    Hi there. This subforum's mostly for posting rules for challenges that other posters can follow, as well as discussion of said challenges. If you want to make threads for videos and lets plays of your challenges, the place to do that is Travel Journals, but you should split these up by playthrough. (e.g. one thread for the Cyndaquil solo run, and another for the Bubble challenge.)
    Hello there, Challenges mod here! I have moved over the thread to Travel Journals as it is the best place for it. Like Explorer of Time said, the Challenges subforum works more in a way of giving other forum users a challenge they can take on, whereas simply updating your own progress can be more easily done here. As for splitting up this thread, I personally don't see anything wrong with the way it's set up now, considering the way you're presenting the challenges (one video each), so I'd say the choice is up to you. Thanks for sharing your progress and best of luck for your future runs!
    Hello there, Challenges mod here! I have moved over the thread to Travel Journals as it is the best place for it. Like Explorer of Time said, the Challenges subforum works more in a way of giving other forum users a challenge they can take on, whereas simply updating your own progress can be more easily done here. As for splitting up this thread, I personally don't see anything wrong with the way it's set up now, considering the way you're presenting the challenges (one video each), so I'd say the choice is up to you. Thanks for sharing your progress and best of luck for your future runs!
    Thanks for the feedback really appreciate it!! I think I'll need all the luck in the world but at least it's fun. I had a lovely little moment with my son when I was off work which made me realise that it can be possible with hard work and determination to achieve what you want out of life -
    this video explains it in more depth if your interested!

    Hi there. This subforum's mostly for posting rules for challenges that other posters can follow, as well as discussion of said challenges. If you want to make threads for videos and lets plays of your challenges, the place to do that is Travel Journals, but you should split these up by playthrough. (e.g. one thread for the Cyndaquil solo run, and another for the Bubble challenge.)
    Thanks for the feedback appreciate it !