Cool animation, Katsu Koneko. Here's another picture of Ash:
A Movie 9 Animation made by me~ ^__^
~Rene~ :t133:
Cool animation, Katsu Koneko. Here's another picture of Ash:
A Movie 9 Animation made by me~ ^__^
Yeah, another odd thing, XDDIt'd be like a Yami/Hikari thing like in Yuugiou. -shotfallsover-
Cool animation~ I havent watched the 9th movie yet... but I have the manga of it.
A Movie 9 Animation made by me~ ^__^
Yeah, another odd thing, XDD
Cool animation~ I havent watched the 9th movie yet... but I have the manga of it.
Cool banner, Katsu Koneko. Anyway, here's another picture of Ash:
~Rene~ :t133:
Whoa... that pic looks like Ash's head is like a pendulum... random.
^ Funny... I dont remember that scene.
It's from one of the trailers. ^^
Aaah, but is it in the movie itself? Because I've only watched the movie. xD