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SSBB the forbidden 7

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Sorry, but that's all a bunch of nothing. We all have characters we wish made the mix, but Dr. Mario was TOO much a clone. Faclo was given differences, like Luigi. Cel Link, meh, Young Link is the same. You also just added three different versions of the same character, that would be a collosal waste.

We all knew Pichu was gone before they annouced the game. Did you honestly think that they would put him in part three? Ganodorf was also given noticable differences from C.Falcon. With Link in, we knew Ganon would return.

As they say, you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. You were just the unfortunate latter. Some people would be pleased by the final lineup, some dissapointed. I, as well as many, am quite pleased at the drops, as many clones left, while keeping enough to mildly please the masses, like with Ness & Marth. Others, like you, are upset at the drops. Some had to make a drop, bound to be a few you wanted.. But you have to stop & think, "Did I really think that these characters would make it in the third game?". Honestly, Pichu? I liked Mewtwo. But, he left for Luke. Oh well, they play close enough.

And this crap "maybe he's tricking us" is the stupidest thing I've heard so far. He might change is mind, who knows, but spouting off that nonsense is stupid. He is not going to purposely lie, for such immature nonsense. If he had said "maybe so", or, "Most likely not", or even better, "we don't currently have plans on that" there is a glimmer of hope. But he said a flat no. there is no "Mabye it's a big burtday surpize!!! WEEEE!!!". Please, fix your grammer. It seems less trolling if you do.
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he wouldnt be lyeing he would be tricking us so we dont think there will be downloadable stuff and when we least expect it it is downloadable.

That's a load of bull, sorry. :/

Instead of being stubborn and constantly disapproving of what people say when they disagree with you, try learn accepting it and move on. As far as everyone else is concerned, you don't have any actual evidence to back up these so-called secret characters. Reading information provided from forums definitely don't assure of anything.

IGN: We have to ask because there are so many rumors about this. Are there any hidden characters to come? Can you unlock more hidden fighters by way of WiiConnect24 or will you offer new downloadable content -- new fighters, for example. -- using the service?

Masahiro Sakurai: No. There are no characters that can be unlocked via connecting to WiiConnect24 or interacting in that fashion. And I may be mistaken here, but the Wii doesn't have a hard drive -- it's a disc-based system -- so I don't think we'll be doing that, I don't think it's going to happen.


There you have it. Don't expect any downloadable characters.
That's a load of bull, sorry. :/

Instead of being stubborn and constantly disapproving of what people say when they disagree with you, try learn accepting it and move on. As far as everyone else is concerned, you don't have any actual evidence to back up these so-called secret characters. Reading information provided from forums definitely don't assure of anything.


There you have it. Don't expect any downloadable characters.

Plain 'n simple, the cold heart truth. We don't wanna hear it, but we all knew it was true.
I think there was also data (victory fanfare I think) found for Mewtwo and Roy. But...we were denied a cel-shaded (sorta...I don't what this is in Brawl. But doesn't look like TWW or PH at all) Sheik? Darn.


Arrmegeddenmon, please don't double post. I'm going to edit your two posts together.
how do people think there wont be downloadable chars this game is for the wii why wouldnt you think there will be downloadable chars.
how do people think there wont be downloadable chars this game is for the wii why wouldnt you think there will be downloadable chars.

you know i just dont know
maybe its just the fact that the creator said there wouldnt be any xD
sorry j/k

but i wish there would be but there isnt going to be any =[
Arrmagedon, you're just being thick-headed. Shirosashi just posted the Quote straight from the man in chargge of the game saying that there won't be any downloadable content. He even gave a link to the site (that I checked out) in which the main developer even stated WHY there won't be downloadable content.

You got to get it though your skull. There will be no downloadable content. Not a chance. He clearly stated why, and it seems like you are covering your ears while singing to drown out all reasonable arguements.
nobody thinks he may be tricking people so he can surprise.

Get over it. You are only making yourself look bad at this point. He won't "trick" people. This isn't elementary school. He put the rumors to rest. He gave a flat "NO". So give it up. He even explained why he can't have downloadable content. Please, just stop now.
in the source thing he said i dont think

No. The first word he said was No. He said I don't think it has the software for that. but he said a clear no. Now you are trolling. Get over it. There is no surprise, there is no "he's lying", and there is no hope for this content. You have no proof other than blind faith, that has no basis at all. He said no. No. That means don't even count on downloadable content. The sooner you accept this, the better.
I don't see where I was rude, but I'll tone it down. It annoying when you try to argue back without a basis.
nobody thinks he may be tricking people so he can surprise.

I recently had to do some research on Japanese culture, and one of the things I learned is that they are quite uncomfortable with directly saying "no." So, when they come right out and say that, you had better believe that they mean it.
I recently had to do some research on Japanese culture, and one of the things I learned is that they are quite uncomfortable with directly saying "no." So, when they come right out and say that, you had better believe that they mean it.

He's right, Arrmegeddenmon. I've learned that through my own self-studies of Japanese culture.

Arrmegeddenmon, you're quite the pathetic thing :/

You're being stupid in refusing to see the truth

And also, the whole "OMGZ 1F U D0un7 B3131v3 m3 g0D kI11z 73H P1k@c00z!!!" is just plain idiotic.

Small trace of other charcetrs have been found in the data, but they're all incomplete, which means they were scrapped sometime during the actual making of the game.
I really don't think any of those char. will be in SSBB so you might just wana give up cuz hese ppl have already explained right to the point also like Dunsprace said there incomplete so there is none.
It really, really would be. Like Popo & Nana.
He's right, Arrmegeddenmon. I've learned that through my own self-studies of Japanese culture.

Arrmegeddenmon, you're quite the pathetic thing :/

You're being stupid in refusing to see the truth

And also, the whole "OMGZ 1F U D0un7 B3131v3 m3 g0D kI11z 73H P1k@c00z!!!" is just plain idiotic.

Small trace of other charcetrs have been found in the data, but they're all incomplete, which means they were scrapped sometime during the actual making of the game.

well guess what land snake ! knowone likes being called pathadic and nobody likes being callad stupid . you could ask everyone in the world if they like being called pathadic or stupid and everyone would say no.what if i dont like the truth not everyone does.
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